Part 19

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Author's pov:

The Raghuvanshi mansion buzzed with excitement as preparations for Karva Chauth were underway. Every nook and cranny echoed with the anticipation of the upcoming festival. Women flitted around, each with her own unique style, putting the final touches on their attire and adorning their hands with intricate mehndi designs.

Rudransh arrived home earlier than usual, greeted by the sight of his entire family gathered in the hall. Surprised, he approached his brother Raj, who was deep in conversation with their mother.

"What's happening here? Isn't Karva Chauth tomorrow?"Rudransh inquired, his voice carrying a subtle edge of dominance, accustomed to being in control.

Raj hesitated for a moment, taken aback by Rudransh's assertiveness but smiled, stepping forward to explain, "Yes, this are the celebration for tomorrow. It's a special women's festival, and everyone's getting ready for it. Oh, and guess what? Priya didi is participating for the first time! That's got everyone even more excited. Plus, Anika bua, Sruthi, and Rahul are coming over tomorrow too."

As Raj spoke, Ishika appeared from behind, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Absolutely! It's going to be an unforgettable day. The excitement is contagious!"

Though Rudransh maintained his stoic facade, a warmth stirred within him, a silent acknowledgment of the happiness radiating throughout the mansion. Amidst the flurry of activity, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of anticipation for the joyous celebrations that lay ahead.

Rudransh's curiosity was piqued as he observed the preparations, prompting him to question his sister, Ishika, with a commanding tone. "Are you not going to celebrate?"

Ishika shrugged, a hint of wistfulness in her tone. "Bro, I'm just 18, and you know this festival is for married women or those hoping for the safety and success of their future spouses. Priya didi's doing it to find a loving husband who'll be there for her in every situation.

Raj playfully You wouldn't want a husband like bhai, would you?"

Raj chuckled, but his words carried a hint of admonishment. "You should learn something from Priya. She's thinking ahead. Otherwise, you might end up with someone like Rudransh here, and then you'd be in for a world of trouble."

Rudransh shot his brother a glare, but Ishika shook her head. "No, I'll consider it when I'm 20 or 22. Besides, Priya didi is 23; she's ready for it. I can't imagine fasting all day without food or water. It's just not my style."

Rudransh interjected firmly, his protective instincts kicking in. "No need for any of that. Tell Priya she can eat if she wants. There's no need to go through all that trouble."

With that, Rudransh excused himself from the conversation, retreating to his room to gather his thoughts. As he reflected, the image of Nitya crossed his mind, her presence stirring a sense of unease. However, dismissing the notion, he resolved to focus on the present.

After Rudransh left, Ishika's voice trembled with concern as she turned to Raj. "Raj bhai, why is Rudransh bhai like that? Can't he show any emotion on his face? Is he really our brother, or was something strange happening when mama gave birth? Maybe he got swapped with another baby. We should really think about it."

Raj's expression softened as he listened to Ishika's worries. "Ishika, I understand your concerns, but Rudransh is our brother through and through. Yes, he may appear tough on the outside, but deep down, he's filled with love for us. He shields his emotions because he doesn't want anyone to see his vulnerabilities. But trust me, he cherishes our family more than anything. Remember the times when we went on trips? Rudransh insisted on coming along, not because of duty, but because he couldn't stand being away from us. And if ever we face troubles, he'll be the first to stand by us, even if he doesn't show it outwardly. Let's not dwell on these thoughts. When our sister-in-law arrives, she'll surely bring out Rudransh's softer side."

As Raj spoke, Ishika felt a wave of reassurance wash over her, yet a lingering worry still tugged at her heart. The bond between siblings was strong, but the mysteries surrounding Rudransh's demeanor lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their familial bliss.

Later, after freshening up, Rudransh descended to join his mother for dinner. Despite her pleas for him to stay for the festivities the next day, he politely declined, citing work commitments. With a heavy heart, his mother bid him goodnight, sensing the weight of his unresolved thoughts.

Alone in his room, Rudransh couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease. The mysteries surrounding Nitya's actions intertwined with his own inner turmoil, leaving him feeling adrift in a sea of unanswered questions. Despite his facade of strength, Rudransh grappled with his emotions, longing for resolution and understanding amidst the tangled web of family secrets.

After freshening up, Rudransh descended to join his mother for dinner. When she urged him to stay for the festivities the next day, he politely declined, citing work commitments. Assuring her that he would make arrangements for anything she needed, he bid her goodnight, his mind still grappling with the mysteries surrounding Nitya's actions.

***********************************************************************************************Author's Note:

English is not my native language, so I appreciate your understanding if there are any errors in my writing. Your feedback is valuable to me, so please let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story or if there's anything I can improve upon. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

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