Heed when you've been warned. . .

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Tori stood in the bathroom,patiently waiting for Mitsuba to finish his photography work.She turned and saw Nene bickering at Hanako as she clutched a mop in her hands.
"Back me up here Tori!"
"H u h?"
"Come on Yashiro!Don't ya think your being just a l i t t l e dramatic here?"
"What does that even mean?"
Tori asked sweat dropping.Hanako laughed,floating away from Nene's almighty mop.
"Aw don't be like that now!Do me a favour my dear assistant."
"What now?"
Tori had to intervene,pulling Nene away from the apparatus.Hanako looked away,staring out the window.
"I need you to go see if the Mokke are behaving themselves around the grounds."

With a huff and a clatter of the mop,Nene trudged out,tired of being bossed around.Tori felt slightly guilty that she had been standing there the whole time as Nene had been cleaning but when she had gone to help by cleaning the mirrors,Hanako had stopped her and said not to.Now it was just Tori and Hanako,he sighed and turned back to Tori,standing at the bathroom entrance,
"Alright then Kendo,out with it."
"You have a twin brother.Don't you?"
Hanako was silent,almost fearful.He nodded shakily,looking away.
"I haven't seen Tsukasa in. . .almost-"
"Fifty years."
They both said at the same time.Hanako glanced back at Tori,
"There's a few things you need to be wary of Kendo;Tsukasa isn't who you might think he is.Sure,I won't deny it,my brother's got the cute kid charm.But when he doesn't get his way,he. . ."
Hanako trailed off.Tori tilted her head and Hanako shook his head.

"He gets really violent Kendo like I am not joking around here!Tsukasa isn't your friend.I haven't seen him since I've been summoned!"
Hanako said,his voice cracking as it started to rise.
"I know he's around here somewhere!I can-I can sense him I swear to god Kendo!I can still hear him laughing at me. . .mocking me.I don't want to see him yet!I murdered him and I'm not ready to face him but how can I!?He's waiting for me. . .s-stalking me because he's angry and I don't want him to hurt Nene because she's my f-friend and-"
Hanako took in a gasping breath,but was cut off as Tori held his shoulders,staring at him.His hands shook as the tears fell down his cheeks.Tori wordlessly pulled him in and hugged him tightly.
"I can confidently say that he doesn't seem to hate you Hanako.He seemed happy when-never mind."

Tori wasn't about to rat herself out by saying she told Tsukasa that Nene had summoned Hanako.But the least she could do was comfort her friend.Hanako stood there,shaking and too surprised to return her embrace.He clumsily pat her shoulder,smiling gratefully,
"Is that true though?"
"Has your brother ever lied to you before?"
Hanako gently pushed Tori away,still smiling as he wiped his tears.
"Nope!He's always so brutally honest.At the school festival,he once told me I'm tone deaf and that's why I didn't have friends."
Tori turned away,snickering as Hanako looked hurt again,
He shouted hysterically,comical tears flushing down his face.
"In all seriousness Kendo.Heed when I warn you,if Tsukasa hints at hurting you in any way,get outta wherever you are.You hear me?"
Tori nodded,understanding.She folded her arms,
"Are you gunna tell Senpai?"
Hanako shook his head,hugging himself,still shaking.

"Yashiro shouldn't know yet.I guess she'll just know when-oh god!Seeing him in person is just going to make me cry again."
Hanako whispered fearfully.He held himself tighter and shook his head,
"It's been fifty years,how can I even face him!?I couldn't even look him in the eye before. . .what am I going to do?"
Tori comfortingly squeezed his shoulder,smiling at him,
"Your the Hanako san of the bathroom!Even if your scared again,the most important thing to do is protect Nene if he gets violent.She'll be your moral support."
"Who will be Hanako's moral support?"
Nene walked in,a group of the Mokke toddling behind her.Tori scowled as a bunch jumped onto her,squealing.
"It's angry face!Gimme your candy!"

