20 Firsts ⚠️

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Waking to a hard cock in your back and grabby hands was an eye opener, especially when you were laying on your pinky's chest, you cleared your throat and said "not that I don't appreciate the attention, but I think my man might?" a gasp and a round of apologies as you giggled.

He leaned forward and said "I am sorry, but you are hot" you smile and kiss his cheek with a "thanks" he groans then says "bathroom" getting up and running away, you smile sadly, then cuddle back into your Haru, who was awake the whole time.

He whispers "you can once" you groan and kiss him shaking your head, he holds you tight, then whispers "they could watch then? They all want you" you growl then kiss him getting up and getting dressed.

He lays there thinking she doesn't believe they want her, he gets out of bed and gets dressed, sitting together for breakfast, waiting on the food, you excused yourself, leaving you went to the restroom.

Sanzu waited until you left and said "so any ideas? He self confidence is nearly nil. She didn't believe you guys think she is hot" they all grimace and Rindou laughs "seriously? Well fuck, I thought my issue this morning would of cleared that one up?" Sanzu chuckles a little at that.

Ko says "not alot to do man, she will get it eventually. We just have to show her how beautiful she is" they all nod and agree to help your confidence. Mikey watched them and laughed then said a quiet "thank you" they smile at their Boss, coming out you blink and ask "did he do something cute? And I missed it?" they all blink and shake their heads.

Shrugging you went and sat down as your food came, you smiled a "thank you" winking the waiter put the food down and left, you hummed and ate your food happily asking "when we sorting out these rumours then? Plus do you reckon the other place will be cheap also?" Ko frowned asking "why would that place be cheap?".

Coughing you say "you know because they found the owners body in a spring?" Ran stiffened and looked at you as you smirked at him then said "it's on the news, he was found naked in the springs shot in the head with several whores. Nasty business" Takeomi frowned the gasped.

Mikey face palmed and mumbled "fucking hell really?" you chuckle and continue to eat, Takeomi then asked "how? They were my men" huffing you say "free contraceptives" they all pale when they realise you had bribed their men to stage that as revenge. Cho choked on his food, you giggle and say "don't swallow first time big guy" he coughed and glared at you.

Mikey smirks and says "talking of first times?" you glance at him and pale, as they all watch this interaction, clearing your throat you say "you know I don't remember who they were. I was high and drunk" he laughs and say "but I do" you turn green and say "since when?" he chuckles darkly.

Sanzu pats your back and says "I don't remember mine either Love, so no worries" they watch Mikey face as he looks between you two, the Ran choked and giggled, Ko groaned and the rest chuckled when Ran asked "seriously? Thats hilarious" Mikey nods.

Both frowning Haru asked "what's funny? Not knowing who it was?" they shake their heads, you frowned then jerked and looked at Mikey who smirked, you turned to Haru and scrutinised him asking "did you have white hair?" he blinked and nodded, you groaned as everyone but Haru laughed.

He was confused, then the conversation twigged he shouts "you, fucking hell, you were my first?" laying your head on the table you groan to laughter, Mikey says "how does it feel to know you are now in a relationship with the best fuck ever?" you groan and say "this is payback right? Why bring that up?" Mochi frowned and asked "but you didn't know who?".

Snickers "just because I couldn't remember who doesn't mean I don't remember the experience" Haru nods saying "the face was a haze but I got lost in that body for a while" as he winks at you, smiling you chuckle and Mikey gagged saying "yeah we had to listen for hours" the both of you smirk at him and say "want to listen again?" in sync.

He flinched and shook his head, as you both giggled madly, Ran said "they are so alike, it's creepy" Haru kisses you and the conversation was closed. Finishing breakfast you were going to try the spring up the mountain.

Going to your room you looked at the bikinis Ko had bought and hesitated, when Haru came in and sighed sadly, he browsed the selection and picked one saying "this one, you will look hot" looking up at him he smiled and winked, leaning over he says "you know your body was in my dreams? Now I get to enjoy it all the time hopefully forever. Now wear the bikini and show off what belongs to me".

Groaning you kiss him with wet lashes, he moans and kisses you back, stripping you he kisses all of your body then dresses you in the bikini, he then strips and he shows how you affect him proudly, to your smile and giggles. Wearing a robe, grabbing a towel and a bag with drinks and snacks.

Holding your hand he leads you out to meet with the guys, getting to the spring you look at the view and gasp saying "god this is gorgeous" they all smile and enjoy the view, removing the robe you quickly get in the spring, head down.

Rindou quietly says "I wish I could kill that fuck again" sighs and they all strip down and get in, grabbing your bag you bring out the drinks and snacks as you all sit in the spring enjoying the view and company.

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