Everyone has bad days

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Before Tori had knew it,Fuyumi had used Akiko to transport her back to the real world.Her calendar had been marked down to five months before the big move and best of all!Exam week!Yay.Tori's brain had never been so fried in her life.She had sort of avoided Hanako for awhile,only making small talk with Nene and Kou.To the present day,Tori was sitting in the library after school,cramming in some mathematic knowledge that made her want to tear the book to pieces.
"Since when did maths need letters. . ."
She whispered,depressed and tired.She could feel a headache coming on and it wasn't going to be easy to crunch through.

Tori sighed and slammed the book shut,laid in her arms and closed her eyes,quickly turning to the world of sleep.It was quiet,dreamy and peaceful.Until-SLAM!
Tori scowled and sat up,head throbbing.She frowned angrily as she saw the last person on earth she wanted to see,sitting across from her on the small table.Tsukasa tilted his head,Kokujodai floating around him.He smiled innocently and propped his chin in his hands,
"Welcome back to the land of the living Tori!"
She quickly looked around and scowled again as she saw orange and pink streaking the setting sun and skies.How late was it?

Tsukasa frowned slightly as she turned,glared at him while tentatively rubbing her sore head.
"Aw come on!I didn't hit your head that hard."
"Well clearly you did if I swore in anguish dumbass."
She said harshly,standing up to put her books away.Tsukasa floated after her,humming.
"You cussing is a first for me at least.I've never heard you drop an f-bomb before."
"You say that like you've never cursed before.You've never swore in your past life?"
She asked,genuinely curious.Tsukasa placed a finger on his chin,humming again.
"No.Not really.I just don't get angry easily."

"Oh really?Surely you've been angry at least a few hundred times in your lifetime?Felt as though you're about to completely rage or you've felt sadness at least?"
Tori said,unconvinced.Tsukasa took one of the books from her,catching her by surprise as he hovered back up to one of the higher shelves and placed it there.
"Sad?Of course I've been sad a few times but never really mad.Whenever I'm sad it's always got something to do with my brother or if things aren't going my way."

Tori found herself intrigued.She wanted to know more but at the same time,she was cautious.
"Is Hana-Amane.Is Amane mean to you?"
She asked quietly.Tsukasa turned to her and smiled sadly,
"Sometimes.When I wanna go see him,he just shoves me away or dismisses me.Most people that know or see me do that.But I don't blame them.I just wish my own brother would pay a little attention to me at least.Ever since Nene's been in the picture it's 'Yashiro' this and 'Yashiro' that!It makes me a little angry actually but-as long as my brother's happy then it's fine I guess."
He whispered.He turned away and Tori swore she could see genuine sadness on his face.But before she knew it,Tsukasa hovered back down to her,smiling brightly again.
"But who cares!I'm ok!I-I don't need. . .he doesn't need me."

Tori didn't know how to react.At this moment,Tsukasa was vulnerable,weak and very out of character.Tori wasn't exactly back on the same boat with him but she wasn't just going to let him suffer.
'Aw jeez.Why do both twins have the 'must comfort' charm?'
Tsukasa jumped as she suddenly hugged him,arms wrapped around his waist in a comfortable embrace.He was frozen in place for a few seconds and at that moment,he felt a familiar tug in his chest.Where had he felt this before?He couldn't remember.Oh wait,here it comes.In his mind,he could see a tall,slim but very pretty woman.She had brown hair tied in a low bun and a flowery kimono.

She had a sweet smile on her face and the same bright,orange eyes.Was this the sort of feeling he emitted from Tori?A motherly feeling?He couldn't quite understand it,but he didn't hate it.He smiled and leaned into the hug,standing on his toes and his arms wrapped around her shoulders.
"I missed this. . ."

"Did you say something Tsukasa?"
"No.It was nothing."
After a short while,they pulled away from the hug,and Tsukasa grinned his adorably,contagious smile.So contagious that Tori couldn't help but smile back,filling Tsukasa's dead heart with the same kind of feeling he got whenever his brother was around.Tori fidgeted and turned to him,
"So.How about a round of old maid?It doesn't have to be doom and gloom with us y'know."
Tsukasa nodded enthusiastically,hovering around the room as he cheered.
"Oh!By the way Tori!Amane's sad that your angry at him.I suggest talking it all out y'know.About the lifespan and stuff. . ."
Tori faltered,did she want to talk to Hanako?She had felt slightly bad about avoiding him for so long but hurt that he hadn't thought to tell her sooner.She nodded slowly,
"I'll see what I can do."
Tori said,sitting down as Tsukasa shuffled the cards.She leaned on her chin,zoned out.

'I can't be friends with him.I can't bring myself to be.But. . .I don't have to hate him,he's just a kid.But that's what they all say and then some of the innocent turn out to be terrible people.He's just. . .got issues?'
She thought tiredly.She scrubbed her eyes and yawned,her vision blurring as it darkened.
"Tori?You ready?Oh!She fell asleep. . .again. . ."
Tsukasa sighed and stood up,walking over to her,wondering what to do with her.
'Well. . .she should go talk to Amane so. . .'
Tori turned and jumped,she had found out she had fallen asleep again and she had woken up to find herself in the bathroom.Hanako had walked in,confused and slightly nervous.He looked away and sighed,
"Look I won't sugarcoat it.I'm sorry I lied to you and Yashiro.I didn't know how to react when I found out you both were-one's never enough for Death.I just. . .didn't know how to tell you both!How was I supposed to just spring it onto you th-that-assistant or not,I care about you to Kendo.You know that right?Your my friend to."
Tori's heart lifted.But she wasn't sure.Hanako sighed again,
"I know that no amount of words will fix this.But. . .Yashiro made a wish to me.She wished to live for a hundred years,for a price of course.If you really want me to,I'll do the same thing for you."

That sounded tempting.But the price would be risky.Most definitely not worth it in her opinion.She turned to Hanako and shook her head.She reached out and held his hands in hers,
"No thank you.Your offer is thoughtful and generous Hanako but no.I'll live my live how I want to."
He looked taken aback but he nodded,smiling.
"I see.If that's your answer then I'll take it.It's just on my mind now. . .before Yashiro. . ."
Tori's stomach sank,she'd eventually die before Nene.How would it happen?And when?Fate unfortunately couldn't be readable.Hanako suddenly frowned.
"Kendo.You need to be careful out there ok?At least survive for a little while because I have to talk to you about something."
He said seriously.Tori tilted her head.
"About what?"

But as Hanako was about to talk,his orange eyes turned dull and his eyes lost their shine for a few seconds and then returned to normal,he didn't sound like himself when he spoke,as if he was hesitant.
"Not today.It'll have to wait until I'm certainly sure.Go home.It's getting late now."

Tori was unsure but nodded.She smiled and picked up her bag,turning to wave at him.Hanako stretched a small smile and waved back but jumped as Tori suddenly stopped,turned back and hesitated,
"You need to pay more attention to your brother.He's jealous of you and Nene."
Hanako was left in the bathroom,standing near the window,his head swimming in confusion.
"What?Tsukasa?Jealous?Who knew!"


I know this chapter's short but worry not!I'm still working on the backstory of Fuyumi and the twins and thinking of who'll be the one to tell Tori.

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