Potatoes pt.2

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The clock ticked down slowly and Tori was getting nervous.It had been an hour and a half and Mitsuba was showing no signs of returning.Tori sighed and called his cell once more only to get the same message,
"I'm sorry but the number you have called is not available,please try-"
"Oh shut up!"
Tori clicked her phone off and threw it on the table.Suddenly,the door swung open and Tori was up from her seat.
"Hey!What took you-so. . .long?Mitsumom?"
"Hey that's a new one!I like it!"
And in walked Mitsuba's mother-(who obviously reigns supremacy over all of us fans).She placed her bag on the table and looked around,
"Ooh!Is that curry?He actually did it!"
Tori stood up,smiling worriedly,
"He sure did Mrs.Mitsuba.He's been practicing while you were gone but he forgot the potatoes this time!He went to go and get them but he hasn't been back in almost two hours.I'm worried. . .I've tried calling his cell but he won't answer my calls."

Mitsuba's mother frowned slightly,tilting her head,
"Really?That's strange. . .it won't make much difference if I tried to call him so maybe we should go look for him?Have you called your mother or father Tori?"
"Yes they know I'm here.They aren't so worried since it's Friday but. . .we should go."
She nodded,placing a lid on the pot of curry.She grabbed her bag on,shrugging on the coat she had taken off,
"Let's go.He'll be out there somewhere."
Tori and Mitsuba's mother had split up,Tori walking around a few blocks to find her friend and Mitsumom had stayed in the car,searching a few separate blocks.After a few laps,Tori doubled over,panting.
"Jeez!What gives!?Where the hell is he!?I've circled the same blocks three times!"
Again and again,Tori called his cell,but still no answer.She walked up the footpath,trekking past the store,to the corner store and the almost empty park.She shielded her eyes from the orange sun set,sighing.She turned to the alleyways,glaring at her was another supernatural monster,making an ugly creaking,clicking noise.Tori narrowed her eyes and folded her arms,
"What the hell are you looking at!?"
She turned away when she heard wailing sirens in the distance,her eyes widening in alarm.
'Maybe Mitsuba's over there!'
She thought hurriedly.

Breaking off into a sprint,she ran past the same locations and almost tripped over her own feet when she saw something familiar lying on the floor.Picking it up,she gasped.It was Mitsuba's wallet!He was around here somewhere!Desperate to find her closest friend,she broke off into another sprint again and dashed over to the source of the noise.As she neared the area,she stopped as she saw a scattered crowd standing around some flashing blue and red lights,yellow tape and an ambulance.An accident?Who was hurt?She edged closer,scanning the crowd to find Mitsuba.She stopped as she saw a crashed car,the front of the lights and windshield cracked and glass sprayed every where,coloured and dotted with rose red blood.

Tori shivered and continued to look around.She froze when she saw her bike amongst the damage,one of the tires completely mangled while it was twisted to something completely in pieces.
'Mitsuba was the last one to. . .use my bike.'
Tori stepped closer but was cut off by a policeman,
"Excuse me ma'am,please back away from the scene,there's been an accident here."
'Yeah no shit Sherlock!'
Tori thought.But she pointed at the bike and frowned,
"That's my bike though!My friend borrowed it to go and buy some potatoes and I don't know where-why are you looking at me like that?"
The policeman looked surprised and then his shock faltered to grave sadness.
"Ma'am. . .was your friend wearing a school uniform?A pink cardigan maybe?Shoulder length hair?"
"Y-yes sir. . .is Mitsuba ok?"

The policeman took his hat off,looking away.
"Oh jeez. . .what's your name kid?"
"Tori Kendo. . .what's wrong with Mitsuba!?"
The policeman crouched down,kneeling in front of her,
"I don't know how to tell you this.But this kid has been in a bad crash and. . .and he's gone."
Tori heard those words loud and clear,but they were still cut off from the man when a car screeched into the crowd,and Mitsuba's mother stepped out,frantic and terrified.She gasped in relief as she saw Tori and rushed over to her.
But as she turned Tori around,she was met with empty eyes,with tears threatening to spill.She only needed one look from Tori to understand the truth.Her son was dead.Tori stepped back,dizzy with shock,she took one last look at the scene,but at the most terrifying moment.

Mitsuba's body was laying on the ambulance trolley and they had uncovered the body.His face was pale and specked with blood.His pink eyes were dull and dark,slightly opened as he stared at nothing.That was it.Tori turned on her heel and ran out of the scene,her feet hitting the pavement as she sped away,ignoring the tearful calls of Mitsuba's mother.She ran and ran,until she reached her street and to her house,flung the door open and slammed it behind her,collapsing to her knees from the sprint.Her parents rushed into the room but their anxious voices were muffled as they tried to get an answer out of her.At last,when she wasn't choking on her own oxygen,she looked up at her parents shocked faces.

"Tori. . .what on earth has happened to you?"
Her Mother whispered.Her father helped her to her feet,
"Are you ok!?Do you need anything?"
Tori was silent.Silent for a long time,she turned to her parents,wiping her tears away.
"No.I'm just-not fine actually.I just need. . .some space."
Her parents stood up,nodding.
"Sure thing Tori."
"Shout to us if you need anything."
Tori nodded and walked up the stairs,walked into her room and oh!There she goes,slamming more doors.She collapsed onto her bed and picked her phone up,her hands shaking through her blurred tears as she dialled Nene's number.It wasn't like she could call Mitsuba or anything!He was dead!Gone!Never to see the light ever again!Nene answered on the second ring,anxious when Tori didn't say anything.
"Tori. . .what's wrong?Your not saying anything."

Tori sighed shakily,and hung up the phone.She walked over to her music sheets and picked them up,shuffling through them,she picked out a favourite.She had managed to print out a violin copy of one her favourite songs from one of her favourite movies;one piece film red.
'If only I could just sing a few words and summon demons kings out of anger.'
She thought.And with much aggression and pain,she tore the sheets right through the middle and flung them around the room.Tori picked up her leather violin cover and thee it at the bedside cabinet,and a photo of her and Mitsuba when they were in elementary school went tumbling to the floor.

She immediately rushed to it and retrieved the picture.
"I'm sorry Mitsuba. . ."
She whispered,hugging the picture frame to her chest.In a shuddered gasp,she let her tears out,crying for what felt like forever.Every memory spent with him was just in memory.Every skee-ball round at the arcade,every memorial picture,real life moment was all gone.Thanks to some stupid potatoes. . .Tori sighed and stood up,still holding the picture.She flopped over onto her bed,snuggled under the covers and junked as a distant thunder rumbled somewhere outside.
'Just what I needed actually.'
Tori dug out her phone and opened up Mitsuba's chat.She scrolled up and up,re-reading the messages.She sighed shakily and typed one last message.
"Goodnight Mitsuba❤️"



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