Part 15

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"What happened?" A doctor yelled to Stevie as she swiftly followed the gurney Leelee was being wheeled through the emergency room on. Once they'd gotten to the hospital and Stevie's bodyguard ran in shouting for help with Leelee unconscious in his arms things had started to happen very fast.

"She was assaulted at a club." Stevie shouted back over the noise of the nurses and other doctors checking Leelee over.

"Did she take any drugs?"

"Definitely cocaine. Ecstasy and a joint yesterday. I don't know what else she might have taken today."

"We need to take your daughter for some tests. You'll need to fill out a medical history." The doctor told her noticing the state of panic Stevie was in and assuring her Leelee was in good hands and directing her to the nearest nurses station.

"I'm not her mother." Stevie called after the doctor but he had already disappeared down a corridor with Leelee. Please let her be okay.

Stevie went to nurses station and explained that Leelee had just been admitted and what the doctor said for her to do.

"Right here you go Mrs Buckingham, they're all standardised questions to gain an accurate medical history. If you have any problems just ask." The nurse said handing her a clipboard.

"No-no i'm not Mrs Buckingham. I'm not her mother." Stevie stuttered out almost recoiling at being called that.

"Are you next of kin?" The nurse asked.

"I- I don't know." Stevie said, what did that even mean?

"What's your name?" The nurse asked softly bringing up Leelee's information on the computer.

"Stephanie Nicks." Stevie answered, that was what she used for anything official, it was a little less recognisable.

"You're listed as an emergency contact for the patient Miss Nicks, so you're fine to fill out the form but i'll start contacting her parents." The nurse said and Stevie nodded walking off in a daze to find Karen. Why am i an emergency contact for Leelee? She thought surely Lindsey's brother should be? His wife? Not her.

"What's happening?" Karen asked quickly, pleased with herself for always being well prepared and having left spare clothes in her car, she'd changed out of her pyjama's and found Stevie.

"They're taking her for tests." Stevie answered. "I have to fill this in. Do you have my glasses by any chance?"

Karen fished around in her bag and pulled a pair out, Stevie traded her phone for them and Karen gave her a confused look.
"The nurse is trying to contact Lindsey and Kristen. Keep calling him until he answers Karen." Stevie instructed her and they sat down in the waiting room to set about their tasks.

An hour later and Stevie had filled in the form with almost no problems, again thinking to herself how strange it was that she knew so much about Leelee. Karen and the nurse had called Lindsey and Kristen a thousand times but there was no answer from either of them and Stevie was starting to worry. He had told her he'd call her everyday when he was gone, not that she'd fucking answer all of those 'i love you baby' calls now but the fact he hadn't text or called her once when she'd been trying to contact him constantly for nearly two days, was ringing alarm bells.

"Mrs Buck- Miss Nicks," A different Doctor asked checking through a chart as he approached her.

"Yes," Stevie said anxiously, getting up.

"Leelee's appendix has burst. She needs emergency surgery to have it removed."

"What? I thought she'd overdosed." Stevie exclaimed, her hand going over her mouth at the words emergency surgery.

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