Part 28

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Lindsey was elated to finally be on a plane out of the god forsaken country he had been trapped in for the past two weeks. The moment he'd had his cell phone returned to him when their set checked out of the resort had been nearly euphoric to him until he'd turned it on and discovered nearly 1000 messages and calls from Stevie and many missed calls from several unknown numbers. He'd done a little timezone math and cursed time all to hell when he realised it was too late to call even her.

Kristen had been begging him to go into the city of Paris before their flight later that day but Lindsey had lost all patience at that point and told her to fuck off, ignoring her psychotic screams as he got in a taxi and headed straight to charles de gaulle, booking himself on the first flight available back to LA and paying no mind to leaving his wife in a foreign country.

Now he sat comfortably on said plane, avoiding checking his messages as it would only make him anxious about not being able to reply and flicking through all the pictures of Stevie he had on his phone, feeling a calm wash over him that he hadn't felt in 2 weeks when it wasn't alcohol induced, as he gazed at her face. Why did i waste all this fucking time without her? How stupid can i be, who really follows through with that you've made your bed now you lie in it crap anyway? Everyone gets divorced. If you weren't so fucking concerned with morality and looking like a good guy you could've already been married to Stevie by now.

He ordered a celebratory whiskey and told the air hostess to keep them coming as he delved into the photos Stevie would kill him if she knew existed. Smiling to himself as he looked through the nude photos of her as she slept, and when she was in the shower, then some that she'd let him take of her in lingerie when she was drunk. Oh fuck i can't wait to see her he thought to himself. He imagined their reunion and had then had to stop when a hard on threatened. God just the mere thought of her sweet moans was more than enough to get him going on a good day, let alone when he hadn't seen her in 2 weeks. This is the last time i'll ever have to leave her Lindsey thought, reminding himself he had to call his lawyer just as soon as he landed.

The second the plane touched down he was itching to get off it, leaving without his luggage as he rushed through the airport and jumped into a cab, giving the driver Stevie's address. With the time difference flying back from France it was 9am in LA, that was still a little early for him to wake Stevie but for once he didn't think she'd mind.

He called his lawyer from the cab and gave him very specific instructions concerning how he wanted to ensure his financials before beginning divorce proceedings and finished the call just as they pulled up outside Stevie's house. He paid the driver, getting out of the cab at her gate, then walking through them after entering the code.

Lindsey pulled out his keys but found her door to be unlocked, a broad smile creeping across his face at the anticipation of finally seeing her as he padded up the stairs. Sneaking into her room, he breathed a sigh of relief being with her again at last. He gazed at the glorious sight before him, her blonde tresses sprawled over the pillow, her chest rising and falling as she slept peacefully, snuggled under the comforter her exposed skin seemed to glow, enticing him in.

Lindsey slid off his shoes and slipped in his side of the bed, gently wrapping his arms around her and feeling the joy of having come home as her body moved slightly closer to his. He started placing soft kisses to her neck, his hand smoothing over her stomach, tracing the pattern on the silk of her slip that clung to her body.

Stevie yawned, feeling the soft morning sunlight on her face and sighed contently as warmth radiated against her back. She'd been nervous and had woken early, seeking comfort and finding it by making love to Robert which had successfully tired her out. He'd gone downstairs to make them coffee and discovering they were out had, come back to bed, giving her a kiss and telling her he'd go out and get some as he knew she only liked a certain blend. She'd fallen back asleep when he left but smiled now feeling him kissing her neck. She glanced at the clock, closing her eyes again as she turned around in her lovers arms.
"Back already baby," Stevie whispered and suppressed another yawn as she pursed her lips.

Lindsey desperately wanted her to open her eyes, but her sleepy smiling face more than made his heart race and as she leaned her head up to be kissed the desire to have his lips on hers was all consuming. He captured her lips and kissed her passionately, his tongue running over her bottom lip and seeking entrance immediately as he pulled her body even closer to his, cradling the back of her head with one hand and pressing her face closer.

Stevie moaned slightly opening her mouth, her tongue about to slip out until the taste of alcohol flooded her mouth, whiskey burning her lips. Her eyes flashed open as her body was pulled closer and she shrieked into Lindsey's mouth. Breaking the kiss Stevie tried desperately to push him away and screamed as he kept kissing at her cheek. His eyes shot open in surprise at her screams and he was about to ask her what was wrong, comfort her that it was only him when the bedroom door burst open.

"Aunty Stevie are you okay?! I heard screaming and..." Leelee rushed in and stopped abruptly when she saw her father in Stevie's bed, Stevie wrapped in his embrace. Leelee took it all in in an instant, her face clouding over in disbelief, making eye contact with Stevie before she ran out of the room.

Stevie sprang up from the bed. Glaring at Lindsey about to say something but thinking better of it. She grabbed for her robe. "BABY IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Stevie yelled as she rushed down the stairs after Leelee. "LEELEE BABY, PLEASE!" Lindsey was stunned for a moment as the two women seemed to move faster than light around him until he came to his senses. What the fuck is my daughter doing here?

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