Chapter 16: Without Grace

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Grace strolled home that night, passing through the back secret gate to the guest house Susanne had shown her. Just about to enter, her gaze met with Susanne at the entrance. As if she’d been waiting for her outside, she hurried towards Grace and began with hesitation.

“Why didn’t you inform me that you are going to the hospital? We would have checked the DNA report together.”

“Oh! Sorry, I was equally curious and forgot to ask you.” Grace's voice lowered.

“No, don’t be sorry. It’s a good thing it came out positive. Where have you been since morning? I called and texted but you didn’t reply. Is something wrong?”

“Not at all. I met with a friend of mine, Ada, at the hospital today. She was angry at me. I didn’t know why.” Grace gasped, gazing down. Her small voice shivered as if to cry.

Susanne walked up to her, resting her hands on her arm as if to hug her. “The little I know about you is that you don’t have many friends. I want you to accept me as your sister and friend, and I promise not to make you sad. Together, we can give ourselves that comfort we need.” Suzanne explained. Her eyes lit up with hope. “Come, let’s go inside.” She urged, opening the door.

To her surprise, Grace met with a dozen of toys and Teddy’s. Child clothes and shoes.

“When I was younger on my birthday, mum always prepared 2 exact gifts for us. She hid it from me, though. These are all the presents, mum prepared for you during the last 23 years.” Susanne placed an innocent smile on her lips as Grace stood, stunned. She grabbed one of the teddy.

It was warm and soft. She couldn’t help but wonder how good it would have felt to grow with her actual family. Susanne walked up to the fridge and brought out a cake. She coated it with baby pink and sky blue icing. Two identical-black-skinned dolls stood on it, representing them. The smile on their faces made Grace watch and grin, at the feeling. It was too good to be true. She lit a candle and placed the cake on the table.

“Grace,” Susanne called her. “I always felt a part of me away, not knowing it was you. Now that you’re back here with me, I want to celebrate our Union together. I’m happy now that we can celebrate our birthdays together, put on sane clothes, and maybe one day, be the strength that our mother needs to heal. Let today be our reborn day, Grace.”

Tears filled the space of Grace's eyes. She gulped down the swelling pain in guilt, her usual strong facade, crumbled. The condition filled the room with an uncomfortable silence. Susanne was unsure of how to comfort her brave twin sister. Reading the words on the cake, ‘Susanne and Grace, Forevermore’, made her chuckle even more. In tears, Grace forced her lips to smile, though it was such a sad moment. Her thumb was wiped between her wet eyes and running nose. As Susanne watched her sister cry, tears welled up in her eyes. And a single drop lingered from her left eye. Susanne was also not the one to cry. She barely shed a tear in the last decade, but watching Grace, her heart swelled with a mixture of pity, love, and nostalgia.

Watching the burning candle on the cake amidst two identical icing characters that represent both of them, Grace wondered if Susanne was just desperate or just kind. Susanne raised the cake towards Grace and deepened her sad smile. An expression of hope and belonging.

When morning came, Ore stormed into his dad’s room and picked up his car key. He left without eating breakfast, intending to find Grace. And reconcile with her. It’s been weeks already, and he abandoned the idea of his scholarship. He spent most nights alone in his room or outing with some friends for days and when he returned home; he crashed anything his hand lay on. Instead of screaming and ranting agitatedly, Ore was silent. He never smiled, spoke, or ate. He didn’t greet his parents, neither was he involved in any conversation with anyone since the compromise and the feud. Ore just wanted to be alone. He looked slim and miserable. Although others did not easily brainwash or influence Ore, it scared Hadassah that it might lead him to take hard drugs or find another way to seek solace or put out his anger.

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