Part 17

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"STEVIE!" Leelee screamed as she writhed around in the bed and it was taking two nurses to restrain her.

"STEVIE PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE I CAN'T BE HERE! I HATE HOSPITALS. PLEASE." Leelee kept screaming as Stevie was trying to calm her down.

"Honey, stop moving, you're going to blow your stitches please. Lee if you keep doing that you'll be here even longer!" Stevie said and she finally stopped resisting the nurses.

"Stevie please. I can't stay here." She begged, big tears spilling from her eyes as she reached for her godmother and sobbed as Stevie took her in her arms. She knew the drama was only starting.

Leelee's Doctor had explained to Stevie that they'd keep Leelee mostly sedated for the first day after the surgery but that once they were certain she was healing well she'd have to detox. That would be bad enough, but Stevie wasn't counting on Leelee's acute fear of hospitals. When she woke up the next day she had instantly started screaming the place down.

"Lee be a good girl for me. I'm too old for this shit." Stevie said softly. She was tired and exasperated by the events of this week so far and it was only going to get worse.

"I want to go home. Please take me home with you." Leelee begged hugging Stevie tight in her fear. I have to get out of here, Leelee thought in sheer panic.

"Baby listen to me. You've just had surgery, you have to stay in the hospital so the doctors can make sure you get better. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, i promise okay. But you need to calm down and focus on getting better. Will you do that? Do it for me?" Stevie looked at her with big puppy eyes and Leelee nodded slowly holding onto her for dear life as Stevie kissed her cheek.

"When i come home i'm coming home with you though right?" Leelee asked worriedly. She didn't want to go back to her house.

"If that's what you want." Stevie said. She still hadn't managed to get through to Lindsey and she'd given up trying. Leelee needed her now, she couldn't focus on that. Karen had suggested that perhaps they were staying somewhere with bad reception or one of those places that you couldn't have phones. Stevie didn't care. All she knew was he wasn't answering and she was never going to forgive him for this.

"I do. I want to stay with you." Leelee's tone was so vulnerable and Stevie kissed her forehead reassuringly.

"Will you get in with me?" Leelee asked pulling the bedsheet back and looking into her eyes. Stevie was about to try and say that she wasn't allowed to but she couldn't resist Leelee's little face and climbed up onto it shakily.

"I'm so sorry Stevie." Leelee whispered as Stevie turned on her side to face her.

"I'm just glad you're okay my sweet girl. I don't know what i would've done if something happened to you." Stevie stroked her hair gently.

"I should never have gone to that club." Leelee cried softly and Stevie cuddled her closer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stevie whispered, she didn't want to push her but she needed to know what else had happened.

"After i ran out on you, i hid in the bushes by your house and called Jack." Leelee sobbed.

"Who's Jack?" Stevie asked gently.

"My ex-boyfriend." Leelee choked out. "The one who did this," she motioned to her eye and Stevie pulled her even closer, kissing her cheeks as her tears fell.

"I just wanted to score. I needed the coke. I knew he had it. He picked me up and we went back to his condo. We... we had sex. And slept until the night and he wanted to go out, so we did. I was drinking at the club and did a lot of coke because my stomach was hurting and it was making it better... I thought." Leelee was speaking in a very detached way, as if about someone else.

"We were in the vip area and i was sitting on his lap, he kept trying to put his hand up my dress and i was swatting it away. His friends were encouraging him, telling him to... to finger me and i was trying to get away from him. I couldn't let him do that with all those people watching. I managed to get up and ran down the hall where the toilets are. I went to do more coke and i when i came out he was waiting for me. He tried to force me to give him head but i wouldn't open my mouth and he slapped me across the face. I still didn't say anything and then he punched me. I fell back on the floor and my vision was all blurry. He said all i wanted was his coke and that i was a dirty whore anyway and stormed off. I thought that was the end of it and kept partying but he went to the bar and kept glaring at me as he got drunker and drunker. One of his friends was hitting on me, and i kissed him. That really pissed Jack off and he pulled his friend off me and they started fighting. The bouncers threw us all out and that's when i called you. I knew once he was finished fighting with Aaron, he'd turn on me. He just had that look on his face. He dragged me down the alley and said he was taking what was his. What i owed him. That's when you got there. You saved me Stevie." Her voice cracked at the last sentence and Stevie was crying softly.

"I'm so sorry baby." Stevie sobbed holding onto her as tightly as humanly possible. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"If that asshole ever comes near you again, i mean it. I'll kill him." Stevie said fiercely and Leelee pressed her face to Stevie's gently, seeking the comfort being close enough to breathe the same air brought.

"You were such a badass." Leelee whispered when they'd both calmed down and Stevie chuckled a little.

"A gun would've been better, but a taser did the job." Stevie whispered back and Leelee kissed her cheek grinning.

"That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me Stevie." Leelee said so sincerely Stevie had to bite her lip not to cry again.

"No one hurts my little girl and gets away with it. I'd do anything for you Lee. I love you as much as if you were my own daughter. Please tell me you know that." Stevie looked in Leelee's eyes and saw all her own pain reflected there.

"I do now." Leelee nodded and kissed her. "I love you Stevie. I missed you so much all these years."

"I don't care what Lindsey says, i'm not going anywhere ever again." Stevie promised, both to Leelee and herself.

"What did he say? Are they coming back? Are they here?" Leelee said in a panic and hugged Stevie tighter. She didn't want them there. Stevie was the only person she wanted. She was the only thing keeping her calm. Keeping her sane in this hospital.

"He... He won't answer his phone." Stevie said sadly. She wanted to be able to tell Leelee that they were on their way. That her parents cared and it deeply upset her that she couldn't. What kind of parents went somewhere that they couldn't be contacted? What kind of parents went away without telling their children? But she couldn't control what Lindsey did, she just needed to be there for Leelee.

"Good. I don't want him here. And i definitely don't want her here." Leelee said. She'd expected it. She knew they didn't care. Stevie did though and she was so happy that she finally had someone who loved her, who really loved her, to look after her. Even if it did take all of this for it to happen.

"Lee i have to tell you something baby," Stevie started and she ran her hands through Leelee's hair as she continued speaking. "You feel better now because of the pain meds, but the doctor is going to take you off them tomorrow and you're going to go into withdrawl. It's going to be very painful. But you need to be strong and push through it to get the drugs out of your body. You want to stop doing coke don't you?" Stevie asked gently and she nodded. It's not like she could get it from Jack now and she didn't want to do it ever again anyway. Cocaine was what put her in the whole situation in the first place and she didn't want to be it's prisoner anymore. God she had done such awful things because of cocaine.

"If you're here, i know i'll be okay." Leelee said and Stevie kissed her cheek sweetly.

"I'll be here baby. You can do this."

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