Part 28

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After Rudransh left with Nitya cradled in his arms, Raj couldn't contain his pent-up emotions. He turned to Sunitha, his voice filled with both regret and longing, "Maa, what in the world just happened? I missed my own brother's wedding! I had grand plans to tease him mercilessly, but now... everything's turned topsy-turvy. Can't I at least have one chance to stir up some mischief? Oh, please, let there be some chaos to revel in, even if it's just a hint! And if not him, then I'll settle for a little teasing of my new sister-in-law!" Sunitha, with a mix of amusement and concern, approached him, urging him to halt his theatrics.

Latha intervened gently, suggesting, "Let's set this aside for now. We can discuss it further tomorrow morning." It was a reminder to focus on the immediate concern rather than dwelling on missed opportunities.

Meanwhile, Vijay anxiously dialed his son to inquire about Nitya's condition. Rudransh informed him that the tests had been conducted, but they were now waiting for the results. As for Nitya, she remained unconscious, adding a layer of tension to the already fraught atmosphere.Jai and Sunitha exchanged a knowing glance, silently resolving to visit the hospital the next morning, their worry for Nitya palpable.The morning sun cast a gentle glow over the Raghuvanshi mansion, where Rudransh found himself experiencing the most peaceful slumber of his life. Meanwhile, Nitya lay in a serene sleep, finally finding rest after several restless days. Unbeknownst to the others, Vijay, Sunitha, Jai, and Meera gathered in one car, while the younger members of the family rode in another. Rajendra and Latha followed suit in their own vehicle. Despite their separate departures, they arrived at the hospital within a mere five-minute interval.

Meeting in the parking area, they made their way inside, only to be met by guards stationed outside Nitya's room. Rajendra inquired about Rudransh's whereabouts, to which they responded that he was already inside. As they entered the room, a surprising sight greeted them: Rudransh was sound asleep, his head cradled in Nitya's lap, her fingers entwined in his hair.

Their shock heightened when Rakesh entered, a smile gracing his features at the sight before him. Sunitha couldn't help but question the unexpected scenario, considering Rudransh had informed Vijay the night before that Nitya was still unconscious. Contrary to their expectations, Rudransh seemed anything but fatigued.

Observing the scene for a few moments, Nitya's sleep was interrupted by the commotion. Attempting to gently rouse Rudransh, she found herself in a futile struggle as he stubbornly clung to his peaceful slumber, insisting it was the best sleep of his life. With a blush tinting her cheeks, she finally managed to awaken him, only for the doctor to arrive shortly thereafter.Following a thorough examination, the doctor recommended keeping Nitya under observation for the day to ensure no complications arose from her recent episode of unconsciousness. However, Nitya, determined to leave, asserted that her fainting spell was merely due to fasting, not any underlying illness.

Before the doctor could respond, Rudransh's voice filled the room, firm and authoritative, insisting that Nitya wouldn't be leaving until she was completely recovered. Despite her protests, he remained resolute, his gaze unwavering.

Sunitha intervened, offering food and medication, which Nitya initially declined. However, Rudransh took matters into his own hands, coaxing her with playful gestures and a spoonful of food. Despite her initial reluctance, Nitya couldn't help but give in to his persistent charm, her resistance melting away with each endearing moment.

As the effects of the medication took hold, Nitya drifted off to sleep once more, prompting Sunitha to urge Rudransh to freshen up. Refusing to leave Nitya's side, he insisted they all go home, promising to explain the situation to them later. With a mixture of concern and curiosity, they reluctantly departed, leaving Rudransh to watch over Nitya as she slept, their future plans lingering in the air, waiting to be addressed.

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