9 Hell

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Arriving back home you are dragged into a giant hug, you hug back giving him reassurance "I am fine, no injuries. Besides it was the best date ever" he squeezed you till you squeaked. You laughed, he let you go, and looked at Sanzu saying "I told you she was your kind of crazy, still want it?" you gasp in outrage at him, Haru laughed crazily and replied "it makes me want her more Boss, did you know she cackled while making my car explode" you stare at him wide eyed, as Mikey turns and glares at you.

Running you hide behind Haru as he starts shouting "Really, another fucking car, was all the cars when you were younger not enough" as he continues to rant you whisper "he has some sort of PTSD about exploding cars, no idea why?" and Mikey continues "12 count 12 fucking cars in one night" he stops, and you poke your head out from behind Haru with a giant grin on your face and say smugly "but I had permission of the car owner this time" silence then laughter by everyone.

Haru grabs you bringing around front into his arms, as Ran shrieked "wait, so you were hiding your crazy, you did a normal education, for a normal job." you tilt your head while looking at him "I did not hide my crazy, no one was around long enough to work it out. I went to medical school for Mikey and you guys, and I became a doctor because it was helpful to him."

Takeomi then asks "so did you even want to be a doctor?" looking in Mikeys direction, he looked back at him and nodded it was okay. You stared at him and said "no i didn't. I was a wreck, and was headed for jail, an asylum or death" you stop and look at your best friend saying "he offered me an alternative, plus I get to help him and see people in pain". You and Haru giggle together.


The next day, a meeting was held to discuss, some small incidents like your car accident, and a small case of an STD at the brothel, you jerked your head to Mikey "do the girls have regular health checks?" he looks at Rindou who answers "it is mandatory, for them to be healthy, so they will get a check up every year" you look at him horrified "are they employees or agency staff" you questioned, Rindou twitched saying "employees. Why?"

You stare dumbfounded then say slowly "if they are employed, do you cover their health check?" he looks at you stupidly shaking his head. Staring around the room at all the men you say slowly "then make it a benefit, send them to my clinic every 6 months at the least" then you mumble "fucking hell, no wonder, idiots the lot of them" as you ramble on.

Mikey says "do what she said, we will send them all to get checked. We will cover any treatments needed. Then a mandatory check up every 6 months, covered by the clinic" you nod in agreement, pulling out your phone as you wander away, to call and explain to Kai.

The guys look at each other then Takeomi says "it does actually make sense, they are employed by us, and we don't know who does the health checks on them" they all nod.

Your call was a mess "Hey Kai, yeah sorry but we will be sending, bringing in all the prostitutes in for health checks, apparently they get their own once a year" silence met that, then a screech and babbling "I will come and help, pull everyone in. I want to start today. Yeah, see you soon" you wince as you hang up.

Returning to the boys with a unhappy face you demand "get those girls to the clinic today, Kai is calling in all staff. You have an hour, and I want the first there. Understood idiots" they all nod meekly, you give Haru a short kiss to his lips and Mikey gets a cheek kiss as you walk out. They look around with a lost look, before jumping to work.


At your clinic, walking in you are met by pandemonium you raise your voice "Okay guys, I apologise for the short notice, but I seem to be surrounded by Idiots. We will be doing a general health check, that includes STD screening. We will see them in a chain" you sigh

"okay reception get their name and work place, and no snide comments or looks or I will make your life hell"

"then everyone will take a lady, or gentleman to a room, I want height, weight, age, medical history etc. Blood samples and urine samples, got that they nod, please call a doctor if a prescription is needed, all of this will be covered by the employers. So if they need it get it. Places, and set up the rooms.

You see a hand raised, you nod "um how many are we expecting?" you sigh and say "I honestly have no idea, but i will buy you all lunch and all drinks will be as a business expense, so go wild, and I am sorry again" as you wander to set up your room.

Kai stands in front and says "remember although these people are prostitutes we don't know their circumstances. Plus they are our patients today, be professional. Now get to it" he is met by a chorus of "yes sir" as they scatter to set up for the hordes.

It was hell, the noise, the smell, the general atmosphere, we were getting through them quickly, I had written prescriptions for 36 patients so far not saying how many the others doctors ahd written, it seems they checked for anything sexual, but forgot general health, we even found out one was pregnant, I was banging my head on the desk.

When a knock was heard you sat up calling a "yes" Kai walked in "problem?" you ask he shook his head, "we are finally finished" you look at him and say "for today? Or completely?" he gives you a tired smile "completely" you scream yell "thank fuck, drinks on me", that was met by tired but happy cheers.

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