The weirdo's. . .

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After the almost fatal accident,Tori's life hadn't changed. . .much.She had lived on normally,joking with her father and helping her mother make abnormal amounts of food dishes for the daycare she managed.Tori kept up her lessons,paid for her own violin repairs and eventually bought a new one the following month when she completely gave up on the last one.But there was something.Everywhere she went,she saw strange things.Or rather,creatures.Looming,disfigured and frightening monsters at the nighttime when she went on her usual midnight escapade adventures to the convenience store.

These monsters would hiss and snap at her,some even would reel back and lunge forward,trying to eat her!Tori hadn't confided this with anyone yet and she didn't think she would.She found it overall very interesting but creepy,she had evaded a total of 17 of these creatures already in just three days!
'Weirdo's. . .why me?'
She thought hastily as she walked down the hallway,dressed for the first day of being a new first year.She looked down at her newer uniform,finished with the brown long sleeved uniform dress.Hew new uniform was now a white dress with short puffy sleeves with brown and white striped cuffs.The dress had a sailor's collar that was also brown.The skirt matched the white blouse part but under the skirt were red frills and a red underskirt.
"The chest looks boring though. . .oh there it is!"
Tori rummaged through new jewellery box and pulled out a large broach,a blue heart with white wings and a musical note in the centre.
"That's better!"

She turned and continued her grand journey down the stairs and met her parents in the dining room.She picked up her bag that was perched on one of the chairs and turned to her parents.
"I'm gunna get going now!I wanna get there early and meet Mitsuba."
Tori's father raised his eyebrows,
"Are you sure?No breakfast?Its the most important meal of the day."
"That's just a theory."
Tori replied.Her mother placed her coffee mug down,dressed to look after more beans.
"I won't stop you,but at least take a bagel on your way out."
Tori nodded,picking one from the plate her mother had made for the kids.
"See ya!"
Her parents nodded,her father grinned,
"New year old you Tori!Show those teachers who's boss!"
Tori was already gone on her bike.
"AGHH!YOU-oh hey Kendo.Bet your ready to be a first year?"
"You bet!Just one thing Mitsuba. . ."
"Besto friendo,best buddy of mine,Mitsuba?What are you wearing?"
Tori said skeptically.Mitsuba was sporting a bright pink cardigan over his blue uniform shirt,he immediately retaliated and scowled,
Tori raised her hands up defensively,nervously laughing as several students turned to stare,sweat dropping.
"No.It's just a bit. . .um. . .d-don't you think it's a bit funny how one of the sleeves cover your hand?"
"I t's s e c o n d h a n d o k?"
Mitsuba said dangerously,glaring at her.Tori nodded,
"Ok ok!I never said I disliked it!Lets go find our homeroom.Maybe this year you'll get noticed Mitsuba."

So the pair walked into the first year entrance,Tori was right,Mitsuba was getting noticed.But not exactly in the way he wanted to be.Around them,students snickered and whispered behind their hands,pointing at Mitsuba's cardigan and pink hair.Of course he didn't notice,he was too busy staring at his timetable.Tori frowned and linked her arm around Mitsuba's,narrowing her eyes at any student who dared to glare at her friend.As they walked into the classroom,a few new kids filed in,taking their seats in alphabetical order like the instructions on the board said.

Tori's eyes widened as she saw a familiar face,it was the same boy with orange hair was walking in with two other boys,one had light curly hair and the other had straight black hair and was clutching a small bag of candy.The boy in the middle was the one from her vision last year!He had been attending the same homeroom as her and sat behind Mitsuba.Tori's stomach sunk as she remembered a poorly attempted attempt Mitsuba has told her about when he tried to befriend the boy.

Tori had been quite nervous around the orange haired kid,he was apparently loud and always seemed to talk to himself.Creepy.Upon timidly asking about what the strange boy's name was and why he disguised the noisy instrument in an umbrella cover,the boy had grinned and said enthusiastically,
"My name is Kou Minamoto!This is Reitejou!An amazing weapon founded by the Minamoto exorcist clan!"
'Well the funny exorcist is back.He's grown taller that's for sure,so's Mitsuba.'
Speaking of Mitsuba,he frowned bitterly as Kou had sat behind him,ignoring his presence as he chatted with his friends.Mitsuba glanced at Tori and felt his heart lifting hopefully as she smiled at him sweetly.The smile disappeared from her face as the bell rang and in walked their homeroom teacher,Ryuujiro Tsuchigamori.

"Alright don't make me say it twice,get in your seats and shut your traps while I take the role call ok?At least two minutes of your life won't be such a tragedy."
He said,bored and tired of the new year already.
'Ok. . .let's hold on a second here.I was just eating my lunch and waiting for Mitsuba while he turned in his photo's to get into the photography club and now one out of two of the creepy ghosts you saw last year is sitting RIGHT NOW AND STARING AT YOU TORI!'
Tori had never been so creeped out in her life.And this was the sinister kid Tori had seen in her vision.
'Should I try. . .talking to him?'
Tori thought anxiously,he looked slightly different though.He was wearing the boy's school uniform,the blue shirt polo and the white trousers but he was also wearing a weird brown conductor's styled hat on his head.
"U-um. . .do you know anything about personal space?Back off!"
The kid blinked and smiled wider but nonetheless scooched away,still staring at her.Tori turned away,uncomfortable and confused.
"Who are you?"
She asked quietly,the boy's smile disappeared and he pointed at himself,
"Nah the other weirdo staring at me.YES YOU!STUPID!"

The boy laughed and tipped his hat,
"I'm Tsukasa!Nice to meet you erm. . ."
"Tori Kendo."
"Tori!I'm just spyin' on the newbies and oldies.Lots of fresh meat around here huh?"
"I'd say 'sure' but that would be weird."
Tsukasa shrugged and stood up,dusting himself off,
"I better get going now.I'll be seeing you for sure Tori."
In his open hand,a black smoky orb with a singular red circle in it's middle appeared and spun around,engulfing the short boy in the smoke before in a puff,he was gone.Tori stood up and looked around,just where did he go!?Was he a student here?He couldn't be!?Why was he dressed like that?
"Tori!I'm back!"
She turned and placed a smile on her face as Mitsuba came jogging to her,cardigan wrapped around his waist.He seemed happy.
"I trust it went well Mitsuba?"
"It sure did!I can start attending whenever I want!"


Tori gets an unexpected visit from Tsukasa!The mysterious but mischievous troublemaker.I think I'll start making the chapters longer-ish.

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