Part 27

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"Hey baby," Robert said as Stevie fell into his arms the minute she opened the door and saw his face etched with tender concern.

"Oh i've missed you." Stevie whispered into his chest, her voice filled with emotion as he held her in his strong arms.

After the incident at Leelee's school, Stevie cancelled recording for the rest of the week and spent the day watching movies with Leelee trying to take her mind off everything. Stevie'd been practically counting down the minutes until Robert was back, an overwhelming need to be close to him, coursing through her since he'd left.

"I missed you Steph, give your old man a kiss?" Robert asked cupping her face in his hands and bending his head to hers when he felt her stretch upwards, smiling lovingly, to do as he'd asked.

She sighed, finally feeling calm wash over her as his mouth moved against hers and decided the doorstep was now her second favourite place in the whole house, her and Robert having shared so many perfect kisses on it.

"How was your flight?" Stevie asked as they made their way inside, heading straight to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

"Smooth sailing," Robert winked and Stevie laughed, shaking her head at his mixed metaphor.

"And you got everything done that you needed to?" She asked wrapping herself around him again as she waited for the kettle to boil.

"Yeah, all sorted in good old England for a while." Robert smiled down at her. "You look tired baby,"

"Wow thanks," Stevie said sarcastically, raising her eyebrows at him.

"You can look unbelievably beautiful and tired at the same time Stephanie," Robert chuckled slightly, when she looked at him as if to say 'yeah right'.

"I'm just a little drained. Emotionally." Stevie sighed, hugging him tighter as he kissed her temple softly.

"It'll all blow over sweet darling," Robert told her and somehow it reassured her. "Oh that reminds me," He said suddenly. "Is Leelee still up?" Robert asked as it was gone 11pm.

"Yes, she's in the living room," Stevie said wondering what he had just seemed to remember.

"I got her a little present to cheer her up," He explained to Stevie and a massive smile spread across her face. She couldn't believe how kind and sweet and thoughtful he was and she could tell that it was because he truly cared, not just to score points with her.

"You just keep on getting cuter, you know that right?" Stevie grinned pulling him down for a kiss before sending him on his way to where Leelee was and saying she'd follow with the tea.

"Hey sweetheart," Robert announced himself as he came into the living room, not wanting to frighten Leelee with his sudden presence as she seemed completely enthralled in whatever she was watching, snuggled up under a cashmere blanket.

"Hey, you're back," Leelee smiled softly, knowing Stevie had missed him desperately, judging by the amount of texts they'd exchanged.

"Good trip?" She asked gently, sitting up a little as he joined her on the other side of the couch. Her whole demeanour was making Robert feel very uneasy, she was like a shell of the girl he knew, her eyes were tired and listless, it seemed as if a strong enough wave could sweep her mind out to sea.

"I'd rather have been here, but it was fine." Robert smiled softly.
"How are you feeling?" He asked and her eyes widened a little as if to 'me?'.

"Oh i'm fine," She answered her act was very convincing but her voice was dull, and so were her eyes.

"I got you a present," He said and he saw a little flash of interest cross her face as he handed her a velvet box.

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