3 Weird

33 1 0

Everyone left and you stood and hugged Mikey, saying gently "I signed up for this don't second guess yourself now, okay. It might have nothing to do with you." you go to leave and he holds you tighter, you sigh and stay holding each other, when a knock interrupted.

"Come in" he ordered, Kokonoi walks in "I have some dress designs for you Y/n. Would you like to see if you like anything?" you smile "Yeah, let's see what you have" you turn to Mikey "Don't over think idiot" giving him a head kiss you motion for Kokonoi to lead, following up behind.

You followed to his office, you look around and say "you have luxurious taste, looks good though" he turns and says "thank you now these are a few choices I thought champagne as a colour" you look at the designs and say "do you think that one will look good on me, I am a bit on the large size, plus I would prefure black or burgandy, actually any dark colours".

He looks you up and down "you are voluptuous not large, and I can do the styles in darker colours, but can I ask why?" you smile "thank you and blood, dark colours hide blood" he stares at you horrified "does that really have a bearing on your wardrobe?" you giggle at him "I grew up with Mikey and I became a doctor, So yes, yes it does. One time I wore a pastel blue shirt and Mikey got in a fight the blood sprayed all over my top, after the 112th time I learned to buy dark colours" you ramble happily.

You feel him staring at you and you tilt you head at him "Oh shoes, I don't mind heels, but can you get them with the heels in steel, also any accessories need to be dual purpose, you know to garrote someone or stab someone. Also a bag big enough for a gun and immediate medical supplies.

He keeps staring at you then stutters out "I know why you two are friends now, you think way to much about killing" you pout and say "I added medical supplies aswell, meanie" he just glares, sighs and says "yes I will see what I can do. Do you care about the colour except dark?" you think then gasp "try and match Mikey as he is my date" he softly smiles at you and nods, "okay sweets will do" you turn and start to walk out "I am going to explore, thank you Koko" saying as you skip out the door. He watches you go shaking his head.

You wander around and you look around, realising your lost, looking at the myriad of doors, you do eeny meeny miiney mo, you knock on that door a voice tells out "come in" shrugging you open the door and see "ah Pinky, I seem to be lost, can you point me to anywhere there may be coffee?" you ask in a mumble as you watch him "are you okay? That position does not look natural or even comfortable" he looks up at you and smiles then says "nothing to worry about sweetheart, coffee you said?" you just watch him and nod "yeah coffee, not had any this morning yet".

He untangled himself, while you got to thinking and you blurt it out "I bet that would work really well during sex" then you snap your jaw shut and laugh in self mockery, his head jerks to you and he loses it, hysterically laughing, you hide your face saying "I didn't mean to say that out loud. Coffee Pinky, before I say something that I may have to kill you for".

He keeps laughing, grabs your hand and drags you to coffee, arriving finally at the kitchen you rush and grab a mug, fill it then down the hot coffee grabbing a second mug you do it again before refilling and taking small sips, all the while Sanzu had watched you in humour.

He then asks "earlier you said you may have to kill me for something you said, why me?" you look at him and smile "why not you it gets rid of any evidence of me being an idiot, rather you than me" he chuckles at your answer and nods "thanks for bringing me here, I was beginning to think I was in some sort of twighlight zone, of never ending doors".

He looks at you softly and says "no problem, but you know your a bit weird right?" you look at him offended "what do you mean a bit, I am the whole package of weird, thank you" you say and giggle after, he joins in and that's how Mikey found you both. He walks in says "I knew it, you are his type of crazy, I knew you would get on" you both look at him and shrug.


Later that day you all met in the lounge, sitting and staring into space, an arm comes round your shoulders and says "what are you thinking about sweetheart? It has all your attention" you answer thoughtlessly "if you use an upper and downer at the same time do you become bi polar" silence descends on the room,

You feel a slap on your face, you jolt out of your thoughts and ask "why did you hit me? Not nice Midget" he glares and you smile smugly "what sort of question was that?" you look at him and say "normal, for me at least, I have these kinds of questions regularly" you reply happily.

Everyone looks and shakes their head at you apart from Sanzu he laughs and says "I know random thoughts just pop up, and bam your like huh" you nod along with him. Mikey looks between you and smirks, that confused you. He smiles happily at you.

Mikey then gets serious "okay, who can tell me anything about the incident this morning?" Ran starts "so the guy is just a hired thug, he does little jobs here and there" Rindou finishes "it seems he was hired by gang/name, to hurt you"

  Mikey stares at you and says "any interaction with a gang?" you blink at him and answer "I wouldn't involve myself with a gang it could cause trouble for you" he nods and gestures them to continue Sanzu speaks next " the gang leader by the name of gang/leaders/name, put out the job" you jolt at his name "um does he have a sister?" you quietly ask they go quite and look at you, checking the notes Kakucho nods at you.

You chuckle and wince "okay, so I may have put his sister in the hospital" Sanzu laughs, Mikey sighs "why and how?" you look at him and smile brightly "okay, so I beat her with my chair, in homeroom. She said something and I was having an off day" he just glares, then an enlightened expression covers his face he says softly "okay, I will get it sorted, just relax okay" you nod and relax into Sanzu's hold, which didn't go unnoticed by the others.

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