Tori visits the bookstacks

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The weekend seemed to drag on forever and ever,Tori's parents comforted her in any way when they found out Mitsuba had passed.But Tori just wanted solitude right now,especially after losing her bestest friend.It was now Monday and Tori hated them,especially if she was pissed off.But here she was,dragging her feet to every class,her body feeling like lead whenever she moved.Since Mitsuba had been a student at Kamome,the student council decided to hold a small gathering for the loss.And of course,to make the day worse,Teru was giving the speech.
'I'll bet he doesn't even mean half the stuff he's saying!'
Tori thought furiously,squished in between Aoi Akane and Lemon Yamabuki,who was playing animal crossing on his phone.She crossed her arms,pouting angrily.Once the service was over,she rushed out the auditorium and speed walked to the girl's bathroom,not caring if she was late to class.

"I'm afraid that's just not humanly possible Kendo."
Hanako had floated through the stall and was hovering next to her in the cramped stall.Luckily Tori hadn't needed to use the bathroom. . .Hanako tilted his head curiously,
"What's got your brain in a twist?"
Tori sighed,slumping her shoulders.She sniffled and looked away,
"Y-you. . .you remember when I told you about Sousuke but you never met him?"
Hanako nodded,humming.Tori hugged her knees,
"He-he got in an accident and now he's. . .he's. . ."
Tori buried her head in her knees,letting out a dry sob.Hanako gasped,and then sighed gravely,
"I see.I'm sorry about that.The way you harped on about him,he must've been a great kid."

"He was!He didn't deserve it!He died over s-some fucking potatoes!"
Hanako raised his eyebrows,
"Potatoes?What was he cooking?If he even was. . .y'know-cooking?"
He raised his hands up defensively,smiling nervously,
"Ok ok!Calm down boss."
Tori sighed,turning away from him again,she was wishing she was in some sort of nightmare and that she'd wake up sometime soon,Mitsuba would barge into her room like he had done so for so long and kick her ribs. . .
'Rise and shine Tori!Come and help with a new photo commission!'
But those days were over and wouldn't be coming back.She would eventually move on but there would be no one else like Mitsuba.She glanced at Hanako.
"I know you don't know me as much as Senpai and you probably like her more and I understand I don't care but-can I have a hug?Please?"

Hanako looked surprised by the request.But this was one of Yashiro's closest friends so he trusted her,and she comforted him when he was cutely having a menty B.So he smiled and nodded,
"Well I don't get a choice do I?"
Tori jumped as he wrapped his arms around her in a cold but somewhat comforting side hug.Her head lay in his chest,and she got comfortable.
"I know I know,my hugs are priceless don't mention it.Do I reign supremacy over Tsukasa's hugs?"
"Well actually. . ."
Hanako pouted but nonetheless held her tighter,looking away.He could give good hugs to. . .Tori suddenly pushed him away,alarm in her eyes,
"Oh shit."

Hanako hugged her again,snuggling closer,
"Don't go!I,Hanako the bathroom ghost and number seven of the seven wonders pronounce you as not 'classroom ready'!You might throw a fit!"
"So what?We're friends now?"
"Who said we weren't silly!?Your just as goofy as Yashiro sometimes!"
Tori smiled,leaning in Hanako's shoulder,she had friends to help her get through this after all!She suddenly sat up again,
"I want to go to the book stacks Hanako!"
"Your wish is my command.I'll take you there after school,I heard Yashiro saying she wanted to check em' out."
"So what made you want to check the book stacks out?"
Hanako asked curiously,hovering beside her.Tori folded her arms as they walked,
"I heard rumours that you can find books of people that are dead or alive and I kinda. . .I don't want to be nosy or anything but I wanted to read Mitsuba's."
Hanako was silent and then he nodded,shrugging,
"I won't stop ya!But don't touch any red books except Mitsuba's or read the black ones.You really wanna know who's died here Kendo?"
"Not really. . .hey Hanako?Has your brother always been um. . .destructive?"
Hanako paused again,he looked tense as Tori asked the question.He turned to her slowly,
"This wouldn't have anything to do with violin number two would it?Yashiro told me."
"She must've overheard me."
Tori whispered to herself.
"What was that?Your mumbling to yourself when I'm right here?"
"Nothing!Lets go. . ."

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