The three clock keepers

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(Real quick,I can't properly remember how the exact chapter of the Clock keeper's arc went so I tried to make it as close as I possibly could with a few exaggerated details if you get my lingo.Anyway-)
"Tori?Hon?Why aren't you sorting through your stuff?"
Tori's mother peered into the room,ladies and gentlemen Tori's mother now has a small little baby bump.It was small but noticeable.Tori quickly stood up,she was about ankle deep in a small mess of music sheets and other little nick knacks she was sorting through.
"U-um. . .I was. . .solving world hunger?"
Tori was just slightly depressed.Nene had been texting her and something crazy was happening!Apparently the first wonder,one of the three clock keepers Nene's friend Aoi had told them about,was on the loose and turning students into wrinkly old people.She had even sent a couple pictures.And here Tori was,going through her belongings so she'd have less to pack when the day was here.

Tori sighed and folded her arms,
"Mom I need to get to school,there's an emergency!"
"Oh!?Should I call the police!?"
Tori quickly shook her head,
"No no mom it's fine!My friends just need my help!I just gotta get down there and advert the whole crisis is all."
She added hastily.
"Look if I can just get it figured out can I come back home afterwards?"
Tori's mother stood there,confused and slightly unconvinced.But nonetheless she nodded,
"Ok,but at least bring some sort of snack with you please,I'll write a note for you."
Tori had used her old bike and sped down to the school,sighed in,handed her mother's note to Tsuchigamori,somehow arrived on the students advocacy period and ran off to find her friends.As she walked past,she could see different students freaking out,teachers baffled and frustrated that Yokoo and Yamabuki wouldn't stop taking selfies of-
"WHAT THE HELL!?WHY DO YOU HAVE BEARDS!?Are those even real?"
She asked uncertainly.Yamabuki laughed,
"This is hilarious Kendo!Just take a look at our homeroom to!Its all gross and stuff!"
'Oh my GOD.'
Tori's homeroom was in complete shambles,plants growing through the furniture and the walls,dust clinging to the ceiling lights and the walls falling away as they cracked.
"There you are Tori!I'm glad you came!"
Nene called to her.Tori turned and smiled as she saw Nene.
"Nene what the hell is happening!?"

"It's one of the clock keepers Kendo."
Hanako said cheerfully,hovering beside her.
"One of the three has gotten loose,and we need to stop them but there's just an itty bitty problem."
Kou shouted.Hanako sweat dropped,
"I've never actually seen them so I won't know how to stop them.They don't like me very much."
"H a n a k o I w i l l d a m n y o u r s o u l t o h e l l."
Kou said ominously.Their only possible lead,had no information about the problem.But after Nene had calmed Kou down,they wandered through the school to find the wonder.
"Who do you think it is Hanako?"
Tori asked uncertainly.Hanako hummed,
"Well I have a couple of theories.I have a strange feeling it might be one of the students disguised though,I can sense a funny feeling among the students.Tsuchigamori isn't the only guy using a disguise around here!"

"Then who?Your got your sights on someone?"
Tori asked curiously.Hanako glanced at Nene,and narrowed his eyes.He clutched her shoulder and leaned in to whisper in her ear,
"I have a feeling it's Yashiro's cute friend Aoi!"
"Shush!Don't say it so loudly!It's just a theory for now.I don't have enough evidence to back my case up but she's been acting a bit weird,too weird.It's always the quiet kids y'know?Somehow she's always avoiding the chaos but. . .how can I-aha!I have an idea!Quick here she's comes!"
"W h a t ?"
"Hi Nene!Tori!What are you two up to?"
Nene smiled at the pretty,purple headed girl,turning to answer but froze as Hanako hovered over her.
"Yashiro,a wonder's gotta do what's got to be done!Lemme just-sorry 'bout this!"

Kou and Tori gasped in bewilderment as Hanako um. . .how do I honestly say this?He basically possessed Nene.Tori gasped again as a ghost Nene came tumbling away,falling to the ground with an oof!Tori helped her up,went to scold Hanako and found herself staring.Nene's body had fainted slightly and Aoi had scrambled over to help her.
"Nene!?Whats the matter?Are you sick?I'll take you to the nurses office if you want me to."
Hanako/Nene inhaled quietly before swiftly pinning Aoi to the wall.
"N e n e ?"
Aoi was nervous,slightly concerned and. . .slightly flustered.Her best friend was pinning her to the wall. . .and hang on a second?Were Nene's eyes a different colour nowThey weren't normally like that. . .and why did Tori and Kou look so. . .disgusted?She went to call out to Nene again but was interrupted as Nene grinned at her,a mischievous little smile she had never seen before.

"Are you hiding something from me Aoi?That makes me very saaaad~"
"Uh Hanako. . .what're you doing. . .I don't like this."
Tori whispered.
"Hang on Senpai!I'm not as skilled as Teru but I'm sure I can help you!"
Tori turned to Hanako/Nene,folding her arms as if to shield herself.
"O h g o d I n e e d t o w a s h m y e y e s o u t."
She whispered to herself warily.Hanako/Nene smiled wider,giggling slightly and leaning in,
"If your not gunna talk,guess I'll just have to make you won't I?"
Tori turned to Kou,frowning,
But Kou groaned,covering his flushed face and looking away,

Nene shouted,more embarrassed than ever.Tori turned around,panicking.She almost cried in relief as she saw Akane Aoi.Aoi was Akane's childhood best friend who had literally the biggest crush on her and treated her like a heaven born Goddess.He glanced at Tori as she turned to him,frantic,
"Akane!Maybe you could help us!More like save the love of your-"
"Do not tell me twice.Yashiro. . .what the hell are you doing?"
Akane was already inches away from Nene,swinging a bat with nails hammered into it right at Nene's head.But Hanako/Nene stepped away,laughing,
"Let's go to the roof and catch our breath!"
"Wait a second Nene I gotta tell you something!"
Aoi shouted but 'Nene' was already running away with Kou and Tori with Akane hot on their tails.
'Oh no. . .I missed my chance to tell her.'
Aoi thought sadly.
Tori shouted,panting as she caught up with Kou,the real Nene puffing after them.
"Even. . .for a. . .ghost,it's still. . .hard to. . .run!"
Nene collapsed,crying internally and humiliated.She stood up,about to yell at Hanako when Akane suddenly swung the bat and hit it right into Hanako/Nene's head.With such force,Hanako was knocked out of Nene's body and thankfully and much to Tori's relief,the normal Nene was back to them.


So here,I can't remember how this arc exactly goes so we'll fast forward to when Nene and the gang are in the sealed auditorium with Akane and then he reveals himself to save Aoi from Hakujodai.I know thats lazy and shit but idc rn.

TBHK-Hanging on by a threadWhere stories live. Discover now