Part 9

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Nitya's Pov:

When he mentioned that he had something to discuss with me, I nodded in agreement. There were so many things on my mind that I was eager to share with him as well. But when he confessed that he wanted to keep our marriage a secret, citing it as a matter of safety, I couldn't help but feel a pang of mixed emotions. 

Deep down, I knew this marriage was solely for my benefit. Anyone else in his shoes would've likely refused to help me, yet here he was, going above and beyond. I was determined to do whatever it took to ensure his happiness, just as my father had always taught me—that we should never hesitate to repay those who stood by us in our darkest hours.

Promising him that I wouldn't breathe a word about our marriage to anyone, I realized there was no one else I could confide in even if I wanted to. As we reached the end of our journey, I mustered the courage to ask him for one last favor—to drop me off at my apartment. Surprisingly, he agreed without hesitation.

As the car came to a halt in front of my building, I couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude towards him. "Thank you for everything," I whispered before stepping out and making my way to my flat.

Entering my apartment, a whirlwind of thoughts consumed my mind. It was surreal how my life had taken a drastic turn in just 48 hours. I had thought those days were the worst I'd ever experience, but little did I know how swiftly things could change. Glancing at the clock, it read 2 o'clock in the morning. After freshening up, exhaustion engulfed me, and I succumbed to the embrace of sleep.

As I drifted off, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty mingled with gratitude for the unexpected turn my life had taken—all thanks to him.

Rudransh's Pov:

What does she truly think of me? It's a question that gnaws at my mind relentlessly. Despite my best efforts to maintain a mask of impassivity, I couldn't bring myself to abandon her on the desolate midnight streets. Nitya directed me to her destination, her voice a soft beacon in the darkness that guided my path.

As we pulled up to the dimly lit apartment building, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Nitya's simple expression of gratitude as she stepped out of the car struck a chord within me, stirring a mixture of unexpected warmth and uncertainty. With a silent nod, I acknowledged her thanks before retreating into the shadows of the night.

Returning to the sanctuary of my penthouse, I grappled with the consequences of my actions. The thought of facing my mother in my current state filled me with dread—her disappointment would be palpable, perhaps even more punishing than her anger. 

After hastily refreshing myself, I sought refuge in the solace of sleep, hoping to find respite from the turmoil of my thoughts.

But sleep proved elusive as Nitya's face continued to haunt me, her presence an unwelcome intruder in the sanctuary of my dreams. 

Frustration simmered beneath the surface as I tossed and turned, grappling with the relentless tide of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.

Unable to find solace in the darkness of the night, I reached for my phone, seeking a distraction from the turmoil within. Dialing Akhil's number, I implored him for any shred of information, desperate for a reprieve from the relentless cycle of uncertainty. His assurances offered little comfort, but I clung to them nonetheless, clinging to the hope that clarity would eventually emerge from the shadows. With a heavy heart, I ended the call and surrendered once more to the embrace of sleep, praying for release from the turmoil that plagued me.


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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