Part 1

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Stevie lay contentedly relaxing in her bath. She loved finally being home. The band had just finished the european leg of their tour and she planned on doing nothing between now and Australia. Well maybe not nothing. Lindsey. Hmm.
She sighed as she thought of him and sank further down into the water.
Lindsey. His mouth. His strong arms. His thick cock. Her hand dipped into the water and she found her sensitive area, beginning to play with her desire she closed her eyes and thought about all the nights in foreign countries, then about last night.

Startled from her pleasure by her dog barking outside the bathroom and then running in, growling as she tried to guard the bathtub.

"There's a good girl, no one can sneak up on mommy with you here, can they?" Stevie told her dog, but she was really teasing the man she knew was outside the door.

"Stevie when are you going to get rid of that little rat?" Lindsey asked poking his head through the bathroom door.

"It's okay baby, don't listen to the nasty man, mommy'll get rid of him first." Stevie baby talked to Sulamith, blowing her kisses.

"Now i sure feel loved." Lindsey said taking a step into the room but Sulamith pounced onto his leg, barking madly and he retreated.

"Stevie get out of the bath and deal with her please," Lindsey asked going back into the bedroom.

Stevie climbed out of the tub and dried herself off, pulling on the robe and picking sulamith up, letting her lick her face as she walked into the bedroom.

"Say if Daddy was nicer, you wouldn't try to bite his leg off, would you baby?" Stevie continued to taunt Lindsey by talking to the dog.

"If mommy got a real dog, not a bad excuse for a naked mole rat, Daddy might like it better." Lindsey said in a sarcastic baby voice and patted sulamith's head, who nipped at him and Stevie burst out laughing at their exchange.
"Come on, put her outside, we haven't got much time gorgeous." Lindsey said smoothing Stevie's behind.

She put the dog out and shut her bedroom door, Lindsey instantly wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm glad i snuck out now, you're already naked for me, this is perfect." He murmured against her cheek, kissing it.

She remembered her aching arousal as he caressed the skin of her chest with his palm, thinking that foreplay was needed but she knew better. He'd come at just the right time.

"Mm and where does your wife think you are?" Stevie asked leaning into him as his hands slipped inside her robe and he kissed her neck.

"Yoga." He whispered into her ear with a chuckle.

"In that case we better do some downward facing dog," Stevie told him sensually, pulling away and taking off her robe.

She kneeled on her bed and bent over pushing her hands and face into the mattress, spreading her knees apart and arching her back.

Lindsey didn't expect her to be so eager but had already taken off his clothes in the short time it took for her to position herself. He stared at her pussy for an instant groaning with desire, before swiftly moving to her and bracing himself so he wouldn't come instantly, he placed his stiff cock against her slit, ready to get her excited but she was already drenched.

"Fuck baby, you're dripping wet." Lindsey moaned to her as he rubbed his cock over her folds, not entering yet. She whimpered feeling her arousal heighten.
"Just what were you doing in that bath before i got here?" Lindsey asked nipping her ear, making her squirm.

"Thinking about you and touching myself." Stevie groaned closing her eyes. She had worked herself up far too much already and now she needed to be fucked, long and hard.

"Ooh my naughty naughty girl," Lindsey smacked her ass and thrusted into her without warning. "Now i'm going to punish you."

"Oh god! Yes! Please!" Stevie yelled as he started pounding her.

He leaned over her back as he moved faster and harder, pushing in and almost out with each thrust, slamming back into her deeply. He grabbed her breasts and rolled her nipples as she moaned and screamed, her hands gripping the sheets.

"You're so fucking tight baby." Lindsey growled, sweated dripped from his brow and her body heat scorched his chest as her skin glistened with sweat too.

"LINDSEY!" she moaned desperately, feeling his cock deep inside her, the friction building an orgasm in the pit of her stomach.

"Come for me naughty girl," Lindsey demanded squeezing her breasts harder and she tensed up around him screaming.


He kept thrusting, letting go of her breasts and slapping her ass. When her climax lulled she collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion just as Lindsey came.

"Shit baby," he groaned and rubbed his cock wildly against her ass, emptying himself all over her.

He collapsed to the side of her when he finished and pulled her on top of him.

"Kiss me." He demanded.

"Mmm," She moaned into his mouth, kissing him fiercely, forcing her tongue in the minute their lips connected. She sucked at his face so hard it almost hurt and he had to pull away breathless.

"Trying to suffocate me Nicks." He murmured.

"You know if i wanted to do that, i'd do it with my pussy." Stevie bit his ear.

"I love it when you say pussy."

"I love it when you eat mine." She purred.

"Oh you're in such a good mood tonight aren't you baby?" He teased pushing her fringe out of her face as she looked up at him, her chin on his chest.

"After that how could i not be?" She murmured, grinning and he kissed her again.

"I've got to clean myself up. Stay." Stevie said rolling off him.

"I like you dirty." He called seductively as she went into the bathroom. He crawled up higher in the bed and lay his head on her pillow, taking in her scent, she always smelled so fucking delicious. Resting his eyes for a second, he didn't hear her return.

"If you have bruised me, i'm going to give you a very visible hickey," she threatened climbing on top of him again.

"Fairs fair." He nodded licking her lips and she sucked his tongue into her mouth. They made out until Stevie started to wind it down into soft pecks and she kissed his chest, letting him hold her for a minute.

"I've had my way with you, now get out." Stevie teased as she slid off him and wrapped her robe around herself as he got up and dressed.

"Charming Nicks." He said pecking her cheek.
"You really are a sexy bitch," he muttered looking at her sex hair and glowing face and she burst out laughing.

She walked him downstairs and stood on the doorstep hugging him as he kissed her goodbye as normally as if he were going off to work in the morning, not home to his wife.

"What's the schedule like tomorrow baby?" Lindsey asked her.

"Could meet you for lunch if you're in town," she said.

"Mm room service, usual place?" Lindsey asked already thinking about what he could do to her tomorrow.

"I'll text you." She nodded and they exchanged another quick peck.

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