•Smiling critters OneShot #20• Swamp bodies?!

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Hoppy was walking ahead while Kickin was running and laughing, Rushing ahead of her.


Kickin bragged how he tuns faster then Hoppy, although something is off about these two, they are not themself's.

" Come on Hoppy! Don't use my Body as a Running cycle! We need help from bubba!" Kickin looks at Hoppy

"So what? The way I run in my own personal body is seems little Unhitched and slow. You'r body, how ever, Runs faster!!! Hehe! Now I can catch up to my enemies who stands in my own way!!!"

Hoppy raised her arms up

"Is not your body Kickin. Is mine!!"
Kickin sighed looks over at Him.

"Cannot wait to try something awesome with this new body. Maybe a skateboarding Stunts!!"

Hoppy smirked

"Ah No! No no no! No! Your not using my own body just for that stupid stunts! Your going to break my body!!"

Kicking waves his arms looks over
at Hoppy seems upset about this whole situation.

"Is not your body anymore Hops. Is now mine!! MINE!!" Hoppy evil laughs

"Your weird."
Kickin crossed arms amused

"Shut it."
Hoppy glared

"Now Let's Go find bubba! We both need this help!"

"What if something wrong with him too? Imagine how everyone swamp bodies? That would be epic!!" Hoppy said

"No Kickin!! Is not epic! Is scary!"
Kickin looks over at Hoppy

"Welp Let's go then, to find that smart elephant."

Hoppy sighed of the sadden as she walks ahead, Kickin sighed and watched then follows to find bubba to needs their help.

- Meanwhile -

DogDay is laying on the couch, Though something is off with him, He acts differently, He is acting like a cat some how. Dogs don't purr, Don't even meow, Or either cat language.

CatNap walks towards DogDay

"CatNap! What are you doing laying!
You supposed to be in the Check listing!"

DogDay is laying on the Cat bed, Cuddling his own Toy, the blanket was covering the half of the body, feeling comfortable with out getting up.

"Naaaaah Five more minutes DogDay."

"CatNap, I swear the Prototype, if You don't ever move Your Furry Tail butt, Or I will take away your favorite snacks for the whole entire.  .  . MONTH."

DogDay winded eyes as looks at CatNap, He whines as he knew he was about to do when He is not listening.

CatNap glared with his crossed arms eyes at DogDay, That he is not moving out of the bed been a already a hour in that bed.

"Why you always do this?!"
DogDay whined

"Because CatNap. Now Take Your butt tail out of the bed and do something for once?! I know You like sleeping but this isn't kind of healthy either. You really needed to move your body. And do something around the home or I don't know- - CHECK THAT DAMN LIST!!!"
CatNap shouted at DogDay, as he have never checked in for like days, and he forgot it but this got bigger problems between the situation and the  Chores.

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