8 Insane ⚠️

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The date was exceptionally good, my feelings for that man constantly grow, his little touches, making sure I am comfortable, we sat in the car going back down the road, seeing lights race up behind we both frowned and he slowed the car down, it was only a small hill, but going over would still be a problem.

The car wasn't going to stop, it then hit hit the bumper, he slowed down a bit more, as they continued to ram us from behind managing to see a partial number on the plate, you knew you were going to go down so watching the side of the road from the bends, you call out "Haru Hunny, we are going over so aim for that clear area, we are less likely to take external damage from the foliage then" he was looking calm, he glanced at you realising you were calm also, he huffed out "alright Sweetheart" he slowed down a bit more then just round the bend he saw the clear area, they hit you again, and he used the force to navigate off the side.

As the car was teatering on the edge he leaned over covering as much of you as he could, you blinked then smiled and used your arms to protect his head, you were hit again and sent over the edge, you laughed crazily, and shouted "it's like a really dangerous roller-coaster, don't you think?" he chuckled and laid a kiss on your neck just before you both jolted violently as the car hit the bottom upside down.

Knowing the landing had rattled your brains, he went to move and you said "not yet Haru, the brain needs time to reset from the jolt" he blinks at you in confusion. You look at him lovingly, "you hurt anywhere Love?" he freezes and says "nothing serious, seat belt pressure" you nod and say "okay let's move, in case the car goes up" he stares at you with so much emotion.

You unbuckle yourself and go limp as you land, crawling out of the broken front window shouting to him "out now Love, go limp as you fall from your seat" while running around to the boot, luckily it was open, you chuckle and grab the two bags, as he crawls out and joins you.

Reaching back in the front you grab your handbag, and grab a lighter out of your bag, cackling madly "grab those bags Hunny, I am blowing your car. Sorry" he grabs the bags while watching you grabbing some cloth and shoving it into the gas tank then set it alight, waiting to make sure it goes up, smiling you grab him, and start running away.

You were just past the tree line when the car exploded, the boom was followed by laughter from you both, going a bit further in, he pulls out his phone and makes a call, while you keep a look out, he holds you from behind. Watching the flames the call connects, you hear a one sided conversation "Boss we were attacked on the road, they pushed us off the cliff" he goes silent listening, you pull his arm he looks down "I got a partial plate, it's not alot but it may help" he turns his attention back to the call and says "Boss chill, we are both okay, Sweetheart got a partial plate, I will pass her on" he hands over the phone.

As soon as you bring it to your ear Mikey is ranting "Mikey stop, OK so the plate write this down blank, 3, dash, blank, 8, 8, blank, I know its not much but it might help" he sighs then asks "you are both alright though" you chuckle and answer "I think so, going to give him a physical once I am finished with you" you wink at Haru, he chuckles, you then turn back to the call "I am passing you back, as I have no idea where we are" he says "okay, stay safe luv you" you smile and reply "luv you to idiot" and hand Haru back his phone.

He continued the call explaining where you were, after he hung up, he pulled you into a loving kiss, you reciprocated, breaking the kiss he says seductively "my physical doctor" you wag your eyebrows at him, "take the shirt off Love, I want to check your chest" he chuckles. You take out a blanket from the emergency bag, plus a flash light, laying the blanket on the ground, you gesture him to sit, he takes off his jacket and shirt, then sits down, you kneels in front of him holding the flashlight, checking for any major damage.

You notice bruising, so you dig through the medic bag for contusion cream, finding it you rub it in, enjoying it. His head tilts back and he moans "be a good girl Sweetheart" you bite your lip and apologise. As he puts his shirt back on you hear voices, you grab your handbag and hand him your gun, he accepts shaking his head.

You turn off the flashlight, both of you sat on the blanket under a tree, he was sat slightly in front of you, you sat in silence, but he was holding your hand, the voices trailed off getting quieter, but you both stayed on guard, about 20mins later, you heard gunshots and yelling. You stayed seated, he stood up.

He quietly said "lay down please Love, I want you out of a bullets trajectory" you quietly chuckle and do as asked, his tension loosened slightly but still alert. A shape came walking our way, he whistled a tune which Haru replied to while crouching. They man raised his voice and said "Safe", Haru sighed and shouted back "here".

The figure came forward and you noticed it was Ran, you turned on the flashlight and packed everything back in to its bag. You stand and say "Hey Ran, you work out who it was?" he chuckles and said "yeah, you seem really calm about all of this" you walk towards him carrying one bag, the other Haru was carrying, as you came to his side you said "I will let you in on a secret Ran" he leans forward to hear it, you continued "I may be a tiny bit insane. That was a great date" he froze and you carry on walking past him.

He looks at Sanzu, who shrugged and says "as we were falling down, she said it was like a dangerous roller-coaster laughing like a loon" and he walks off aswell. Ran gulped and ran after them.

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