The Mokke and the unexpected interaction!

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"Omigosh!Look!It's president Minamoto!"
"Wah!He's so dreamy!"
"He shook my hand!I'm never washing it again!"
'Ugh!Idiots!I can't get any work done.And him.That stuck up piece of-'
Hi there!I'm Tori Kendo and I attend Kamome Gakuen as a first year in the high school division.My bestest friends are Nene and Mitsuba and I love to play the violin!This afternoon is my advocacy period which is just a free period for us!I'm trying so hard to study for winter exams but how can I get anything done when these thirsty boys and girls are literally drooling over a human being!?A human being who pisses me off.

Tori sat there,surrounded by four open books and a cramping hand hovering over her paper as she clutched her pen.Winter exams were one month away!The least these Minamoto fan clubs could do was migrate in a different part of the school.And Lo and behold!The holy light of angelic beauty walks in himself!Teru Minamoto,older brother to Kou and Tiara Minamoto.Tori had learnt how Kou idolises Teru into becoming a kick ass exorcist that eliminates supernatural's and apparitions.She had also learnt that their little five year old sister Tiara just wanted to marry Teru.As Teru walked in,everyone swarmed around him,glorified to be breathing the same air as the school prince.

'Tch. . .I'd hate to have that much attention.'
Tori thought begrudgingly,slumping her head on her books.She heard as the study group teacher ushered everyone to their seats,and Tori looked up as Teru walked past her seat,glancing at her messy handwriting.He stopped and hummed,
"How are you feeling?"
"Great.Just dandy President.Please leave me before I tie your ears below your chin you smug son of a-"
Teru didn't seem fazed by the threat,he only laughed and smiled,cutting her off.
"A hater I see.That's a nice change actually,don't overexert yourself Kendo.I see your stressed."
"I see that I'm about to upend my entire bottle of apple juice on your annoying head if you literally don't leave-AND SPEAKING OF ANNOYING!WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE FIENDS STOP TAKING MY STUFF!"

Speaking of annoying,crawling on Tori's desk were a group of apparitions she had seen everywhere!They were little pink rabbits with no mouths or arms.Just a blob of ears,body and head.There were scurrying around the desk,giggling as they took her ruler,pencils and other nicknacks she had lying around.Teru laughed and picked up one of the rabbits,
"This is a Mokke Kendo.A low level apparition that I actually accept!My little sister has one as her own pet.The Mokke are known especially for stealing possessions and hiding them!"
"Well I don't like it!It's annoying!GET AWAY!"
Tori shielded her text book as one of the small rabbits scooched closer,staring eye to eye with the angry girl.
"Girl is angry.I say we give her some candy!Want some candy angry face?"
"Oh and I forgot to mention,they love candy!It's rare to see them offering it to humans though."

Tori sat up,surprised as one of the small rabbits held up a wrapped candy to her,
"It is spicy peppermint."
Annoyance melted away to touched kindness as Tori took the candy,just for a second,she felt a prickle of love for these infuriatingly sweet creatures.Keyword:second.The moment they lured Tori into their trap,this happened,
Tori was ambushed by a group of the Mokke and in just seconds,everything was gone.
"Sensei. . .may I borrow a pencil. . .I have some little. . .brats to destroy."
"Oh here's my stuff,it's right under the desk."
Tori was sitting in a tree with Mitsuba,blocking out his complaints as he picked out twigs and thorns from his hair.She remembered Nene exchanging her own Mokke war story but it had been a lot different.It had turned into a giant,monstrously horrifying beast and almost actually killed her.Tori's stomach twisted at the thought of a friend dying.Good thing she had Mitsuba!It was funny how mixed Tori and Nene's opinions were about Teru and the Mokke.Tori was bought back to the present as Mitsuba was poking her cheek.
"Heyyy?Tori?Can she come out to play?"
"O-oh yeah!What's up?"
Mitsuba clutched his camera and sighed,
"I feel like I've been watched lately Tori.It's kinda scary actually.I feel like-a sort of presence around me and it's like. . .dark and suffocating. . .what do I do?"
Tori's eyes widened but she then smiled and side hugged Mitsuba,
"Well you don't have to worry your pretty head about anything!I'm here for you whenever you need it!I ain't going anywhere!"

Mitsuba half smiled and looked away,
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"IT'S NOT!?"
Tori faked a sigh and placed her hands on his shoulders,
"Oh what a shame!I might just have to-whoops!"
Mitsuba screeched as she pulled him down backwards but pulled him back up,
But before Mitsuba could get his revenge,Tori jumped down,pushing herself off with her hands and landing in a curled ball,
"I gotta go for violin practise now!See yaaaa!"
Mitsuba sighed and jumped down,slightly shaky.He frowned but cracked a smile.
"Silly girl."
Tori was humming a little tune as she swung the door open,expecting an empty music room with the same papers swept on the floor and her violin propped up ready to play.She dropped her iPod as she saw a very unexpected guest waiting for her,standing by the sheet music stand,holding her violin in his hands.
"Haven't seen you in a while. . .Tsukasa."
Tsukasa turned to her,smiling.
"There you are!"
Tori shut the door behind her and walked to the ghost,taking the instrument from him.
"What are you doing here?Don't you have better things to do than going through other people's stuff?"
"Nope!Sakura told me to give her some space so I went looking for-"
"Who's Sakura?Your girlfriend?"
To Tori's surprise,Tsukasa looked shocked,almost repulsed,
"Gosh no!She's my assistant!I thought you'd figured it out already!"
"Figured what out?"

"Oh you stupid little girl."
"Don't call me that short stack!"
Tori said challengingly.Tsukasa smiled wider.
"Taller yes but are you older?You may want to take that back?Because I'm about fifty years older give or take."
Tori's violin hit the floor as Tsukasa's familiar black smoke enveloped around him and he disappeared behind it,once he returned,he was wearing something completely different from the boy's uniform.He was wearing a white button up with a black haori with a-purple skirt?With the same damn hat.Tori frowned,bewildered.
"Your. . .dead?"
"Deader than dead."

Tsukasa spun around,smiling widely.
"I'm an apparition that grants wishes for the dead!And my assistant Sakura helps me!"
'Grants wishes?But that's what Hanako does. . .except for the living?'
Tori gulped,
"You wouldn't happen to have a-I don't know. . .a twin?A-"
"Summoned?Amane finally got summoned for the first time in fifty years!?HE'S SUMMONED!?THIS IS GREAT NEWS TORI!"
Tori gasped as the ecstatic boy held both of her hands,excitement in his eyes,
"I must go see my brother right away!Not today obviously but since we have some time,you wanna play poker or something?"
Tori blinked,surprised and sweat dropped.
"S u r e?B y t h e w a y w h o i s A m a n e?"

Tsukasa grinned,his beloved brother was back,and this girl-Nene was it?No doubt she was his assistant by now!Which meant this Nene chick was very valuable.And Tori here-
'She will be very useful to. . .I must be careful I don't lose sight of her,she could be a moneybag of information.'


Someone get this kid a leash,he's gunna be everywhere!But Tori needs to be careful to,Tsukasa will be on her tail.

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