Wonder Number zero

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Tori had been following the ensemble for a while and now it stopped in front of a church house.The large,brown doors creaked open and the willow wisp gently pushed her into the house,Tori edged nervously forward,walking through the pews and stepping over the strewn books and torn pages.One picture Tori saw a lot were stars,five pointed or the old triangle over triangle drawing.She stopped as she saw a well at the stage,a round bricked well.

It had the old pulley mechanisms for water buckets and the old crank in the side.Tori reached for the crank but was stopped by the ensemble.It flew around her wrist and then to the well.Tori frowned and looked away,what did it want her to do?Absentmindedly,she knocked on the bricks and jumped away as a rumble started from the ground and up.Tori looked around,panicking.She turned to the pink orb,
"We gotta go!This isn't safe!"
"Of course this is.Your gunna be just fine here with me!"
Tori turned to the well and squealed,hiding behind one of the pews as she saw a figure sitting non the rim of the well.The figure rolled their eyes and wordlessly motioned for Tori to come back,which she did.Tori edged closer,nervous as she took it who was sitting in front of her.

It was just a girl.She had bright blue hair with the same hat that Hanako wore.Except the rim was the same pink as the ensemble with a star in the middle,pearl white chains falling beside her face and attached to the corners of the hat.She was wearing a knee high pink kimono with blue lace and ribbon.She was wearing long,knee high socks with zori sandals and white gloves.Tori found herself staring at the girl's face.She had one blue eye and the other eye had a bright,sparkling five cornered star.The girl smiled,
"Hi!Sorry about the mess buts it great to meet you!Welcome to my humble boundary."

The girl stood up and walked over to Tori,her sandals clicking the floor.She stuck her hand out,grinning,
"I'm Fuyumi!Number zero of the seven Wonders at your service!"
And with a dawning realisation,Tori remembered this familiar face from a vision she saw the day Mitsuba's rumour was changed.
"Yup!That's me."
Fuyumi grinned and held an arm behind her back,tipping her hat up with her other hand.
"I got you out of that god awful cage!No thanks?"
Tori nervously thanked her,edging away.Fuyumi smiled again and jumped next to her.
"I've been waiting a while to meet you officially Tori!I've heard so much about you from the new Number three.Thank goodness the kid doesn't know who I am.Otherwise he probably wouldn't have said squat!"
"You mean Mitsuba?He's one of my bestest friends."
"Well that's probably why he told me who you were of course."
Tori looked around,she was slightly afraid,but she couldn't sense any sort of danger from this girl.
"S-so. . ."

"So?Are you ok?You look worried."
"Well I've been abducted from a. . .former wonder?I thought there were only seven."
Fuyumi blinked and nodded,looking away.
"There was eight.Eight wonders roaming around Kamome but. . .well I guess I don't have a choice do I?"
She said,chuckling slightly.She turned to Tori,arms folded,
"I'm Fuyumi of the wishing well.I became a wonder of the school a week after I died.I followed the rules,followed my rumour,attended the meetings,that sort of razzmatazz.But me and Number seven didn't really get on.Nor did we when we were alive.Went to the same school,same classes and stuff but. . .I sort of rebelled.Like-really badly.I lost my seat and my yorishido was taken away."
She whispered.Tori raised her eyebrows,gasping.
"You went to school with Hanako!?Does that mean you also knew-"
"His brother?Yeah.I knew something was wrong with that kid the moment I saw him for the first time.But. . .that's all I'll say!I don't exactly see eye to eye with either of them."

She said forcefully,hugging herself and walking away.Tori stepped closer,
"Why am I here?Are you going to let me go?"
Fuyumi looked surprised.
"Your thinking I'm going to keep you captive?Heaven's no!I just. . .I want an assistant to."
'Assistant?Like Nene and Sakura Senpai?'
Fuyumi's ensemble flew into her hand,
"I lost most of my power when I lost my rank.I lost something very dear to me and I'm not exactly a sinless angel like he's trying to be but. . .I won't lie to you Tori."
She said hopefully,smiling at Tori.Tori felt a pang in her chest.
"Do you mean about. . ."
"I know about your limited lifespan.And I definitely can't fix it nor can you wish upon a star for a longer life but-for what time you do have,I'll take care of you."

