Part 20

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Stevie was startled from her introspective writing by her front door bell ringing. She jumped up quickly to answer it, so whoever it was didn't ring it again as Leelee was asleep upstairs.

"Hi." Robert Plant said as he extended a bunch of red tipped yellow roses to her. She smiled biting her lip as she took them. She knew quite a lot about flowers, roses especially. The colours signified friendship and falling in love, she wondered if he knew that too or had chosen them instinctively. Something told her that he knew as it was an odd choice.

"They're beautiful, thank you." Stevie stood on her tip toes and tried to kiss his cheek but met his lips as he bent down to make it easier for her and blushed when they bumped noses and Robert caught her from stumbling backwards for the second time.

"I'm starting to think you're my knight in shining armour," She murmured once she'd found her balance again.

"Do i get to come into the castle or do i have to swim the moot first?" Robert raised his eyebrows cocking his head towards the entryway as they still stood on Stevie's front steps.

"Yes of course, come in!" Stevie quickly motioned with her hand, flustered and led him inside. She tried to sneak a surreptitious look at herself in the mirror. She was in her lounging pants and a cashmere sweater and she cursed herself for not having smoothed her hair out at least before answering the door. Robert caught her looking appalled at her reflection.

"You're beautiful." He told her and her eyes flashed to him in surprise both that he'd seen her checking and at his words.

"Thank you." She blushed and he smiled, pleased she'd accepted the compliment.

"I've been trying to call, i hope it's not too rude of me to show up on your doorstep."

"Oh god, i'm so sorry, i promise i haven't been ignoring your calls, can i make you a cup of tea? I'll explain it all." Stevie gave him such an apologetic look he felt bad for even bringing up his unanswered calls. God she was pretty. It was those eyes.

"Sure." Robert followed her into the kitchen.

"Milk? Sugar?" Stevie asked as she took out two cups.

"A splash of milk. No sugar, you're sweet enough for me." Robert flirted unconsciously and Stevie smiled coyly. He must know he had her by now but he was still trying to win her affections.

"Would you like a biscuit?" Stevie asked opening the cupboard she convinced herself didn't exist the majority of the time as it contained all the naughty foods she didn't let herself eat.

"You're the only american woman i've ever heard call a biscuit, a biscuit." He laughed as he accepted two.

"Christine taught me well." She winked.

She made their tea and took him back into her living room where the fire was lit even though it was mid-july, she'd cranked up the air conditioning, she just loved the atmosphere it created and now it made the mood very romantic as the sun was setting, bathing the room in glowing golden sunlight.

They sat side by side on the couch as Stevie told him everything that had happened with Leelee since their date, how she couldn't get in contact with Lindsey, and how angry she was at him. She came quite close to telling Robert about their affair but stopped herself. There was no affair, not anymore and she wasn't going to let it rule her life for a second longer.

"You've really had a week of it baby," Robert said when she'd finished and let out a huff of laughter, nodding.
"Is Leelee okay now?" He asked and she loved that he was concerned when he didn't even know her.

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