12 Invasion⚠️

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A knock, jolts you both out of your haze. He shouts "yeah?" the door opens and all the guys are stood there in a state of undress, blurry from sleep, their glares made you laugh, then you cheekily ask "something wrong? Didn't you sleep enough?" growls were their response. You sit up completely naked and say with a giant smirk "so what is the problem?".

Staring at your chest, they groan and turn to leave yelling "keep it down" Mikey stays there, he is looking above your head and says "I am happy you enjoyed it, but try and keep it down" he then turns and walks away yelling "congrats". You both chuckle then Sanzu says "the fuckers didn't close the door" he turns looks at you and growls.

He pulls you in to him "they all saw you like this? Cover up next time Love" you giggle and say "they can look but not touch Haru love".


In the meeting room, they were having problems making eye contact with you you tilt your head curious asking "are you shy because you saw my breasts?, Because I will be seeing a lot more of you than that. I can assure you I won't be embarrassed" they jolt and look at you in horror you chuckle and Mikey sighs.

Mikey asks "okay we need to take out f/n, what did we decide on?" you raise you hand, he closes his eyes and sighs nodding at you "blow it up. Boom" they all flinch, Sanzu laughs crazily, Mikey head slams onto the table and he mumbles incoherently, he says muffled "okay how do you suggest we do that?" a voice says "I can't wait to hear this" you turn and wink at Rindou.

You bounce excitedly "so hear me out, molotov cocktails, and dynamite. Because once it on fire they will panic, then you throw in the dynamite. Boom" you laugh crazily imagening it, Sanzu glances at you lovingly. Mikey sits up and stares at you thinking "something like it could work?" the others all have their thinking faces on.

Ran says "so the cocktails start the fire and cause panic, then you use that to send the real damage?" they all stare at you in awe, Sanzu pick you up and sits you on his lap, giving you quick cheek kiss, you giggle. Looking around you say "I might be a tiny bit insane, but I did get the highest honours in collage" they jolt and smile sheepishly.

Kukucho says "we need something more explosive than dynamite" you scream "c4" the all furrow their brows at you shaking their heads, you pout when Takeomi says "she is not wrong, it is more explosive and can be thrown easily" you nod rapidly, giggling, then you jerk "we could always put a paralysing toxin in the cocktails".

Kokonoi says "I am so happy you are on our side. You're fucking scary" Sanzu whispers into your ear "you are so fucking sexy, I could take you here" as he pulls you onto his hard cock, tilting your head back with a smirk "maybe, I will let you sometime" you whispered back, he quietly moans.

They had finally decided what they were going to do, you were staying back incase they would need medical care, you phone and prepare the clinic, just in case.

You sit, in the clinic, when a few of the lower ranks were brought in, looking at them you ask "they didn't move fast enough huh?" the others nod, you leave the treatment to the others. Receiving a call you answers happily "hello, did it go okay? No serious injuries?" a chuckle met your questions then a reply "all finished, and it went up like a firework. I videoed it for you. Love you come home soon" you giggle and reply "will do Pinky".

Finishing at the clinic, you start to pack up when Kai rushes in to your office and slams the door closed, locking it. The clinic alarm goes off and you go into lock down. Turning to him you ask "do you know who?" he shakes his head, again you ask "how many?" he whispers about 12, you nod. Going to the intercom, you put out a broadcast

This is Dr L/n, if my staff are listening, plan c. Be careful.
To the invaders, welcome to hell.

The you turn it off and go to your safe, grabbing a kevlar vest and 2 guns with ammo, looking at Kai asking "can you use a gun?" he jerks and shakes his head you sigh hand him one and say "remove the safety, aim, stay stable, prepare for recoil and fire. Easy right" he pales but nods.

As you were preparing in the clinic, the guys got an alarm blaring from their phones looking at it Mikey and Sanzu pale and yell "holy shit the clinic went into lock down" Mikey orders "get there for back up, kill anyone who has invaded" a chorus of yes Boss and running person's.

You on the other hand were walking slowly down the corridors, checking rooms, the staff if they could would make their way to the panic room, you walk past a man on the floor, bending you check his pulse, and sigh then placed bullet in his brain. You continue, only to be met with 3 hostiles.

Chuckling you shoot first, taking a hit to the shoulder, you grunt and shoot the next, hearing a gunshot from the side you see Kai shooting the last, not a kill shot but he hit, you finish him off. Applying pressure you take Kai in to a side room and ask "can you treat this quickly Dr?" he chuckles and gives you a quick treatment so you don't bleed out.

Not finding anymore hostiles you frown and whisper "you said 12, we only found 4, there is another 8 somewhere. Any ideas?" he thinks and says "we moved to the back, maybe reception?" sighing you move to the front, when movement behind catches your eye, pulling Kai back against the wall as a bullet flies past.

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