Part 10

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Author's Pov:

It had been a year since their marriage, yet Nitya and Rudransh remained as distant as ever. Their lives carried on with a semblance of normalcy, each immersed in their own pursuits. Rudransh, now even more formidable than before, had ascended to become the youngest and most celebrated businessman globally. His achievements were unparalleled, marked by three consecutive "Best Entrepreneur of the Year" awards.

 Meanwhile, Nitya found solace in her own endeavors, seeking out various distractions to numb the lingering memories of the past year. As her birthday approached, she couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness, believing herself to be utterly alone in the world.Little did Nitya know, fate had other plans in store for her.

The air hummed with anticipation as Nitya's birthday dawned, the world oblivious to the significance of the day in her life. Yet, amidst the routine of the day, something extraordinary was about to unfold.

Engulfed in the hustle and bustle of her daily routine, Nitya found herself lost in thought, contemplating the year gone by and the unspoken rift between her and Rudransh. As the day progressed, she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness gnawing at her soul.But just when she thought she was truly alone in the world, a knock on her door shattered the silence of her solitude. Startled, she hesitated before cautiously approaching the door, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As she swung the door open, her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. Standing on her doorstep was Gouri, her childhood best friend who had recently returned from studying abroad, a bright smile illuminating her face.

"Happy birthday, Nitya," Gouri exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth and affection.

Tears welled up in Nitya's eyes as she threw her arms around Gouri, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. In that moment, as they embraced, Nitya realized that she was not alone after all. With Gouri by her side, she felt a sense of comfort and reassurance that she had long been yearning for.

As they stepped inside, laughter and chatter filled the air, banishing the loneliness that had plagued Nitya's heart. Surrounded by the warmth of friendship, she knew that this birthday would be one to remember—a testament to the enduring power of love and companionship.

Together, they would navigate the challenges that lay ahead, drawing strength from each other's unwavering support and understanding. And as they celebrated into the night, Nitya couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected gift that had been bestowed upon her—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and joy could still find their way into her life.

Nitya's Pov

:Today felt heavier than most days, and it took me a moment to realize why: it was my birthday. Despite my best efforts to distract myself, the weight of loneliness settled upon me like a suffocating blanket .Just as I resigned myself to the solitude, the doorbell rang—an unexpected interruption in the quiet of my thoughts.

 Opening the door, I was stunned to find Gouri standing there, her presence a welcome surprise in the midst of my solitude. Without hesitation, I enveloped her in a tight embrace, feeling a sense of relief wash over me at the sight of a familiar face. As we settled into conversation, Gouri shared snippets of her life abroad, filling the room with anecdotes and laughter. 

But as the conversation turned to my own family, a wave of emotion crashed over me, tears welling in my eyes. Gouri's concern was palpable, her gentle reassurance a comforting balm to my wounded heart.Offering me the space to share at my own pace, Gouri's words were a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty. With her unwavering support, I felt the weight of my burdens begin to lift, the walls around my heart slowly crumbling.

After a comforting embrace and some much-needed encouragement, Gouri insisted on whisking me away for a change of scenery. With her by my side, the weight of loneliness seemed to diminish, replaced by a glimmer of hope and the promise of brighter days ahead.As we ventured out into the world together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected gift of companionship. Though the road ahead remained uncertain, I knew that with Gouri by my side, I was no longer alone in the journey.


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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