Fuyumi's truth

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"So. . .how the hell do I get to her boundary!?"
Tori half shouted,arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor.Akiko flew around her,emitting a strange buzzing noise.Tori was standing outside the garden,after school.Somewhere in the distance,she could hear Nene talking to Aoi.Tori scanned the grounds,squinting her eyes.Fuyumi had left a note in Tori's pigeon hole,requesting her presence in her boundary.But Tori had no idea how to get there!

But apparently,Tori was supposed to look for a wishing well,old and decayed that the school had never bothered to take down.She walked around a few times,taking in sights of the old building she knew the other Mitsuba would like for photos.And just as she was about to throw a fit,her peripheral caught something out of the ordinary.Under the old building's veranda and alcove,was a well similar to the one in Fuyumi's boundary.Sun rays dipped through the gaps of the roof,revealing.Golden particles flying through the air as Tori approached the object.

She waited patiently until the area was clear and then turned to Akiko.
"So I just. . .jump in?"
The orb made a up and down motion,as if to say 'yes'.Tori raised her eyebrows,hands layed on the red bricks.
"Well ok then."
From a distance,Nene happened to look up from her garden work and frowned in confusion.Why was Tori jumping into the old wishing well?And was that Hakujodai with her?What was that about?Nene hummed and placed her hoe down and turned to the old building.
'Hanako will know.'
"Nene?Hello?Are you spacing out again?"
Nene turned to Aoi,fumbling nervously.
"Sorry Aoi I gotta go!Theres something I have to do.Would you happen to know anything about students jumping into wishing wells by the way?"

Aoi suddenly smiled,her eyes sparkling,
"Wow!I'm surprised you haven't asked me this one before Nene!Have you really never heard the rumours of Number Eight-or more like the former Number eight of the seven wonders!"
Nene gasped,she knew she hadn't imagined it back at the fake world!
'Tsukasa had mentioned a wonder zero.Is that what they call them?'
"It's rumoured that Number Eight used to work right under Number seven as an apprentice!But they never really worked together,they would often fight,never agreeing on different opinions until the disputes got really bad!So bad,that the Eighth wonder lashed out and threatened the wonder's with their full power!"
"Oh no!What happened then!?"
Nene asked,anticipation eating away in her stomach.Aoi placed her shovel down.

"Well then,after being taken down by the Seventh,the Eighth was sentenced to permanent banishment of their seat and title as a wonder.From now on,she's mentioned as 'Wonder Number Zero' or former. . .or the ex Wonder."
Aoi laughed nervously.
"It's rumoured that she's been bunkered down in her boundary for almost fifty years!Only a loose part of her remaining power can roam freely around the school grounds!"
"But who's 'she'?"
Nene asked nervously.Aoi smiled wider,a hand on Nene's shoulder,
"They call her 'Fuyumi of the wishing well'!She was rumoured to lurk in the depths of the wishing well that students heard could grant wishes like Number Seven.Except,wishes were made upon stars.Fuyumi was only active on school events,like study camp and over night school sleepovers!So it was very rare to get a wish from her."

"Students would wait months to get a wish granted,and Fuyumi would grant every wish without a price!But of course there was a downside to the flawless deal's Nene.Everyone that would make a wish upon Fuyumi's stars would become one with her soul collection once they died,every soul paid a price then,she'd keep them,using those souls to make herself more powerful than the other Wonders.Once the others found out,I hear it wasn't pretty."
Nene stood there,stunned with shock.So there was a reason why Shijima was so scared.Nene frowned,Tori would be in grave danger!Now she had to tell Hanako!
"Now I really gotta go!Bye Aoi thanks so,so much!"
And just like that,Nene was off,running away to the old building,leaving Aoi surprised and confused.She sighed,closing her eyes,
"Be careful Nene would you?"
"Ok,I'm starting to understand how Nene feels."
Tori said dryly.Fuyumi turned,raising her eyebrows,
"Aw come now!I'm helping you out at least!"
Tori nodded,that was a pro.Hanako didn't help Yashiro with the cleaning. . .but here they were,Tori was helping Fuyumi deep clean her church house.Surprisingly,Fuyumi wasn't even religious,she just found it comfortable to stay in.
"It's good shelter!"
She had said.Tori crouched down,picking up some more strewn papers.She had a few questions on her mind but she was worried about upsetting Fuyumi.Speaking of,Fuyumi turned,smiling.
"What's wrong?Your not lookin' too good."
Tori stood up,slightly hugging the stack of papers she was holding and sighed,
"Nothing.Just. . .lost in my train of thought-"

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