Tori felt her heart sinking.Fuyumi looked genuine,no trace of a joke in her lively eyes.Tori stepped closer,
"So. . .I'll have to complete different tasks like Nene?"
"Sort of.I don't have my full strengths like I used to but-yeah something like that.I've also yearned for a friend.And you and I are so similar."
Tori thought.As if to read her thoughts,Fuyumi smiled sadly and sat down,propping her left leg up which Tori noticed was wrapped with dirty and scuffed bandages,like they hadn't been changed for ages.Over the bandages was a strange,hovering red 'X',like she had placed it there.Fuyumi untied the wrappings,ribbon by ribbon until they fell away to reveal a patch of burnt,see through skin on her leg.On the burnt flesh was a kanji seal,black with red writing.

Tori stumbled back,falling over as the scar was bored into her brain.Fuyumi stood up,clenching her fists.
"This is just one of the reasons I hate the seventh wonder's dear little brother.That-that horrible monster branded me.It's cursed and I to am on my way to complete death.If you take a closer look Tori-"
Fuyumi,now looking angry,shoved the top half of her kimono off,her bare chest was wrapped in more bandages.Her torso and arms were fading away,and smaller patches of her face.
"One day,I'll completely disappear.For good!It's a curse the wonder's placed as part of my expulsion.So while we're still here,I want an assistant by my side.Someone loyal like you.What do you say?"

She asked,tying her kimono back around her body.Tori stood up,she wasn't about to just leave this poor,damned soul to die by herself.She frowned and nodded.
"But if your not a wonder,does this have to be kept a secret?"
Fuyumi nodded,taking Tori's hand.
"Absolutely!Not a soul can find out.No doubt those schmucks in that fake world know your gone by now,and no doubt they know I'm the cause for that.So instead of making up some witty white lie,I'm going to bind our souls together with my old pal Akiko.Therefore,if the oh so honourable Number seven finds out,he can't break our binds.Are you sure your ready for this?"
Fuyumi motioned to the pale pink,hakujodai shaped ensemble flying near them.Tori nodded,at this point,she was ready for anything.

Fuyumi took Tori's hands in her own,
"Akiko!Never thought I'd actually be saying these words but-Bind our souls as one!Tori,your dying and grieving soul will be kept snug in the stars with my own once we both die.From this day on,you will be the assistant of Fuyumi of the wishing well,Number Zero of the seven wonders."
Akiko flew around their clasped hands,smaller stars shimmering around them and then disappearing.Tori felt a small tug on both her hands and looked down,her wrists glowing bright yellow and then the light faltered away completely.She turned to Fuyumi,
"So what now?"

Fuyumi hummed,pacing around as Akiko followed her closely,
"Ha!Got it!"
She spun around,facing Tori as she stood on her toes.
"I'll send ya back to the real world!I know you won't live forever but-"
She said hesitated and hummed again.Fuyumi suddenly jumped up,standing on the rim of her well,hands in her pockets,
"Listen up kid!Don't be so down!I know your life is limited but life's too short to be dancing with the devil and having a pity party about it.Make it your own!"
She said cheerfully.Tori smiled back,she felt happier,more confident.She walked to the well,hands clasped on her jeans.
"Hey Fuyumi,thanks.I'm still pissed off that Hanako didn't tell me sooner but-I've been given a bright side to focus on.So thanks a bunch!Of course I'll have to visit often since I'm your assistant!"
She said,smiling brightly.Fuyumi raised her eyebrows but felt a smile tugging the corners of her mouth.

"Of course."


Introducing Fuyumi of the wishing well,Number zero of the seven wonders.But why does she hate the twins so much?There's gotta be more to the brand on her leg perhaps.

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