Part 17

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Author's pov:

Rudransh's gaze pierced through the HR manager as he leaned forward, his voice heavy with authority. "Why haven't you ensured that the project head joins within the week?" His words resonated with a palpable intensity, causing a tremor in the HR manager's demeanor.

The HR manager stammered, his eyes darting nervously around the room. "Sir, it's a process that requires time for official procedures",he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. I've already reached out to Ms. Sharma, but it might take at least 15 days for her to join."

Rudransh's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. He observed the HR manager's restless hands, twisting and turning as if grappling with an unseen force. "No excuses. I don't want to hear any. I need that project head reporting to me within a week, or else you can start searching for your new job."

The HR manager swallowed hard, his anxiety palpable. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, betraying the tension coursing through his veins. "I... I'll make sure to expedite the process, sir." he promised, his voice quivering with uncertainty.

Rudransh's expression remained steely, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and determination. "Good. Now, leave

 my cabin and make it happen. I trust you'll handle it appropriately."

As the HR manager hastily exited the room, a wave of frustration washed over Rudransh, his hand inadvertently knocking over the delicate flower vase that adorned his desk, the crash reverberating through the room like a thunderclap, a stark reminder of the chaos brewing within him.

Today, of all days, he had received the latest report on Nitya. He had combed through it meticulously, searching for any sign of trouble, but found nothing but blank pages of innocence. Nitya, his wife, appeared untainted by any suspicion. He had checked and rechecked, scrutinizing every detail. There were no clandestine affairs, no hidden secrets. She had remained untouched by romantic advances, her only closeness reserved for her friend, Gouri. There had been no conflicts, no enemies lurking in the shadows.

But what troubled him most was the scant information regarding Nitya's parents. They were mere shadows in the backdrop of her life, their presence faint and elusive. All he had was their previous address, a place she had left behind after their marriage. As Akhil, had revealed the grim truth - her parents had perished in a tragic accident on the eve of their wedding. Since then, Nitya had abandoned the house, carrying the weight of loss on her shoulders.

Rudransh's mind raced with unanswered questions, each one a thorn digging deeper into his consciousness. What had happened that fateful day? What secrets lay buried beneath the surface? He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Nitya's past than met the eye. But for now, all he could do was sift through the fragments of information, hoping to unravel the truth before it consumed them all.

Rudransh pov:

As I delved deeper into the enigma of Nitya's past, I turned to Akhil for answer . "Did Nitya's parents have any rivals?" I inquired, my voice edged with urgency.

Akhil's brow furrowed in thought before he replied, "No, sir. They were truly good people. Nitya's father was known for his charitable deeds, and their family was well-established without any disturbances."

But as Akhil spoke, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of incompleteness surrounding Nitya's history. "We need to investigate further into her parents' deaths," I urged. "There are too many gaps in this matter. We don't even know what Nitya's father was involved in. Every document simply mentions 'business,' but what kind? And as for her mother, only her name is present. We need to dig deeper."

Lost in contemplation, I couldn't help but marvel at the whirlwind of events that had swept through Nitya's life in just one year. She had lost her parents, married a stranger whose name she didn't even know, and then acquiesced to my request to keep our marriage a secret. And despite discovering that her husband was one of the wealthiest men in the country, she hadn't made any attempts to reach out to me. It was a perplexing puzzle, one that left me grappling with the complexities of Nitya's character.

If anyone else were in her shoes, their life would have been a complete disaster. Yet, Nitya remained composed, her stoicism a testament to her resilience in the face of adversity.


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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