Chapter 31: What happened at Ceramin Bay?

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"Graves is on his way." Malachi sat on an injured Rez, who lay barely conscious on the ground.

"Good to know." Crow stated while examining Rez. "But that's not what I asked."

"One of my own are also trying to get into contact with an someone user who just recently became an exosuit user." Malachi informed while patting Rez on the head.

"At least tell me why you decided to beat the shit out of Rez." Crow demanded.

Malachi stayed quiet for a moment before answering. "You should be grateful I do not have this fool strung up and crucified for her sins."

"Oh my." Viper chuckled before kicking a small rock into Rez's head. "Haven't heard from Old Testament Malachi like that is a while."

"I try you know, try so hard to keep that man buried deep within." Malachi peered down at Rez and grabbed her by the neck while standing up. "Yet, somehow, there are still a select few who are able to push just the right buttons." Releasing his grip on Rez's throat allowed her to drop to the ground at his feet.

"All right everyone, shows over!" Viper yelled at all the soldiers that stood and watched them in the facility courtyard. "Back to work you damn worthless bums!"

'She will be fine, for the most part." Before Malachi could continue, Scout suddenly teleported in front of him along with Rampage.

"Excuse me?" Viper raised her revolver blade and pointed it at Rampage.

Crow, almost in a panic, stepped between Viper and Rampage before things got ugly. "You must be here for Nyx." He laughed nervously. "She's in the training bay on the north-eastern side of the facility."

"I'll be off then." Scout waved playfully at Malachi and Crow before teleporting away.

"Oh yea, almost forgot about your thing with her." Viper holstered her revolver onto her waist.

"You mind going with him Malachi." Crow ordered, Rampage already making his way to his destination. "I don't want anyone to misunderstand the situation and...cause problems."

After giving Crow a simple affirming nod, Malachi began to follow Rampage as he made his way through the facility. "Do you not fear being behind enemy lines like this?" Malachi questioned after seeing all the glances and comments being thrown Rampage's way.

"What here is there to fear?" Rampage responded simply.

"Arrogance" Malachi thought as they turned a corner. "I suppose I cannot blame him though. With pure power like his that can produce no rival, I see why he is the way he is." Stopping beside the door to the training room, Malachi turned to Rampage. "This is where I shall take my leave."

The door to the training room opened before Rampage, allowing him to walk inside. "There you are." He said upon seeing Nyx.

"You know, I can always come over to your guys' place. I don't think some here feel too fond of your presence." Nyx stated.

"They've never done anything about it and Crow doesn't seem to mind." Rampage responded.

Nyx skipped up to Rampage and jumped into his arms. "He knows better than to get between us." Her exosuit receded from around her face as Rampage's did the same. "Crow probably still remembers what you did to Deathswitch." She thought while putting her lips to Rampage's.

"You underestimated them." Boss chuckled in Zodiac's face. "You really though you could take on Mariquel with a handful of Captains and bug boy over there." He pointed at Krejit from across the room.

"What did I do." Krejit threw his arms up in defeat. "I was taking on multiple of them at a time, what else do you fucking want from me?"

"And what the fuck did your guys do there that was so helpful, other than beta the shit out of one of our own." Zodiac argued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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