Hanako and Nene sweat dropped as Tori engaged Hate-the-Mokke-mode 2.0 and flung one at the clean mirrors Nene had scrubbed.
"I don't understand how she hates them."
Nene whispered behind her hand,Hanako frowned,
"I do."
Tsukasa stood up,indignant with defeat.Tori had won their third game in a row,the thing was,she had no idea what they were playing.As if to read her thoughts,Tsukasa whirled around and glared at her,
"Go. . .go fish. . .?"
"I'm sorry run that by me again Tori. . ."
"It's not the end of the world that Kendo is better at card games than you Tsukasa."
Tori turned,grinning at Sakura.So this was the pretty assistant that helped Tsukasa out.Sakura Nanamine had shoulder length grass green hair and wore the second year's high school division uniform.She was sitting by the desk in the surprisingly,large broadcasting club room.

There was even a fricking couch in the room!Tori grimaced at the farthest wall,staring at Tsukasa's 'handy' art work he had shown her so energetically.There was half dead bugs squirming with their blood smeared into abstract shapes and images that gave Tori a headache.Was that a tower?Or three looming figures?She couldn't figure it out.She looked around again and saw a tall brown haired male sitting uncomfortably close to Sakura.
"Hey. . .Nanamine Senpai?"
"Yes Kendo?Are you hungry?Or do you want some tea?"
"Both sound tempting yes,but. . .who's the guy sitting next to you like he doesn't know what personal space is?"
"Ouch!Felt that one Kendo!You sound badass when you talk like that."
"Don't talk to her like that.You could actually learn a thing or two from the other kid."
Sakura said ominously.The male looked away,smiling smugly that made Tori want to punch him.He turned back and waved at Tori.
"The name's Hyuga Natsuhiko.Pleasure to meet ya'."

"Tell me something Natsuhiko.Do you like Nanamine Senpai?"
Natsuhiko's smug grin grew wider,
"Oh no,looks like you found me out Kendo!My lady is indeed a gem,wouldn't you agree?"
"Count me in."
Tsukasa said enthusiastically,cracking his knuckles and grinning sinisterly.Sakura stood up,
"It would be better if you don't encourage him Kendo.I know the urge is tempting but no."
"What did you mean by Natsuhiko learning something from Tsukasa?"
Tori turned to the ghost,and his grin turned-proud?Sakura sighed and picked up her teacup,
"He refuses to harm a girl.I taught him to be gentle with girls and boys but I think he only heard the girl's part,as unfortunate as that is since his brother is half way to dying from lack of oxygen every time he receives a hug."
"Tsukasa what the hell?"
"What did I do?"
"Nothing I just wanted to say that."

'Ok?She's a little. . .odd?'
Sakura thought to herself.She shook her head and picked up another teacup,
"Would you like some tea Kendo?"
"Is it peppermint?"
Tori asked hopefully.Sakura smiled and turned to the teapot,
"I can make some if you want.What would you like?"
"Peppermint with honey."
Tsukasa cringed,frowning at Tori.He floated behind her and placed his cold hands on her shoulders,
"Ew that's gross Tori.Now let's go play the violin!"
Tori sighed,brushing his hands away,
"Ok ok!I'll go get my stuff.You wanna come with?"
Tsukasa shook his head,he turned as Tori left the room.Glancing at Sakura,he floated over to her,dismissing Natsuhiko entirely,
"Sakura I want more muffins!"
"We don't have any left."
"Ok. . .who broke it?I'm not mad.I just want to know. . .who.broke.IT?"
If looks could kill,every Mokke that was cowering under Tori's feet would be dead.They whimpered,shaking as they huddled around the destroyed violin and shredded music sheets.
"I-I-It wasn't u-us angry face. . .it was the boy. . .h-he wanted to learn but he a-also got angry and th-then. . ."
"No.Thank you."
Tori walked over to the remains of her poor violin,picking up the scraps.She turned and walked out,tracking her steps to the club room.
'Someone's going to die again.'
Kicking the door open,the other three turned and sweat dropped at the menacing aura emerging from Tori's furious smile.

Natsuhiko and Sakura pushed him forward,stepping back.He was smiling nervously as he fidgeted with his haori,
"Y-yes ma'am?"
"Come here please. . ."


RIP violin the II.It played the good shit.

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