Potatoes pt.1

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Tori had stormed off after leaving Tsukasa with a couple bruises and a winded stomach,and Natsuhiko with a black eye after he had tried to comfort her for the damage.Tori sighed bitterly,leaning on the empty shoe lockers and looked down at her violin.The instrument had been brand new!The strings were snapped and the spine of the instrument had been smacked off the actual body of it.
'Not even the bow survived.'
Tori frowned as she remembered Tsukasa's stupid,innocent smile when he had tried to defend himself.

"I was waiting for you and got bored so I tried to play with it but then I got angry because I didn't know what to do and then I saw one of the Mokke get stuck inside it,so I smashed it to pieces to free her."

"Asshole!That doesn't justify your actions!"
Tori shouted,she slid down and buried her head into her knees,her parents trusted her,but they wouldn't believe her if she told them a silly,cruel ghost had smashed her violin to bits.
"Hey?You still alive Tori?I'm done."
Mitsuba sweat dropped as Tori looked up and had a depressed,empty stare in her eyes.
"Oh so you had a day. . .w-what happened to your violin!?"
"Tsukasa that's who!"
Tori snapped angrily.Mitsuba frowned,
"Who the hell is Tsukasa?"
"Hanako's twin brother.Don't look at me like that."
Mitsuba looked shocked,but was still frowning in confusion.
"The seventh wonder has a twin brother?"
Tori nodded and stood up,looked at her violin hopelessly and walked to the nearest bin,dropping them into the pit.

"I'll give it up for awhile.At least until I can buy another one and keep it out of reach of that little rat!"
Mitsuba sighed,looked at the clock and raised an eyebrow.
"I gotta get home and start dinner.Wanna come with?"
Tori nodded,scrubbing her eyes.Mitsuba wrapped an arm around her shoulder,smiling softly,
"Come now don't be such a sad sack!You'll make me feel sad!Want a snack or something?"
"Nah but I do need to stop at the corner shop."
"And why?"
Tori turned to her friend and smiled sadly.
"I need to buy your mom a birthday card silly!"
Sakura sighed as she saw Tsukasa sulking in the corner.She folded her arms and stood up,
"You know it was your fault.When will you apologise to her?"
Tsukasa huffed and looked away,slamming another poor critter to the wall and smearing the guts and remains across the wall.Sakura frowned as the scrawling drawing took shape of the Mokke stuck and struggling from inside the broken violin.Tsukasa hummed in content and stepped back,satisfied with his work.He turned to Sakura,smiling softly,
"What rumour will we be spreading this afternoon Sakura?"

Tori's new attitude had done a number on Tsukasa,his stomach still ached and he had a headache.He hoped that attitude would disappear soon. . .her angry face when it glared at him like that,he didn't like it.Not one bit.Tsukasa's mind briefly flashed to his brother,the same angry glare on his scraped,teary face before he had plunged that cold knife in his own heart.He had felt the same thing when Tori had shoved him harshly to the floor and stood over him,like she was ready to kill him as she threw the violin to him,the pieces landing around him.
'Like a sack of potatoes!'
He thought,chuckling to himself at the thought.Nonetheless,new attitude or not,he hoped he wouldn't see her face contort to anger again.

"Why the hell would you do something like this!?I thought we got along!Friends don't do crap like this!"
Tsukasa smiled wider,hugging his knees mid air.Sakura turned to him,
"She said 'friends don't do crap like this'.She thinks we're friends!"
"Well are you not?You seem to like her enough to want to play card games with her all the time."
Tsukasa giggled,and then the atmosphere turned sour,and Sakura didn't even have to look to know he had 'the face' on.He floated next to her,holding the broadcasting microphone.
"Sure I like her.But I didn't say anything about being her friend.You know me Sakura.I take good care of all my toys."
Nene sighed,sitting down as she cuddled with Black Canyon.She recalled seeing Tori walking with Mitsuba,rambling about her broken violin.Nene had heard the conversation and felt bad for eavesdropping on the pair.
"I hope she can get another one soon Canyon,it'll be her third by now!"
Nene said,feeling slightly sad for Tori.Hanako to,he had been sad about something.Nene remembered walking back to the bathroom and Hanako had looked different,he had looked frightened,had those been tears in his eyes?Hanako hadn't ever cried in front of her before,
"Oh gosh. . .I really hope I never see the both of them cry Canyon. . ."
Nene stood up and carefully placed her hamster back in his cage,smiling at him before turning as her mother walked in,
"Nene dear,supper's on the table.Will you be doing your after school curriculum activities again this week?"

Nene nodded,
"Yes Mom.For as long as I can think of."
She mumbled the last part as her mother nodded and turned to leave.Nene turned to her cellphone,seeing the notifications that Tori had rejected three of her calls.
"Whatever's up. . .get better Tori."
"Ok. . .I thought you said 'card'.Not 'overkill care package that makes Sousuke Mitsuba look like a cheap loser'."
Mitsuba said boredly,sweat dropping at Tori's arms laden with a whole gift basket.She smiled brightly and placed it on the table.
"Your mom is like my second mom ok?And I'm betting her own kid making dinner means a hell of a lot more than a weird desperate soul buying a cheap gift basket at the corner store."
"H o w t h e h e l l d i d y o u e v e n c a r r y i t w i t h y o u r b i k e?"
"A good magician never reveals her secrets."
Tori dusted her hands and walked over to Mitsuba,peering into the pot.Mitsuba's skills had seriously improved since he had first tried to cook the curry.Like the times he attacked the boiling oil and accidentally cut the cutting board.

Mitsuba placed his hands on his hips and grinned.
"Well would you look at that,Sousuke Mitsuba the-Oh shit!"
Tori raised her eyebrows as he suddenly scrambled to paper shopping bag.He turned to Tori,
"Do we have any potatoes Tori?"
"Did you even check in the-"
"Yes.You have zero potatoes under this roof Mitsuba."
"Damn it!I'll be back,stay here."
Tori placed her hands on her hips as Mitsuba walked to the table,picking up his pink coat cardigan and bag,still dressed in his uniform.
"Why?Should I keep the house in one piece while your gone?"
"Exactly that.If Mom comes home,tell her I'll be right back!"

Tori nodded,faking a salute.Mitsuba chuckled and returned the salute.
"Keep the fort soldier.I'm borrowing your bike by the way!"
"Don't take five years just to pick out the cheapest bag!And take a helmet!"


I'd like to say in advance,sorry I'm not sorry🥲💀

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