Part 30

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Rudransh watched as Gauri leaned in, concern etched across her face. Her question about Nitya's discharge from the hospital pierced through the tense atmosphere. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before responding.

"After Nitya wakes up from her sleep," Rudransh replied, his voice steady but tinged with the weight of worry.

Gauri nodded slowly, her expression softening with understanding. "Okay," she murmured, her tone gentle yet filled with empathy.

Rudransh couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Gauri. Her unwavering support during this difficult time meant more to him than words could express. With a silent nod, he turned his attention back to the hospital room, where Nitya lay still, her peaceful form a stark contrast to the chaos that had engulfed their lives.

After some time

Nitya's eyes fluttered open, and her gaze fell upon Gauri, who was sitting by her side. Confusion briefly clouded her features as she processed the sight before her.

"What are you doing here?" Nitya's voice was still hoarse from sleep as she questioned Gauri.

Gauri smiled softly, her eyes reflecting warmth and reassurance. "Mr. Raghuvanshi informed me about your health, so I took the day off from the office to be here with you," she explained gently.

Before Nitya could respond, Gauri gently urged her to get ready, informing her that they were going back home. Rudransh observed from the doorway, a sense of relief washing over him as he noticed a small smile grace Nitya's lips.

Deciding to give the friends some space, Rudransh quietly stepped out of the room, allowing Gauri to assist Nitya in getting ready. Together, they emerged from the room, where Rudransh's PA, Rakesh, stood waiting to guide them.

As they made their way towards the car, Nitya's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. She turned to Rakesh and insisted that they would manage on their own, expressing her heartfelt appreciation for all the care they had received.

Rakesh, taken aback by Nitya's words, began to protest, but she interrupted him, emphasizing that their support had already exceeded her expectations.

As Rudransh returned from his call, he observed the exchange between Nitya, Gauri, and Rakesh. Sensing the hesitation in Rakesh's movements, Rudransh stepped forward, his presence commanding attention.

"Get in the car," Rudransh's voice carried a hint of authority, his tone firm and unwavering.

Rakesh was taken aback by Rudransh's sudden assertiveness, his eyes widening in surprise. It was rare to see Rudransh speak with such authority, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

Nitya, sensing the tension, attempted to defuse the situation, insisting that there was no need for Rudransh to intervene. But Rudransh remained resolute, his expression unreadable as he repeated his command in his usual cold tone, making it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any further argument.

Reluctantly, Nitya complied, sinking into the backseat of the car. Rakesh swiftly opened the passenger door for Gauri, his movements mechanical as he processed the unexpected turn of events. Rudransh silently took his place in the backseat, his gaze fixed ahead as they embarked on their journey home, the air heavy with unspoken tension.


Author's Note:English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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