13 Proud⚠️

20 1 0

Growling you shoot the bastard, keeping him alive, you tie him up and place him in a storage room and keep moving forward, you hear a female scream, and the insanity hits, you giggle and then laugh out loud yelling "time to play bastards".

The invaders were planning on playing with a receptionist, she screamed they laughed, then heard insane laughter and a challenge called out. The jumped "who the fuck was that" they demanded from the girl she chuckled while crying and says "our Boss, she is coming" then collapsed weeping.

The 4 invaders looked to each other one says "it's only a woman" as a gunshot sounded and he dropped lifeless eyes unseeing, the next bullet missed and a woman's voice can be heard "don't worry Hun, you will hit the next" they looked for cover and ran to the desk, only to be met with a barrage of gunfire, disabling or killing them out right.

You walk out look saying to the girl "did they hurt you Hunny?" she shakes her head sobbing, you smile and ask "can you tie the one alive up for me sugar. 3 left to get". The girl nods as you slink off to the other side of the clinic. As you round the corner, you hear a gun shot it hits the vest, you get winded but return fire and Kai hits one in the chest.

You whisper "Nice job. One definitely left and a possibility of more yes" he nods, so you continue with caution, a noise can be heard from the pharmacy, you frown tilting your head and nod to Kai, you quietly move to the counter glass and peek through, you see two men stealing drugs.

One is trying them out as he puts boxes in a sack, you Tsk and nod to Kai, silently opening the pharmacy door you both aim and shoot both men, you creep in and check, both dead you hear Kai talking softly and you follow his voice, the pharmacist is sat on the floor with a gunshot wound on his leg.

Walking over you crouch "you okay? We will have to up security in here for you, I am sorry. Kai will treat that I am going to check the rest just incase" standing up you pat his shoulder. Walking away you hear "I don't blame you Boss, thanks for coming for us, and more security would be welcome" you chuckle and walk off.

Quietly walking down the hall, you check every room, when the lock down ends, you jump hearing rushing footsteps you turn gun levelled when you hear "Sweetheart it's us" you relax and he pulls you in, you wince but ask "can you fan out and check the rest. I know 3 of my staff are not in the panic room. A girl at reception, two in the pharmacy"

They nod and fan out to explore more thoroughly. Haru holds you close, and you flinch saying "Haru love, not so tight, I have a few wounds" he growls and scans you noticing your shoulder he asks "where is the other?" you chuckle and whisper "was hit in the vest, so I will have a nice bruise tomorrow".

He exhales pulling out his phone he makes a call and hands it to you, answering you say "I am fine, yeah a shoulder wound and a bruise from a hit to the vest, one injured staff member that I know of. Got to check the panic room, uhuh. Luv you too idiot" ending the call.

Walking to the panic room with Haru, you press the code, open the door yelling "is anyone missing? I know of three plus myself" the answer came "only you four Boss, we got the patients in here to" you smile "okay, give it 20 then it will be completely safe. Well done I am proud of you all" you say as they start filing out helping the lower ranks.

They look at you and the young nurse shouts "oh no Boss you are hurt" you giggle and say "we removed the bullet, but could I ask for a proper clean please" she nods happily taking you to the nearest room, you chuckle following her.

Haru looks at the staff and smiles, then Kai, the pharmacist and the reception girl come over. Kai passes Sanzu the gun and says "I need training, it might be a good idea to give us all basic firearms training just incase" Sanzu pauses and nods saying "yeah, we can sort that" they all nod and the receptionist says "we can't always rely on the Boss" they all nod, Sanzu laughs.

The others had checked all rooms and hiding places, got the corpses and the captives, you place your vest and guns back into the safe, grab your bag and leave with Haru yelling "be safe" as you walk out.

Getting back to HQ and walking in to your home, an panicking idiot waited and hauls you in in for a rib cracking hug, you chuckle painfully but hug back and whisper "I am fine idiot. I won't die on you" sobbing chuckles was your reply.


A meeting was called once you had freshened up you were on Mikey lap, he was excessively clingy. The two men left alive were interrogated it seems they wanted the drugs, hearing that you chuckle and say "fucking idiots, I did catch two stealing drugs, but all of that for drugs" shaking your head at the stupidity.

Leaning back into his hold you wince, worried looks met your eyes, you smile and say "it's just I pulled the stitches a little, the pain killers haven't kicked in yet" they nod but still worried. You snuggle in to Mikey and you feel yourself getting sleepy and you slur out "we need to increase security on the pharmacy, and basic firearms training for any of my staff who want it. I also want a pathologist and I was thinking of opening up a dental area, so a dentist" your words trailed off and you drifted off.

Chuckles were let out as they all looked at you fondly. Mikey says "meeting finished. Dismissed" they all left except Sanzu he was looking at her and says "is it to early to make her mine fully?" Mikey twitches but replies with "only you two can answer that Sanzu. Maybe give it a bit longer though" he nods.

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