• Smiling Critters OneShots #24• hugs always Makes you feel better!

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When I was walking outside, Is pretty Nice and Sunny! Bright colors everywhere hehe! I can see loads of critters are having a good day!

But I noticed that some critter is not. This lonely Critter, who is purple colored fur. He looked sad and blue.

I was concern about CatNap ever since he is in our group, He started to feel down. I am not sure why. I wanna give him a hug! But every time I get close. He walks away. He hates hugs. Hmmm

Maybe I try to find a way to make him feel better! I walked towards CatNap. Who is sad and blue (not an actual color hehe) I sat down next to CatNap. I noticed how he is doing his frowning Faces on the Dirt. With his paw? I thought he uses a stick! Hehe silly CatNap.

He finally noticed me. As he turned around, I smiled As I waved to him.

"Hello CatNap! How are ya doing Buddy?" I asked while I sat across facing him, I see his both ears are down and have a frown face.

I don't know what it got into him. I never seen him this Upset. Did something happened? Maybe I should Ask some questions. Maybe that would do.

"Hey CatNap. Why are you so blue? You should be smiling!" I giggled at the end of the sentence, CatNap Looked at me silently, then glanced back down kept making those frowning faces.

"Oh come On Kitty! Is not that Hard! Look!" I decided to Grabbed his face and force makes a smile but it flopped down and frown again.

Man is hard! I don't know who or what did this to him. He doesn't speak at all! Or maybe he does but not showing to talk.

. . . .

"Hey, CatNap? Is everything okay?"
I asked concerned, I don't know how I feel about this. I was worried about CatNap.

CatNap finally Answered

"No. . I'm not."
He sounded sad. Poor guy.

"Wanna talk about it?" I scoot little closer to him, He let out a big sigh. I see he is not trying to get away from me, hm seems new to me hehe.

CatNap silently looks down, Then nodded if he wanted to talk about what is wrong or matter to him.

" okay! Just Explained to me What happened to you, and what's make you so sad and down!"

He sighed once again as he begin to speak but Slowly and shyly. He doesn't
Like to talk to his inner feelings. Or what is really bothering him.

"I. . . I Just wanted to go home."
He said but with Raspy voice. Is like he just wanted to cry.

I know we all are are willing to home. Not all of us are going to, Some Kids think their going to die. After the Experiment happened. I still remembered what happened to me.
Even If I am still Smiling and kept hugging everyone to make them
Feel better. That is how I feel on outside but inside. I felt I been locked up and feel nothing. . . . I just going to same thing what he said.

But is not possible to go that we all going home. Is too late for that now.

"Hey Buddy." I placed my hand into CatNap's Shoulder "I know we all are trying to go home, But You know this place? They will never release us. They will never let us go, they just wanted to reusing us. All over again."
I looked down while My both ears down. I looked at my Heart pendant
Sees my reflection. I sighed

"I know how this feels. To get out of Here and freedom. But The Co company doesn't allow us to leave this place." I sighed,Even I explained a little bit why we cannot leave. These horrible people who did this to us. Surely is brutal.

"But hey." I smiled a little as CatNap hummed and eyes at me. " At least we got each other, No matter what we stay together. And find freedom together. That way we all get what we both wanted the most." I smiled as CatNap feels a little better as he smiled a bit.

"But for now let's Not talk about this and maybe go for an ice scream?" I asked as i offer him, He thinks a bit then nodded as I stand up and Grabs CatNap's Hand, we both started to walk together. And we heading to the ice scream place, I am going where his favorite Ice Scream!

He surely Love Ice Scream! So we heading down there, and we ordered some, He got Vanilla (coincidence like dogday!) and I got strawberry!

"Thank You again For making me feel better, I know that i am being rude to you past few days. And I'm truly Sorry."
He apologized for being rude to me, I don't even blame him for those who misses home. Me too. I missed Home and Family.

"That's Okay, But Hey let's Not talk about that anymore okay?" I said kindly as he nodded understood, he licked the ice scream as I giggled

"Well This is nice to hang out."
CatNap said as I nodded, that I picked a hang out spot for me and CatNap

"Yeah is a special thinking spot! I Usually Go here." I explained as I licked the ice scream

"I see. No wonder I cannot see you very often."

I chuckled as I finished My ice Scream.
He finished it as well and we both headed to the bench and watching the sunset, He put his head into my shoulder, I watched him and blushed a bit then I glance back at the sunset. Is sunsetting Down. Is beautiful. Very Beautiful indeed.

The end


I hope You enjoyed This OneShot of BearHug x CapNap! fluttertails2 ! But be careful just read the rules before you suggested OneShots it have rules :) so Be aware and understood! Thank You again for suggestion!

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