The deadly new rumour

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"It really does bother me Mitsuba. . .when you do these things."
Tsukasa said venomously,but he smiled and stepped forward,suddenly appearing in front of them,
"You went up and left without even telling me where you were going!And you know very well-"
Tsukasa suddenly grabbed Mitsuba's scarf and pulled him forward.And with a skin crawling crunch,Tsukasa drew his hand back and pushed it through Mitsuba's belly.
"That's not very nice."
Kou and Tori jumped,staring at Mitsuba as he collapsed to the floor,choking and sputtering.
"No. . .NO!"
Kou rushed forward,kneeling beside him.Tori covered her mouth,what was Tsukasa doing?Why was he doing it!?She found herself frozen,just like that frighteningly familiar night,the car speeding to her,like a deer in headlights.

Tsukasa knelt down and grabbed a fistful of Mitsuba's hair,yanking it and forcing him to look into his dead,cold gaze.
"You wanted everyone to notice you.And now,your only happy with that boy-"
Tsukasa pointed at Kou,
"And Tori?That's just not right now is it?"
And he pointed at Tori.He glanced at her,smiling coldly,
"What should I do with him Tori?"
'Let him go!' She wanted to shout,but she couldn't find her voice.She balled her hands into fists,why couldn't she talk!?Why couldn't she say anything!?She gasped as her iPod slipped out of her hands,and she crouched down to pick it up but stopped when a crumpled paper crane fell out of her pocket,the same purple crane like the other day.She slowly stood up,holding it in one hand and her iPod in the other.She slowly looked at the ghost in front of her and frowned,
"You have been using me.What the hell happened to being friends!?"

Tsukasa's cold smile grew wider,and he laughed.
"Answer me this Tori,when did I say we were friends?"
This vexed Tori beyond anything he had done,like the broken violin or his annoying ranting about who the heck knows what.But for some reason;she found herself not feeling surprised at all.
"Then why?Why were you so nice to me before?If your just some lying prick then how come you haven't hurt me already!?"
She demanded tearfully,Tsukasa raised his eyebrows,
"Like I told Sakura when you left last week,I take good care of all my toys."
"I don't know who the hell you are or what sort of weird backstory you have with Tori-but let go of my friend!"
Kou suddenly shouted.Running forward,he wielded Reiteijou straight at Tsukasa's figure but he only smirked and waved his hand.The crane turned into his ensemble,Kokujodai and blocked Kou's path.

Tsukasa suddenly yanked Kou's hair and smashed his head into the nearest wall.He coughed weakly and fell over,clutching his weapon tightly.Tsukasa held Mitsuba with one hand and hovered in the air,
"To answer your questions,I am an apparition who grants wishes for those who have passed onto this life and then I take something I want for the price.It's sort of similar to the way my brother Amane handles things except-"
Kokujodai suddenly disappeared and an old timey radio appeared next to them.Tsukasa turned one of the buttons,and then glanced back at the helpless pair.
"Except I choose how it happens!We're all set Sakura!"
'Nanamine Senpai?What does she have to do with this?'
Tori thought worriedly.
"The time has come Mitsuba!Your wish is going to be granted at last!"
"Who's heard of the broken neck boy?"

And much to Tori's shock,Mitsuba's head suddenly snapped back,a loud crack and snap interrupting the silence.She covered her mouth and dropped to her knees,memories of his last night on earth spinning through her head.His empty eyes staring at hers just like how they were now,except he wasn't completely dead this time,his pained,tearful whispers for help clenching Tori's heart each second.Tori glanced at Kou desperately but he was also transfixed with shock at the horrible scene,as if his eyes couldn't be torn away as the rumour was echoed through the school.

"The broken neck boy is suffering from crippling loneliness,stranded at the high schooler division entrance.If by chance you happen to meet him,a cold hand will touch your shoulder and whisper-"
"Hêÿ. . .ḏo ÿøû ṟeMêmbēṟ mē¿"
They both whispered,but Mitsuba sounded like the words were being clawed out of his throat.
"If you can remember this boy's name,he'll let you be but if you don't-he'll break your neck right off your shoulders and then you'll feel just as lonely as he is."

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