Part 31

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Nitya's voice cut through the tension in the car as she called out to Rakesh, her tone urgent and concerned. She pointed out that they were heading in the wrong direction, insisting that they needed to take a different route. But before Rakesh could react, Rudransh's voice filled the car with an announcement.

"We're going to the Raghuvanshi mansion," Rudransh declared, his words firm and decisive.

Nitya's eyes widened in disbelief, and she opened her mouth to protest, but Rudransh interrupted her, commanding her to sleep. The sudden authoritative tone in his voice fueled her anger, and she erupted in frustration, her voice rising in a shout.

"Mr. Raghuvanshi, I won't listen to whatever you say! This is not the way to my house, and I'm not going to your mansion or anywhere else you decide! Who are you to dictate where I should go?" Nitya's words were sharp, her emotions raw with defiance.

She turned to Rakesh, her plea interrupted by Rudransh's firm grip as he pulled her back. His words cut through the air like a blade, stern and uncompromising.

"Never speak to me like that again," Rudransh's voice held a steely edge, his gaze unwavering as he asserted his authority. "From now on, you will stay at the Raghuvanshi mansion. And as for your question about who I am, let me make it clear - I am your husband, both legally and traditionally."

Nitya's heart pounded in her chest as she processed Rudransh's words, the weight of his declaration sinking in. With a mix of defiance and resignation, she fell silent, her mind racing with conflicting emotions as they continued their journey towards the Raghuvanshi mansion.

As the car came to a stop, Gauri hurriedly stepped out and went to open Nitya's door. But before she could call out to her friend, her gaze shifted to Rudransh, who had already made his way to Nitya's side.

Rudransh stood beside Nitya, his presence towering and imposing. There was a palpable tension in the air as he looked down at her, his expression unreadable. Nitya remained lost in her thoughts, seemingly unaware of his approach.

Gauri hesitated, unsure of what to do next. She could sense the undercurrents of emotion between Nitya and Rudransh, and she didn't want to intrude on their private moment. With a silent sigh, she lingered at a distance, giving them space to sort out whatever was going on between them.

Gauri watched in astonishment as Rudransh lifted Nitya into his arms, a bridal gesture that seemed out of place in the situation. Nitya's initial protests faded as her arms instinctively wrapped around Rudransh's neck, her confusion evident in her voice as she questioned his actions.

"What are you doing, Mr. Raghuvanshi? Put me down, I can walk!" Nitya's words held a hint of embarrassment, her cheeks flushing with self-consciousness at the attention their unconventional display was drawing.

Rudransh, unfazed by Nitya's protests, held her firmly, his expression unreadable as he addressed her concerns. "Why are you getting so tense? What will look appropriate? You are my legally wedded wife, and I can do whatever I want," he stated matter-of-factly.

Nitya's eyes widened in disbelief at Rudransh's assertion. "So, you're saying that just because we're legally married, you have the right to do as you please?" she questioned, her voice tinged with skepticism.

Before Rudransh could respond, Nitya continued, her tone firm and resolute. "But let me remind you, Mr. Raghuvanshi, no one knows about our marriage. And as for staying here in the Raghuvanshi mansion, it's simply not possible."

Rudransh's brow furrowed in confusion as he asked for her reasons, prompting Nitya to explain her perspective. "What will you tell your family when they ask why I'm staying here instead of my own house in the same city? And what about our relationship? You can't possibly tell them that I'm just your soon-to-be employee and expect them to believe it."

Nitya's words hung in the air, challenging Rudransh to confront the reality of their situation and the implications of his actions. Gauri watched the exchange unfold, her concern for her friend growing with each passing moment as the tension between Nitya and Rudransh escalated.

Rudransh's statement landed like a bombshell, left Nitya stunned, her mind racing with confusion and disbelief. She struggled to comprehend the implications of his words, her voice barely above a whisper as she sought clarification.

"What do you mean by the family knows about us?" Nitya's voice wavered, her eyes wide with disbelief as she searched Rudransh's face for any hint of deception.Nitya's question hung in the air, tinged with a mixture of uncertainty and apprehension.

"Rudransh's expression remained unreadable, offering no further explanation. "The same thing you understood, his tone unwavering as he repeated his statement. "I mean exactly what I said. Everyone in the family knows about our relationship," he affirmed, his words carrying a weight that sent a chill down Nitya's spine.

Nitya's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to make sense of Rudransh's words. A torrent of questions flooded Nitya's mind as she grappled with the shocking revelation .Could it be possible that their secret marriage wasn't as secret as she had believed? The realization sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a sense of unease as she grappled with the implications of Rudransh's revelation.


Author's Note:English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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