Part 12

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Author's pov:

Nitya groaned inwardly as Gouri shook her awake at the ungodly hour of 7:30 AM. "Come on, Nitya, you've got that interview today," Gouri insisted, her voice laden with urgency."Can't I just sleep a bit more?" Nitya pleaded, her eyes still heavy with sleep.

Gouri's eyes widened in disbelief. "Nitya, you'll be late! This interview could change everything for you!"

Reluctantly, Nitya dragged herself out of bed and into the routine of preparing for her interview. Gouri, who had recently secured a position as a PA at Arora Group, had offered to accompany her. They hastily ate breakfast and set off, arriving at the company in just thirty minutes.

As they approached the building, Nitya couldn't help but notice the throng of people congregating outside, all vying for the same position. When she expressed her ignorance about the company to Gouri, her friend looked genuinely shocked.

"You mean you didn't research the company?" Gouri exclaimed, disbelief evident in her tone. Nitya sheepishly admitted she hadn't, and Gouri quickly filled her in, emphasizing the company's stature and its notoriously strict CEO.

Inside the interview room, Nitya nervously fielded questions, unsure if her answers were hitting the mark. To her surprise, the HR team seemed impressed, offering her the job on the spot. As she accepted, one of the HR representatives mentioned a meeting with the CEO.

"Why does the CEO want to meet me?" Nitya asked, puzzled.

"He wants to personally congratulate you," the HR representative explained with a smile. Moments later, Nitya found herself standing outside the CEO's office, nerves fluttering in her stomach. The sound of his authoritative voice through the door sent shivers down her spine, stirring a faint memory in the recesses of her mind.

As they entered the CEO's office, Nitya's breath caught in her throat. The room was impeccably organized, with sleek, modern furniture and a panoramic view of the city skyline. Behind the massive mahogany desk sat the CEO, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of floor-to-ceiling windows.

The CEO, his face turned away, exuded an aura of power and mystery. She couldn't shake the feeling that she knew that voice from somewhere, but her mind couldn't quite grasp it.

"Good afternoon, sir," the HR representative greeted, breaking the silence. "Allow me to introduce the newest addition to our team, Nitya Sharma. She's the one you've selected."

The CEO turned slowly, his gaze meeting Nitya's. In that moment, everything seemed to stand still as recognition dawned on her, mingled with a hint of disbelief.

He was a formidable figure, exuding an air of authority that seemed to permeate the very air around him. His sharp, piercing eyes bore into Nitya as if assessing her worth with a single glance. Every line on his face spoke of years of experience and unwavering determination, and his demeanor commanded respect without uttering a word.

His tailored suit fit him like a second skin, emphasizing his powerful frame, and his posture exuded confidence bordering on arrogance. There was an aura of mystery surrounding him, an enigmatic quality that left Nitya both intrigued and intimidated.

Despite his imposing presence, there was a flicker of something beneath the surface— a hint of warmth in the way his eyes softened ever so slightly as they met hers. It was a fleeting moment, quickly masked by the steely exterior he wore like armor.

Nitya couldn't tear her gaze away from him, captivated by the complexity of the man before her. There was no denying that working for him would be a challenge, but deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that it would also be an opportunity unlike any other.


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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