Part 3

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Disclaimer* please everyone remember that these are fictional characters and does not actually represent any real life individuals. I know you all know this but i just wanted to say it, because it's important regarding this story.

Lindsey stayed in the hotel room for a few hours after Stevie left. He ended up ordering room service and watching rubbish tv. He was in no rush to go home. Home. He snorted to himself. That was a joke. Fucking ridiculous house that i paid for more like.

He lay down in the bed contemplating all the terrible decisions he had made that had led him to this point. Too fucking late. The voice of reason told him as his mind wandered to other possibilities. Stevie.

He could smell her everywhere, all over his hands and his face. He smelt her perfume on the bed sheets. Her conditioner on the pillow he buried his face into. He loved her in his twisted way. Obsessed and enchanted by her but too bitter and cowardly to do anything about it.

He thought about his life and decided that pretty much summed it up. Cowardly. He fought the good fight for all the wrong things. His so called art. Making double albums. Where to record. Who to mix. What did it matter? He was stubborn. Controlling. Jealous.

He decided not to delve deeper into his thoughts. It wouldn't make any difference. He checked the time and made himself get up. He drove home enjoying the traffic as it delayed him. He hoped she wouldn't be there as he walked through the door, tossing his keys in some pretentious vase she had in the hallway that he longed to smash. But of course she was there and she staggered out of the kitchen, cocktail in hand bumping into the wall as she came up to him.

"Husband." Kristen said trying to kiss him but he pushed her away. What a fucking bad imitation of a 50's housewife i've married.

"Isn't it a little early for that?" He told her, disapproval evident in his voice as he took the drink from her and drank half of it. Vodka today. Nice.

"Five o'clock somewhere," she giggled hysterically at her own joke as Lindsey rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to the studio." He glared at her with disgust.

"No you're not." She said in a sing-song voice, slurring as she attempted to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Come fuck me." She tried to say seductively but her drunken rolling of vowels made her even more unattractive to Lindsey. If he was going to do that he'd have to get drunk too and he wasn't in the mood for shit sex after Stevie.

"No." He said flinging her arms off him and walking away.


"You do that." He said with disinterest as he left her muttering obscenities while she stomped up the stairs.

He went out to the studio and began drinking himself. A little bourbon was what he needed to live in this house. You've made your bed. The irritating voice of reason told him as he tried to blame everyone but himself for the situation.

He came back into the house hours later and found Leelee in the hallway putting stuff into her purse.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He asked harshly, looking her up and down in a short red dress that barely covered her ass and exposed far too much of her chest.

"A dress." Leelee retorted in the same tone.

A car beeped outside and she moved to go but he grabbed her arm.

"You're not going out dressed like that." He shouted red faced even though she was inches from him.

"Yes i am." She said and pulled away from.

"You look like street whore." Lindsey spat angrily.

"Take it up with mom. She bought it." Leelee ignored his commented and breezed out the door before he could stop her again.

He seethed with anger as he went upstairs to scream at Kristen. What the fuck was wrong with her? But she wasn't there and he remembered their earlier argument and he realised she'd probably gone out to fuck someone. Great.

The house was quiet so he took up his drinking in the living room this time. Then seeing it was somehow well after 9. He picked up his phone, finding Stevie's name and smiling.

"Hey baby," He said when she answered after only a few rings.

"Hey," She said again.

"How was your meeting gorgeous?" He asked, he loved laying on the compliments.

She began ranting about how much she hated her label and what a load of jerk offs they were as he listened smiling softly. He loved her voice. He couldn't believe there was a time when the sound of it would make his blood boil. Now it was exactly what he needed to calm him down.

"Anyway enough about them. They can all go jump in a lake. How was your day?" Stevie asked fed up of her own problems.

"Well other than a pretty amazing blow job it was quite quiet." Lindsey teased and she laughed, the sound delicious to his tired ears.

"I'm glad i could liven up your day." She spoke, her voice sounded seductive even through the phone.

"You liven up my life." He told her.

"So uh, since we did lunch today, how about breakfast tomorrow." She asked and he felt her smirk down the line.

"I'll be there bright and early baby."

"More of the bright, less of the early." Stevie said and he laughed.

"Love you." He told her before hanging up.

"Love you too." She replied and he felt empty when the line went dead. He filled the gaping hole in his chest with liquor and passed out, blissfully numb on the couch.

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