Part 22

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Nitya's perspective:

I stood on the sidewalk, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for Rakesh bhai to show up. Gouri had ditched me, saying she didn't know anyone there. I shrugged it off and waited, but when a car pulled up, it wasn't Rakesh bhai driving.

Surprise flickered across my face as I saw my husband, Mr. Raghuvanshi, behind the wheel. "Rakesh is tied up with work, so I came to pick you up," he explained, breaking the silence that had settled between them. My expression wavered between shock and gratitude as i climbed into the passenger seat.

As we drove, my husband broached the topic of my impending employment. "When do you plan on joining the company?" he inquired, his tone gentle yet probing. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Sensing my hesitation, he continued, "We're in need of a project lead, and your expertise would be invaluable. Can you start next Monday?"

Mr. Raghuvanshi insisted I speak instead of just nodding. My mind raced as i processed his request. I nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "I'll join the company on Monday," I finally replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smiled at me, his eyes softening. "Good," he

 said, his tone warm and reassuring. "Just remember, I'm not your boss. You can call me by my name."

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks as i apologized for my oversight. "Sorry, Mr. Raghuvanshi," i murmured, quickly correcting myself.

As we arrived at our destination, I was struck by the grandeur of my surroundings. The mansion loomed before us, its ornate façade a testament to their wealth and status. i followed my husband inside, my eyes darting around the opulent interior.

Suddenly, my gaze fell upon something unexpected—a trail of red footprints leading from the entrance to where i stood. Confusion washed over me until i realized they were my own, remnants of the sindoor i had stepped in earlier. It was strange and a bit eerie, realizing I'd left my mark without even realizing it.a trail of my presence in their home.

Mr. Raghuvanshi's voice broke through my reverie, his eyes filled with concern. I offered him a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "I'm ready," I said, my voice filled with a newfound sense of confidence. "Let's see where this journey takes us."


Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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