4 Cuddles ⚠️

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Your sitting in the lounge in the early hours of the morning with the TV volume on full, staring at the scene on the screen with great concentration, Ran walks in "Y/n" you were so engrossed you didn't hear plus the volume, he taps you shoulder, you jolt pause the TV and look at him "Y/n, um sorry but can you turn that down, I am all for the death thing. But I don't want to try and sleep to explosions and screams of pain and terror" he asks politely, you stare and blink at him as what he says registered.

"Oh fuck, yeah sorry, I was enjoying the chaos, didn't realise, I have lived alone for a long time. No problem sorry, have sweet dreams" you say wave him off and go back to concentrating on the TV while turning it down.

He shakes his head and leaves, he sees you taking notes and shivers going back to bed. As you sat there someone else joined you, you felt their presence but it didn't disturb you, the scene ends and you look up, and smile at your best buddy.

He pulls you into a hug, "okay explain what she said to drive you into that state" you sigh and start talking "it was the day before her anniversary, there was a sexual assault on campus, and she said if a woman was wearing, skimpy or revealing clothes, they were asking for it. I would usually keep my cool and have a great argument for that, but it hit the triggers. I snapped picked up my chair and smashed her repeatedly until I was pulled off" he holds you tighter "was that the small incident, you told me about" you nod while cuddling him.

He turns and looks at the man who was listening, and gestures to him, then turns back to you "now how about sleep cuddles, I need a teddy bear" you chuckle and he pulls you up, carrying you bed for cuddles, he makes eye contact with the man and mouths tomorrow, the man nods watching you both walk off.

He goes into the lounge and sees your notebook he picks it up and starts reading, it has medical procedures for different wounds, caused by bombs, guns, stabbing etc, as he keeps reading he sees ways to kill and how to make it look like an accident, suicide etc. He chuckles looking through it, "very informative and interesting" he says out loud, he turns everything off and goes to bed holding your notebook.


Morning comes to early, you woke up warm in a strong embrace, you smiled and enjoyed the closeness you felt him stirring, he cuddled you closer then he woke up fully "morning, that was a great sleep" you cuddle more "morning, I have to admit, I forgot what I was missing" he snickers. "come on let's start the day, I have a gang to wipe out" you giggle and get up, grabbing some of his clothes you run to his shower.

He shakes his head, thinking about a certain man, who seems a little too interested, but what if, he thinks looking at the closed shower room. A small smile on his face he grabs clothes, and waits his turn, you come out and say "coffee, need coffee" he waves you off.

You walk down to the kitchen, heading straight for the coffee, downing your first mug, then sipped the second, turning round you found 6 pair of eyes jolting from the shock then happily waving and greeting "morning guys, what a lovely day" and move to sit in a chair "so what's with all the grumpy looks?".

They all deadpan, you looking confused Rindou answered your look "the TV last night" now you look even more confused "but I turned it down, when Ran asked. Well in that case sorry for that, I will adjust maybe" and then you smile at them.


While you were in the kitchen a knock sounded on Mikeys door, he had just finished his shower "come in" he states knowing who it was, Sanzu walks in and closes the door "I saw her leaving. Will you explain now please Boss" he sits, sighs then nods "Y/n grew up in and orphanage, she had a girl she looked to as an older sister." he stops collecting his thoughts "she was coming back from her part time job, and she was attacked and gang raped" he stops again took a breath in, Sanzu growls.

"She recovered from her injuries, but 2 months later she killed herself. Leaving Y/n a letter, saying she was sorry but all the hate, talking about how she was asking for it, because of her clothes or so everyone had told her" Sanzu fisted his hands "really? that mentality still exists, fuck" patting his back he then continued "the worst thing was the outfit they complained about was a work uniform. So she has a few triggers, like she said last night it was to close to her death anniversary, for any sense to claim her brain. Now let's join them and destroy that gang yeah" Mikey says while leaving his room.

They walk together to the kitchen, they can hear the guys whinging about the noise last night and bad dreams, they walk in as you shout "you are meant to be big, bad, criminals, and you are complaining about a little screaming. Jesus if that startles you how do you ever kill someone?" Sanzu and Mikey start laughing.

Turning to them as you refill your coffee you smile "morning", Sanzu hands you something you take it look and grin "thanks, would be lost without it" you tell him "no problem Sweetheart, quite interesting and informative. If I can help sometimes, let me know, I will enjoy experimenting with you" he says you nod happily giggling.

Mikey watches your interaction closely then gets everyone's attention "destroy g/n, I want them gone by the end of today. Send the lower ranks, but by the end of today it will be gone" he demands "yes Boss" was the chorused response.

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