•Smiling critters OneShot #14•Hoppy's Best Pranks!

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Hey ItzSugarLizzy here! This is not an Requested OneShot, I only made this for fun! Anyway I Hope You enjoy and like this OneShot! :> bye bye for now!


Is nice Sunny outside! Critters are hanging out of the fresh sunny day.
Crafty is drawing of course. She brought all of her supplies she needs for her drawings. She is laying on Her blanket and on the ground.

Bubba is just chilling listening to music. He is relaxing next to the tree laying back.

Picky is hanging with bobby and Hoppy talking and giggling even they haven't hang for a little long time.

Kickin is just sleeping on the tree branch from the tree and also with Bubba Since he is relaxing. Kickin just sleeping. He brought his pillow and blanket, with headphones.

DogDay is hanging out with CatNap. Though CatNap is Silent most of the time. He never speaks or talk. Makes DogDay worried even if he tried to reply.

"Hey let's Say I Can Prank On the others???" Hoppy suggested if the girls are going to be part of her pranking spree.

Bobby has a little worried on her face never knew how or what they do after the pranking.

"I don't Know. Seems little harsh don't you think?"Bobby said

"Pff come on Bobby! Me and you also picky! We could win! Besides I'm bored!!" Hoppy faces down on the blanket their sitting in.

" why don't you do it? You always Prank the boys and they've seemed annoyed." Bobby pointed out, she mentioned That Hoppy one pranked them and never end well. But this time will be different!

"Yeah I'm not into Pranking Mood right now." Picky said in honesty. As she doesn't feel like pranking person Or critter? Even she doesn't
Wanted to be part of this. So does Bobby if she could've agreed to Picky

"I'm with Picky. I don't like seeing others upset!" Bobby doesn't like seeing her friends Upset even argue.

"Fiiiine I'll do it myself•
Hoppy gets up as she walked away. While Bobby and Picky looked each other Picky shrugged.


Hoppy decided to prank Bubba first. She grabbed the scissors. Even the plug of the headphones where attached to his music player.


She started to snap and cut the wire off, Bubba eyes open he couldn't hear the music anymore.

"What in the world???"
He looked at his music player and sees his headphone cut in two

"My headphones!!"
He panicked while Hoppy sneakily walked away with giggling and having fun with it.

' Man these are my favorite ones.'
Bubba mumbled then thrown the Broken headphones away. And crossed arms now he doesn't have Any more to listen to.

Hoppy Went up to Kickin. He is sleeping. Taking a nap on the Tree branch. Hoppy doesn't know what she could do for this prank. She smirk had an idea.

She climbed down she decided to make a Booby trap. Kickin's Favorite Snack would be Watermelon. She placed it Underneath the box. She build a trap box for kickin.

Kickin smells the fresh fruit. He gets up woke up from his long nap. He smell the scent of watermelon. He rushed down and kept sniffing and Looking for it. He found the Watermelon. His eyes went wide and happy. he rushed in there immediately while Hoppy Pulled the string to make the box Dropped down and catch Kickin.

"What?!? HEY WHAT GIVES!!!"
He banging the box. Hoppy left
"Someone Help!! I've Been Trapped!!! I HATE SMALL SPACES!!!"

Meanwhile with Crafty, She is using paint. Hoppy placed the Paints to Black ink. Crafty dipped her paint brush into the ink She started to draw until she noticed the black ink was now ruined to her drawing. She is was about to put blue for her sky and also greens for her grass.

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