Part 14

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Rudransh's Pov:

As Nitya entered, offering a polite "Namaste," I couldn't help but notice her graceful demeanor. "Sir, I'm Nitya Sharma," she introduced herself, her voice carrying a certain warmth.

Before any further exchange, a knock interrupted us. "Come in," I beckoned, expecting a routine interruption. However, when Rakesh stepped inside, his words caught in his throat at the sight of Nitya. Mr. Mehra, sensing the tension, swiftly intervened, citing Rakesh's purported task elsewhere. I merely nodded in acquiescence.

Once we were alone again, I felt compelled to clarify, "I'm not your sir." Nitya paused, contemplating for a moment before offering a sheepish apology, "Sorry, Mr. Raghuvanshi."

She then inquired if there was any task she could assist with. "No," I replied curtly, realizing I had no particular assignment for her.

As Nitya made to leave, Rakesh couldn't resist probing, "How is she?" Her response was casual, "Fine," before she exited the room.

Alone with Rakesh, I broached a more pressing topic. "I need a straight answer from you," I demanded.

"About what, sir?" he inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity."About everything," I clarified, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. "About all I've achieved."Rakesh, ever the supportive colleague, reassured me, "No, sir. Your successes are monumental achievements—what everyone aspires to but only few attain."

Unsatisfied, I dismissed him with a wave of my hand. However, as I glanced at the time, a sudden realization struck me—I had a meeting in ten minutes. Hastily, I exited the cabin, leaving behind unanswered questions and a lingering sense of dissatisfaction.

And amidst the rush of the day, one nagging thought persisted—how is it that even my own wife remains oblivious to my accomplishments, perhaps even to my very identity?

Nitya's Pov:

The moment Mr. Mehra uttered those words—"He is Rudransh Singh Raghuvanshi"—my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. How could I have not known my own husband's full name? Yet, amidst the whirlwind of life, it seemed such a trivial detail. Still, the realization hit me like a wave—I now knew his name. What a feat, I mused sarcastically, a year into our marriage and only now do I grasp his full identity.

Arriving at the reception, I was met by Gouri's familiar face. Her warm smile softened the sting of my earlier embarrassment. "How did the interview go?" she inquired eagerly.With a sheepish grin, I confessed, "I got the job." Gouri's congratulations washed over me like a balm, momentarily easing the tension.

Before I could dwell further on my newfound revelation or the job secured, Gouri's enthusiasm propelled us towards celebration. And amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the moment, I couldn't help but marvel at life's unexpected turns—and the small victories that punctuate its journey.


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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