Unnerving absense. . .

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The day had started as normal as a school day gets,Tori had left on her bike before her parents had woken up,pedalled to school,parked her bike and slung her helmet in the handle of her bag,walked to homeroom and a few odd classmates were gone. . .Kou's friends Yokoo and Satou were gone,Nene was frantically searching the building for her other friend,a girl called Aoi.Tori and Mitsuba frowned,not only the sudden disappearances but also the fact remained that no one seemed to know they were gone,or who they were. . .
"Did you try maybe calling Aoi's mom daikon Senpai?"
Mitsuba asked boredly.Tori elbowed him harshly and turned back to Nene expectantly,
"I did actually but even she. . ."
Nene trailed off,sad and teary.Tori held Nene's hand and smiled hopefully,
"We can find her Nene!What about asking Hanako after school?I gotta few questions I wanna ask myself after all."

Nene glanced at Tori,smiling,
"That would be nice Tori.Mitsuba?Will you join us?"
Mitsuba placed a hand on Tori's shoulder,
"I'd love to daikon Senpai but I can't.My mother is working overtime and I need to er. . .I'd rather not say."
Mitsuba said sheepishly,Tori turned to him,knowing what was keeping her friend so occupied.Mitsuba was learning to perfect making curry.It would be his mother's birthday after winter exams and he wanted to make dinner for her.Nene tilted her head and glanced at Tori but she just shook her head.So after walking Mitsuba to the entrance after school and drowning him in one her bone breaking hugs,she wondered back to the old building and started to climb the stairs just to get a call from her mother.
"Aw not now mom."
Tori said hastily,but nonetheless she answered the phone.

"Tori I need you to come home,your father and I want to talk to you and it's. . .urgent."
"Am I in trouble?"
"No!Of course not!I just need you to come home at once please."
Tori sighed.She promised Nene she'd help her look for Aoi but some things just couldn't be helped.Tori cleared her throat and bought the phone to her ear,
"I'll be there in twenty minutes.See you mom,love you."
"Love you to Tori."
Tori hung up the call and sighed again,smiling.Oh well.Tori found Nene's number and dialled her friend.One ring,two and three.Nene didn't answer.
'Better be a voice recording then.'
"Hey there senpai!Sorry to say it but mom needs me home and something came up.Good luck though,I mean that to."
Tori was sat on the couch as her parents sat across from her.They were both strangely happy but also quiet.Tori's father inhaled deeply and smiled wider at his daughter.
"Your mother said she wanted me to tell you.You'll be having a little brother or sister."
Tori gasped,standing up.She turned to her mother,
"We're having a baby Tori."
She said happily.Tori tripped over the coffee table but crawled over to her mother,knocking over the lamp as she scrambled to her parents,
Tori's mother jumped as her daughter attacked her into a hug,dragging her father into the hug as well.
"But. . .wait a second.This isn't what I was-what was the urgent part Mom?"
Tori pulled away from the hug,standing up,fidgeting her fingers nervously.Her Mother sighed and gently caressed her stomach,turning to her partner,
"Tori,you might not take this as well as the other news but. . .your father and I were thinking. . .this house might not be as spacious to raise you both so. . ."

Tori didn't need to hear the rest,with a sinking feeling,she processed the next words that came from her mother,
"We're moving out of Japan.We're going to America."
"Tori?Honey?Are you alright?"
Her father asked anxiously.Tori was quiet,she knew she couldn't just outright blame her parents!Their house wasn't exactly built for a large family but something didn't sit right with her.Her first thought was Mitsuba,the kid she'd known since elementary school.She smiled nervously and looked back up at her parents,
"W-when are we um. . .moving?"
"The start of the next year,you'll finish this whole school year and then we'll be finding some new houses."
Tori nodded,she wasn't angry,just a bit sad that she would be leaving her childhood behind.She'd be absent,absent from the old skee-ball matches with Mitsuba.Absent from the familiar music room she'd gotten to herself when no one else occupied it.Absent from. . .everyone and thing.Tori smiled widely,
"It's fine.I'm not angry.I just need to um. . .go practice."

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