Part 8

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Christine arrived the next day just in time. Stevie needed to take her mind off the whole Lindsey going the Paris thing, so she invited Sharon and Lori over and made it a girls night. They were 3 bottles of wine in and Stevie was finally loosening up.

Sitting in her living room that she still hadn't rearranged from an interview months ago she laughed hysterically as Lori finished a story about a disastrous date.

"Where on earth did you meet this man?" Christine asked laughing as she sipped her wine.

"Sharon," Lori said drawing out her name comically and laying the blame on her, "set me up."

"It wasn't my fault! My brother said he was nice!" Sharon exclaimed but laughed when Lori shook her head and pointed at her definitely.

"God i'm so glad i'm done with the whole dating thing." Stevie said in relief as she refilled her glass.

"Oh yeah right. There is no way the Stevie Nicks i know doesn't want a man." Lori teased her sister in law.

"Well i never said i swore off cock completely." Stevie smirked and sipped her wine as Christine choked on hers and Lori and Sharon burst into laughter.

"Stephanie!" Christine gasped.

"What?" Stevie said raising her eyebrow and trying not to giggle.

"It has been forty years and i've never once heard you say the word cock." Christine laughed still completely surprised.

"That's cause you said it enough for the both of us." Stevie cackled and Christine shrugged then laughed too.

"Wait a minute, you keep saying you've narrowed it down to no one?" Sharon asked with a confused expression.

"That's just what i tell the press." Stevie laughed.

"So why haven't you introduced us to your boyfriends then?" Sharon questioned even more confused. She'd had one too many glasses of wine by the look on her face.

"Sharona," Lori said rolling her eyes at Sharon. "She's not talking about boyfriends."

"What? You mean..." Sharon trailed off realising.

"So when was your last one night stand then Stevie?" Lori asked, she could do with some details to cheer herself up after that fucking date.

"Now that would be telling..." Stevie said, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"That's the idea." Lori said in a sing song voice tickling Stevie's side and she squealed wriggling away.

"Alright... Paris." Stevie admitted and the word was bittersweet in her mouth.

"Last month Paris?" Sharon asked her mouth wide open and Stevie nodded grinning shyly.

"Details. Now." Lori said and the girls were all ears, staring at her, willing her to tell them everything.

"Well you all had gone to bed and Mick flaked on me, so i went down to the bar for a drink alone and a nice businessman offered to buy me one. I don't think he knew who i was. And i didn't tell him. We got talking, and i decided i liked him, so then we got kissing, and he invited me to his room." Stevie said and took a sip of her wine as they all groaned at her teasing them by stopping there.

"And?" Christine said when Stevie didn't start speaking again.

And Stevie thought to herself. And he wasn't Lindsey. He was a good lay. Great kisser. Did everything i wanted. Even went down on me first. While Lindsey was probably going down on his wife... No. Don't think about it. Keep talking.

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