Part 24

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The next morning Robert woke much earlier than Stevie which was want to happen considering she rarely woke before 11am. He'd stared at her completely relaxed face as she slept, her face really was a masterpiece, she had a very delicate bone structure when you looked closely. Her gazed at her tantalisingly pouty lips, as they opened and closed slightly with each breath she took, he wanted desperately to kiss them. He resisted the urge as he was unashamedly enjoying studying her. His fingertips brushed lightly over the soft skin of her back and he tucked the duvet over her more to make sure she was warm enough, when he extended his arm he felt her snuggled closer and smiled wrapping his arm back around her and kissing the tip of her nose ever so lightly as he heard her little sigh.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled seeing him gazing at her before, his hair a mess of red curls, glowing like a lion's mane in the morning sunlight.
"Why aren't you sleeping Bob?" She murmured, kissing his chest where she could reach without moving and closing her eyes again, sighing sleepily.

"How can i sleep when i've got the most beautiful woman in the world in my arms?" He asked and she smiled ever so sweetly at him, it was too early for her to make some witty teasing remark in reply and she knew that he meant it. She kept her eyes closed but tilted her head up, pursing her lips and he bent his head down, taking her lips in a breathtaking kiss.

"Mm go back to sleep baby," She whispered and he stroked her hair as she snuggled down and promptly fell asleep again. He closed his eyes and lay peacefully, deep in thought. He felt her chest rising and falling against him and couldn't help but stare at her again, he didn't know why he'd never noticed how beautiful she was before, of course he'd found her attractive, but he'd never realised the extent of her beauty until recently and he was knocked out by it. He grappled with his emotions, vacillating between what he wanted to tell her and rationality.

"You're staring again." Stevie whispered, less groggily this time as she was waking up properly. She opened her big brown eyes, staring up at him admonishingly to tease him and he made up his mind as she melted his heart.

"Stephanie i know it's too soon but i have to tell you that-"

"I do too," Stevie interrupted and he broke out into a massive smile.

"You do?" He whispered unable to believe that he'd heard her right.

"I do. Say it." She nodded, staring up at him sweetly.

"I love you." Robert told her.

"I love you too." She smiled brilliantly and he saw the love in her eyes when she said it.

She leaned up and placed the softest kiss he'd ever felt on his lips, warm and sweet and filled with the new found love they shared. She pulled back a little to gaze into his eyes and he gazed straight back into hers as he stroked her cheek with his strong hands that touched her as gently as if she were a newborn baby.

She kissed him again, deeper this time, opening her mouth and touching her tongue to his tentatively, almost as if it were the first time. She moved on top of him slowly and proceeded to make love to him, all her insecurities falling away as he watched her every move as enchanted as if she'd cast a spell on him. And she had. The spell of love. Every look he relished, every noise of pleasure she made he craved and every touch of hers made his heart beat faster as he returned all of her love measure for measure. They came one after the other and she lay on Robert's chest, kissing him lazily as he held her.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, pushing her fringe back out of her face and gazing at it intently. She smiled shyly but let him look at her.

"I never thought i'd fall in love again." She whispered as she touched his face delicately, tracing every line and curve. "I hoped i would, but i stopped believing it was possible a long time ago, i'm so glad you proved me wrong." Tears had filled her eyes as she spoke and he kissed her tenderly, then kissed her tears away that escaped down her cheeks and she giggled slightly when he kissed the tip of her nose.

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