Part 7

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"Kristen i don't know why your car is making a funny noise." Lindsey said frustrated into the phone. "Because i'm not a fucking mechanic that's why." Lindsey snapped.
"I'm working. Call triple A." He hung up. Christ she was annoying him.

"Sorry Mike. Let's see it." He said focusing on what he was doing. Mike opened the box and he inspected the diamond bracelet inside. This was going to cost him.

"It's perfect. You're the man Mike."

"There are matching earrings for a coming home present Mr Buckingham. If we know anything about Miss Nicks, you'll need them."

"Definitely." He said.

Two hours later he was knocking on Stevie's door with a huge bouquet of red roses.

"Lindsey why didn't you use your key-" She gasped as the roses covered all of his upper body. She may be a millionaire but receiving flowers still made her heart skip a beat.

"And what did i do to deserve these?" She said pushing them to the side and kissing him passionately.
"Or should i ask what did you do for me to deserve these?" She said giggling.

"So cynical." Lindsey said, kissing her again.

She led him into the kitchen and found her biggest vase, cutting the stems off the flowers as Lindsey peaked into her oven and she smacked his hand with a rose.

"Oi!" She said and he laughed. He loved that she actually used her oven. That her kitchen always smelled like pasta or soup or cookies. She made him cookies specially and cursed him every time when he fed her them and she ruined her diet. He loved her cooking for him.

"What are you making me?" He asked wrapping his arms around her.

"Chicken casserole." She answered.

"Mmm i'm so hungry."

"Well you'll have to wait." Stevie said playfully, she stood between his legs, her hands on his chest. She knew he had something to tell her and she was trying to prepare herself.

"Can i have a little snack while i wait?" He asked.

"Sure," she said going towards the fridge. "There's some yogurt, an apple?"

"You." Lindsey growled pulling her back towards him and lifting her up onto the counter.

"Lindsey," she giggled but he'd pulled her leggings off and her panties with them and was nibbling her thighs before she could even think. He spread her legs apart and licked her centre rapidly, his tongue raced around her clit, making her moan grabbing the back of his head and pushing it closer. He closed his mouth around her bud and sucked hard making her lurch forward but he held her safely to the counter as her hands ran through his hair and her hips rolled against his face. He moved to nibble at her lips, his tongue lapping at her folds.

"Do you want some?" He asked sucking more of her sweetness into his mouth as she nodded breathlessly and he rose up for a second to kiss her open mouth and she moaned tasting herself as he went back down. He did everything he knew she loved and using only his mouth brought her to a powerful orgasm. It turned her on even more when she was desperate for him to fill her, but he made her cum without entering her. He stood back up and kissed her as she sighed against his lips.

"God you're so good at that." Stevie gasped.

"You want to do a little something for me i know you're so good at?" He asked moving her hand to his crotch where she felt a hardness and grinned.

"Mmm," She said rubbing him through his jeans and unzipping them. Reaching her hand in she found something other than his cock. Pulling out a long black velvet box, she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He zipped his jeans back up and took her other hand, guiding her into opening the box. She gasped as the diamonds sparkled in the early evening sun.

"What have you done Lindsey?" She asked quietly, this had guilt present written all over it, but she admired the bracelet as he fastened it to her wrist and avoided answering her.

"Did you say hi to Mike for me at least?" She smirked.

"He sends his 'warmest regards'." Lindsey relayed the message and wrapped his arms around her, not wanting to tell her just yet but making himself.

"The thing is gorgeous, i have to go to Paris for a little while."

"How long is a little while?" Stevie asked lightly.

"Two weeks." Lindsey answered.

"With her?" She asked and he nodded.

"Okay." She said easily but was reeling inside.

"Okay?" He asked in surprise, sure he was about to lose a limb.

"Yeah, it'll give me time to start my record." Stevie said smiling. She'd already had to deal with the disappointment of his wife turning up in Europe when they'd planned to spend every spare second together in bed in Paris, watching people walk along the seine through their bay window. She'd still had a fantastic time in Paris but it wasn't the same without Lindsey. And now he was taking her to Paris again. She'd had enough of this. She was fed up of being the other woman. Cooking him dinner and sucking his cock only for him to go back home to his wife and kids. Why does he get it all? She thought bitterly. He was hugging her close and kissing her neck as she thought and the timer beeping drew her out of her thoughts.

"We'll take a trip together. I promise. You. Me. A tropical island. How about it Nicks?"

"Sure baby." She said without commitment as she took the casserole out of the oven.

"You know i don't want to leave you here alone right." He whispered to her, kissing her hair and she recoiled. She hated it when he got all clingy. He wasn't hers and she wasn't his, no matter how much they said they loved each other, he married someone else.

"I'm a big girl Lindsey." She said curtly. "Give me some time to miss you." She patted his cheek gently and plated up their food. She changed the subject as they sat down to eat and started telling him all about the movie she'd watched last night that she'd written a poem about and he listened enchantedly as he thanked the forces at large for her incredible reaction, not that it made him feel better at the prospect of spending two weeks with his pain in the ass wife. She'll put fucking years on me.

A/N hey guys, i just wanted to tell you all that i really appreciate and love your comments, i just really don't know what to say in reply to them. Please don't think i'm ignoring you and please keep telling me what you think! x

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