Chapter 23: What Came Before

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Apocalyptic Returning was not always as powerful as they are today." Shen chatted while the group walked through the deserted wasteland that was once known as Northern Nebraska. "The group originally only had seven members all of which weren't nearly as strong as they are today."

"These seven were also the first ones to ever bond with an exosuit. Boss, Walker, Jokerman, Four, Jack Monroe, Victor and Rampage. For a decade, these seven were the only exosuit users and were revered as Gods by many." Shen stopped walking for a moment and quit talking.

Shen stopping caused the other four to stop in their tracks and scan their surroundings. "Thought I heard something off to my right. Looks like it was nothing." After speaking, he continued walking as if nothing happened.

"Victor is the one who discovered and creates the exosuits. No one else has ever been able to successfully create an exosuit, and any who has tried has been killed off by Victor." Shen talked as he walked.

"Victor is one that hates interfering with our affairs and believes we should be left to our own devices. He sees himself as a God and dedicates his life to protecting humanity. And as he is our God, we are his instruments to keeping humanity safe." Malachi spoke. "We are his children, agents of destruction and greatest success."

"Then why doesn't he stop people like Muerte?" Hook questioned. "Doesn't keeping someone like Muerte alive go against his directive of protecting humanity."

"Hahaha" Malachi laughed lightly. "Perhaps I should rephrase. His main directive is to protect humanity from extinction and "alien" threats. What humanity does to each other is something I do not think he cares about. If he did, he never would have given someone like Atroz Muerte an exosuit."

"We're being watched." Shen said out of the blue, his eyes darting to the left. In the distance he saw a pair of red glowing eyes inside an abandoned building. Upon making eye contact, the eyes faded away into the darkness provided by the destroyed building. "Abandoned building about a thousand feet northwest."

"Are you sure." Malachi looked northwest and saw nothing but the destroyed building.

"Burning red eyes." Shen replied simply, instantly confirming to Malachi what he saw.

"We should be grateful we made it this far without coming into contact with any infected." Malachi stated, multiple butterflies constructed from purple energy now flying around him. "Prepare yourself, I doubt it will be long before first contact."

"There's an eye on the ground." Hook said which caught everyone's attention. "It's just looking at me. Kinda-" A bone spike suddenly pierced out of the ground and stabbed into his stomach. Then, a moment later, an infected jumped out of the ground and hit him across the face which launched him backward.

Hook hit the ground beside Nero and Magna, both of which dragged him back as Malachi engaged with the infected. "Fuck" Hook coughed while clutching at his wound. With his free hand, he threw his chain which wrapped around the leg of the infected. Pulling the chain caused the infected to be dropped to the floor.

Punching through a spike made of bone, Malachi used his purple energy to redirect another spike back into the arm of the infected. As the infected prepared to let out a screech, a butterfly of purple energy flew into its head. Upon making contact with flesh, the butterfly deconstructed back into purple energy which flowed into the beast's brain.

After a moment of the purple energy flowing through the beast's brain, it began to writhe on the ground and screech in pain. "I am sorry." Malachi added solemnly while punching his hand into the beast head. Grabbing hold of its brain, Malachi ripped his hand out along with its rotted brain. "May your soul rest in peace."

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