On the rooftop

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Apparently according to Hanako,Nene had been acting weird all of a sudden and since number five's boundary,which Tori found out had collapsed.She crouched down,grumpy that Hanako had still refused her to help Nene with the cleaning.
Hanako yelled,and with that,he officially broke Yashiro's neck,forcing her to look at him.Kou intervened and tried to help her,
"Actually I have to go.I have-important things to do?Bye?"
And as she left,a few Mokke popped up out of no where,munching on more candies.
"Angry face is a bad liar."
"Your right about that."
Kou said absentmindedly.

Tori had no idea where she was going,but her legs steered her to the broadcasting room much to her annoyance.Before she could knock on the door,it was flung open and standing in the doorway was Natsuhiko.He smiled when he saw Tori standing there,
"Oh well hey,what brings our favourite badass to our doorstep huh?"
"I-I don't know actually,I-"
With immense and unbelievable strength,Natsuhiko was punched out of the way by Tsukasa.He turned to Tori and grinned brightly,
"I thought you hated me!"
"Well I don't. . .I'm still mad though."
"O u c h."
He said,chuckling slightly.He floated around her,placing his hands on the back of his head.
"Sooo. . .what's up doc?"
Tori shrugged,folding her arms as Tsukasa stepped aside,ushering her in.
"I went to number five's boundary yesterday with your brother and the others."
"Who're the 'others'?"

Tori hesitated,but she didn't want to completely ignore him.She sat down,turning to him,
"Nene and Kou."
"Isn't that Kou boy president Minamoto's little bro or something?"
Natsuhiko asked,standing up.Sakura nodded,
"He's loud and very. . .bright."
"And this Nene girl is Amane's assistant?"
Tsukasa asked Tori curiously.Tori nodded,
"She is.You didn't know?"
The boy shook his head,he had his suspicions but now that Tori confirmed it,he knew what their next move was.Meet Amane and his pretty new assistant.Maybe later though. . .he had to get ready first.He smiled and turned to Tori,
"I'm gunna go see Amane later!Wanna come with?"
Tori quickly shook her head,knowing what fears Hanako had about his brother.Tsukasa frowned,
"Awww don't be a sad sack Tori!Come with meee!"

But she stood up,shaking her head,
"I'd rather not Tsukasa.Go see him yourself."
Tsukasa narrowed his eyes for a second,did she know something?Had Amane said bad things about him behind his back?But then he forced a smiled and hovered away,
"Fine.Be like that."
But Tori was already gone,out the door and left it wide open.He smiled sinisterly,
'She really has no idea who she's exposing their plans to does she?'
He snapped his fingers and a black orb with the same red circle as Hakujodai appeared in front of him.
"Follow her and find out as much as you can.Kokujodai."
The orb bobbed around and then flew out the door,taking the shape of a purple,paper crane and flew into her pocket.
Tori was walking through the halls,arms folded and for some reason,an aching worry in her stomach.She stopped past the home economics classrooms as she heard hushed voices talking to each other.
"Nene Senpai?Kou?"
They both turned,wearing aprons and standing at a messy counter.Nene smiled brightly,
"Hey Tori!Come join us!We're making doughnuts."
"Doughnuts?Why the occasion?"
"Well Kou here said he needed help making them for his little sister but since he's so bad at cooking he wanted help so-"
"What do you mean Senpai?"
"Kou and I are in the same home ec class and he's great at-"
Tori was cut off as Kou shoved an apron over head head but then as she scowled at him,he made desperate shushing gestures.She nodded,understanding the memo.

"Well you might be a bit too late,Kou and I are up to the deep frying part.But you can still help us a little."
"On second thought I might just watch you guys."
Tori said,shrugging her apron off.Tori watched with interest as Kou and Nene seemed to continue a conversation they were having before she arrived.
"Wow!Look Tori!They look so good!"
Tori walked do the counter,and her eyes sparkled over the very appetising snacks they had made.
"They look great you guys!"
Kou picked one up,excited glee in his eyes.He was about to bite the doughnut but Teru walked in,smiling at his brother and taking him in a chokehold.
"I hope you won't forget who bought those ingredients for you!Ah!Yashiro and Kendo,hello there!"
Nene squeaked and her face turned bright red as Teru addressed her.Tori just folded her arms and looked away sourly,
"Oh this guy."

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