An Interesting 'Punishment'

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As Eclipse walked closer, he was just looking over his shoulder at his bleeding hand...
Sun just... Continued to watch the blood drip from his hand... His mind blocking Eclipse's presence.
It wasn't enough...
Do. It. Again.
Don't.. He's there, behind you.
He'll know.
He'll hurt you more and it won't be pleasant.

Eclipse's hand went to hold Sun's bleeding hand, looking at it a bit closer.. Not too close, a length where both could see Sun's hand, sort of going back and forth between the wall and the hand but he's mainly staring at the hand. Sun only stood there, silently.
Do something.
Say something!
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot!

What if.... What if Eclipse didn't actually cared? Just-.... Wanted to know what happened and why- Yeah-.... That's it. He isn't mad.
Why does it feel like fear is being built up in his own body?...
Does Eclipse's presence alone causes this?
" Why are we punching walls right now? " Eclipse asked, seemingly not sounding angry... Nor upset.
Just... Curious.
Sun shrugged a little. " Just.... Had an urge to do it.... I guess.... "
You know he knows!

Eclipse hummed a bit. " Upset? Or just to do it..? "
" I... Don't know. Just felt like I had to... "
" Hm... " He poked at the bleeding spots a bit..
Sun didn't flinch, he was just-... Numb.
Eclipse stared at his hand for a second.. Before letting it go.. " Alright, next option? "
" What were the options again?... " Dummy how could you forget.
" Easy ones, outside or choking.. but there are many others... " Eclipse's words trailed out. Sun stood silent, most likely to think, before answering, " Outside.. "
Eclipse nodded, walking off, surely excepting Sun to follow.. Walking off to the storage room... Before going off to the front door
Well Sun did follow... He just- Has to. Just obey.
Just obey.
You'll be fine afterwards.
Eclipse continued on, unlocking the the door... A bit slowly... But I suppose he is not in a rush for this...
Sun just stood there, slightly fidgeting with his own fingers as he waited.
He won't ever understand why Eclipse uses this many locks.. Yet again, he would try to escape so it's quite.. Fair enough. But it's so... Irritatingly slow.
Eclipse eventually got it unlocked and opened, waiting for Sun to leave first. And he did, as he waited for Eclipse to come as well.
Better listen to him than against him.

Eclipse followed him out, closing the door, continuing onwards away from the town this time, in which Sun just followed...
Just follow.
Just follow.
Just follow.
Listen to him and maybe he'll stop.
Eventually, further away from the town, Eclipse stabbed something into a tree...
And the next thing you know, Sun's chained up tightly and very securely to the tree - like chains were not only on his wrist and neck but also wrapped around him in certain places - and Eclipse just left him chained to the tree.

Sun only stood there, knowing that struggling was futile. Now all he needs to do is...
To be patient.....
Maybe he'll stop afterwards...

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