Part 38

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Rudransh's POV:

Today, I hurried home faster than usual because I wanted my family to enjoy their time without my irritability. I tend to get angry over trivial matters, so I thought it best to arrive after they've settled in. As I entered the hall, I spotted my beloved wife, my butterfly, peacefully asleep. I approached her quietly, intending to lift her gently, but she stirred awake just as I reached out.

"Rudranshji, you're finally home," she murmured, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Go freshen up; I'll set the table for you."

Her words struck a chord within me. She had waited for me, sleeping here in the hall. I felt a twinge of guilt knowing that my absence had prompted this. What if I had urgent work and couldn't make it home at all? But I couldn't bear to see her sad or disappointed.

Suppressing the urge to express my frustration, I smiled warmly at her.I'll be down in a moment."

I retreated to our room, feeling a mix of emotions. After freshening up, I made my way to the dining hall, knowing that my butterfly would be eagerly awaiting my presence.

Rudransh's POV:

As I entered the kitchen, I found my butterfly already busy preparing something. She requested me to wait outside as she worked. Curious, I inquired if everyone had gone out for dinner, but her response surprised me. She explained that although everyone had eaten at home, she preferred freshly prepared food rather than reheated meals. I admired her dedication to ensuring we both enjoyed a warm meal together.

While she busied herself, I couldn't shake the guilt of keeping her waiting and realizing she hadn't eaten yet. I silently resolved to come home earlier from now on, realizing how much it meant to her.

Before I could respond to her invitation to sit down, she took charge, guiding me near the stove and instructing me to sit on the chair. I watched in amazement as she expertly cooked dosas, a delicious South Indian delicacy. She plated one for me, complete with chutney, and handed it over.

In that moment, I realized how much I cherished these simple yet meaningful moments with her. Eating together in the kitchen felt oddly intimate and special, a new experience I hadn't expected but welcomed wholeheartedly. It was another beautiful memory to add to our collection, a testament to the love and care we shared for each other.

As I savored the dosa she had prepared with such care, our conversation drifted to how my day had been. She spoke animatedly about her activities in my absence, even sharing anecdotes about her and Gouri's adventures. It was a delightful exchange, filled with the warmth of her presence.

Midway through my meal, she abruptly brought up a topic I hadn't anticipated. Folding her hands, she questioned why I had been so rude to Nani. Confusion clouded my thoughts momentarily until she clarified that she referred to Dadi as Nani. Her explanation left me intrigued but also slightly bemused. When I questioned her choice of names, she simply expressed her preference without much explanation.

Attempting to ease the tension, I assured her that she could refer to them however she pleased. But she countered, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect in the way we address each other's family members. Her conviction struck a chord within me, prompting me to consider her perspective more deeply.

In a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, I playfully asked her if she liked being called "butterfly." However, her reaction caught me off guard. She turned away, clearly flustered, accusing me of diverting the conversation. I couldn't help but admire the crimson blush that adorned her cheeks, a stark contrast to her usual composure.

Realizing my misstep, I quickly refocused on the matter at hand, promising to address her concerns about my behavior towards Dadi. It was yet another reminder of her unwavering commitment to honesty and respect in our relationship, qualities that I cherished deeply.

"Innocence and Intrigue"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora