Part 11

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Gouri's Pov:

Today is Nitya's birthday, and I flew into India yesterday, excited to celebrate with her. But I couldn't reach her parents on the phone, and when I went to Nitya's house, it was empty. So, I went to her flat, where she lives on her own. When I found her, something felt off. Instead of being her usual happy self on her birthday, she was crying.

I tried to comfort her, asking if she was okay. Eventually, she told me what was wrong. We decided to go out and try to enjoy the day, but even then, she seemed distant.

That night, we were both exhausted and went to sleep early.

The next morning, I woke up to see Nitya sleeping peacefully. I made breakfast, waiting for her to wake up so we could start the day together. While I was waiting, my mom called, asking when I would visit her. I told her I wanted to spend some time with Nitya first, as we're really close.

After the call, I looked through the photos we took yesterday. In one of them, I noticed something strange—Nitya was wearing symbols of marriage, like a necklace and sindoor in her hair. It hit me suddenly: my best friend had gotten married, and I had no idea.

Nitya's Pov:

As I stirred from sleep, the absence of Gouri in the room struck me. Hastily preparing for the day, I found her lost in a reverie outside. "Morning," I chirped, hoping to break through her pensive mood. Together, we sat down for breakfast, the clinking of utensils filling the air.Summoning the courage to share my burden, I broached the subject tentatively. 

"There's something I need to tell you," I began, watching her expression closely as I recounted the tumultuous events of the past year. Tears welled up in her eyes, mingling with words of apology and frustration.

Defending my silence became a battle of its own. "I didn't know how to tell you," I confessed, feeling the weight of my secret gradually lifting as I bared my soul to her.Her relentless questioning about the marriage caught me off guard. 

"It's not that important," I deflected, but her unwavering gaze demanded honesty. "When the time is right, I promise to explain," I assured her, hoping she'd understand the complexities of my situation.

Her decision to stand by me brought a sense of relief, a silent acknowledgment of our unbreakable bond. "Thank you," I murmured, gratitude flooding my heart as I realized I wouldn't have to navigate this journey alone.

As our conversation shifted to the future, the looming specter of my upcoming job interview cast a shadow over my thoughts.  Gouri's words of reassurance served as a balm to my frayed nerves, igniting a spark of hope for the unknown path ahead. With her steadfast support, I felt ready to face whatever challenges lay in store.

Rudransh's Pov:

Frustration clawed at me as I endured yet another round of excuses from the project team head. His incompetence grated on my last nerve, igniting a simmering anger deep within. With a terse dismissal, I retreated to the refuge of my cabin, the air thick with tension and the weight of unspoken threats.

A tentative knock shattered the silence, heralding Rakesh's entrance. His solemn demeanor hinted at troubling news. "Sir, today you've let go of over twenty employees," he relayed, his words hanging heavy in the air like a premonition of unrest. 

"So what?" I shrugged, masking my concern behind a facade of indifference, but inside, the wheels of my mind were already turning, plotting the next move in this deadly game.

But Rakesh's next revelation struck a chord. The latest casualty of our restructuring was none other than our project lead, the linchpin of our operations. With a weary sigh, I entrusted Rakesh with the task of finding a suitable replacement, knowing full well the ruthlessness required in this cutthroat world.

A call from Akhil momentarily diverted my attention, prompting me to arrange a meeting in the workshop. It offered a brief reprieve from the mounting turmoil at the office, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger lurking in the shadows.

The journey to the workshop was swift, yet the metallic tang of blood tainted the air upon our arrival, a grim reminder of the violence that permeated our world. Rakesh's grim report revealed a disturbing truth: the assailant from the previous attack had been driven by a sinister contract to harm the girl in my car.

 Fury surged through me, a tempest of righteous anger demanding retribution. I vowed to hunt down the culprit and ensure they faced the full extent of their actions, sending a clear message to anyone foolish enough to cross me.

Returning home, I found solace in the familiar embrace of family gathered in the hall. Despite my mother's urging to join them for dinner, my mind remained consumed by the weight of unfinished business. Retreating to my home office, I surrendered to the relentless tide of work until the early hours of the morning, knowing that in our world, weakness was not an option.

Exhaustion finally claimed me, yet sleep offered no respite from the haunting memories of Nitya, my wife of one year. Despite my best efforts to bury her memory, she haunted my every thought, a constant reminder of the vulnerabilities that threatened to unravel my carefully constructed empire.

Each morning dawned with the echo of her voice, a haunting melody that whispered of betrayal and lost innocence. Try as I might, her memory lingered, a specter that refused to be silenced, driving me ever deeper into the shadows of my own making.


                        Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if t here's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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