2 Meetings ⚠️

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"Shit" was heard throughout the penthouse "who is free? I need you to get to apartment/name number 8 and collect some one, tell them my name, and hurry, if they are not there meet at cafe/name, go now".

Three men ran out of the penthouse and booked it to the apartment named "what do you think that was about?" asks man 1 "I don't know, but he seemed pretty stressed" says man 2 and man 3 just looks out the window, they arrive and see a man banging on the apartment door shouting "Bitch, open this fucking door, I am going to hurt you real bad when I catch you" the door gives way and they hear a feminine voice "Shit. Fucking no brain goons" they follow the man and shoot him.

The voice says "What the fuck?, hey who sent you?" they look at each other man 1 answers "Sano Manjiro, Mikey" they hear a sigh and a woman walks out "you said Mikey sent you? Great, I didn't fancy climbing down that fire escape, sorry I am L/n Y/n, and who would you gentlemen be?" they look at each other pinky says "Sanzu" the short haired purple "Ran, and my brother Rindou" he was the other purple then.

"Thank you so much for turning up quickly" you say as you put your gun into the bag you packed, "so how bad is the door, I am moving out tomorrow, and the deposit was a bitch, plus I need to lock it up, so no one steals my stuff" they look around Sanzu asks "Do you have more than this" motioning to your boxes and bags, you scratch your head "Not really, I packed the rest while waiting on you guys" Ran said "we can get this in the car, if you want, and we can get someone out to fix the door?" you look at the three and smiled "Really that's great. I am moving in with you tomorrow anyway, just a day early" they look shocked.

They loaded the car with your stuff, and phoned to have the door fixed, as you were walking to the car, your phone rang picking up "Mikey, I am OK, yeah we packed my things in to their car, yeah I will be moving in today instead. Thank you, yeah Luv you too idiot" you hang up and look at three shocked faces.

Sanzu drove Rindou looked at you then asks "What is your relationship with the Boss?" you look at them seeing the curiosity laughing "I am his best friend, we have been together since we were 8 years old, no sexual attraction at all" Sanzu turns and stares at you, "eyes on the road Pinky" he then says "you are that person, the one in the shadows" you laugh "probably, he tried to be rid of me once, didn't work, I told him I am riding this train wreck till the end". Ran asked "so where have you been? if that's not to rude?" you smile at him "Medical school, I will be Bonten's personal doctor".

Arriving at the HQ, you look around and see a platinum blonde, pacing back and forth, you get out of the car and run to him "Mikey" he turns and catches you, legs wrapped around his waist, he hugs you tight "thank fuck, your safe" he walks off carrying you, he shouts out "bring her shit upstairs, and I am calling a meeting, someone is going to die" you giggle and yell "thanks guys" and send a flying kiss to them as the lift leaves.

They look at each other in confusion, "did we just see that?" Sanzu asks the other two nod, they start unloading boxes in to the lift taking them to the penthouse.

Walking into the penthouse still carrying you, he yells "Meeting now" he then looks at you "did your ass get bigger?" you look at him offended "no your hands got smaller, what do you think. Rude much" you both laugh while he walks off to the meeting room.

The men sat around heard the call, then the conversation between their Boss and an unknown woman, blank looks on their faces all thinking did I hear that right? Shaking their heads they headed to the meeting room.


Walking in to the room Mikey drops you on a chair, then asks "Any reason why you were targeted today? I haven't really told anyone about our close association, but this happened so suddenly" you look at him and reply "as far as I know, I haven't upset anyone, nor do I talk about us, I am a loner. I wonder if this has something to do with that small incident?".

He hums and sits on his chair which is next to you staring blankly into space, the door opens and 7 men trudge in, you wave to the three you know, they smile and wave back, 3 look at you blankly but the white haired guy looks at you curiously with a bit of recognition in his eyes. You blink then smile to him.

Poking Mikey "Hey Boss man, wake up. Your men are here" you sing song while continuously poking him, his head tilts to you and he glares, you meet his eyes and smile wide, he huffs "Okay this is Y/n, my best friend since we were 8, she has been kept a secret, Now she will be our personal doctor. I want to know who tried to get to her this morning" he breathes out.

You hold a hand up, he deadpans you "I know the three pretty ones, but who are the rest?" he puts his head on the table and waves to the guys saying go on while the three snickers, white hair says Kokonoi, then the others go Takeomi, Mochi, Kukucho, you nod happily to them and say "now don't forget to come to me with any and all problems, I can't tell anyone else, but I can laugh about it myself" you smile wide and chuckle maliciously.

They gulp and Mikey sighs again "find everything you can, she has no known assosiates, and no enemies she knows of, basically she is a crazy cat lady without the cats" you pout at him and say "I do like cats though" laughter rings in the room Mikey orders "find them and dismissed" they all go off you wave happily to them.

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